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just watched part of yao ming interview

hopefully he can step it up and have a great year. but hell at least he speaks better english than kevin garnett image


  • i happened to see a special on his interpreter on inside stuff this past weekend.

    pretty sad. the interpreter is cauasian and doesnt have a very good 'chinese' accent. also, yao ming's english is already pretty good. he just doesnt let on.... smart guy.
  • Kevin Garnett will dunk on that foreigner.image
    Culpepper to ?, only God knows at this point!
  • yao ming's english is really good considering he's only been here not even a year. hell garnett has lived here his entire life and cant even talk normal, and cant even spell his name right. it shows high schools will do anything to pass morons. nothing against garnett, he's a great basketball player, but thats it.
  • KG doesn't even need to talk. He's got "one hundred million dollars!" Muhahaha. He can just hire someone to talk for him if he wants too.image
    Culpepper to ?, only God knows at this point!
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