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What would you all do if there was no Beckett?

There was a time when the Beckett or any pricing magazine did not exist. Mainly the guides cause people to become paranoid about a cards "book value" and use it way too strictly. What would you all do if Beckett all of a sudden decided to cease operations? (Also assuming Tuff Stuff and other price guides stop printing too)

"There is a reason hidden behind everything we do in life" - Me
"We always strive toward perfection, even though we can never achieve it"
"Joy wouldn't feel so good if it weren't for Pain."


  • if beckett didnt exist the world would fall apart...the drug market would go down tremendously because the weed that they smoke while making prices would be no longer needed, and some qualified people could make up prices for once. If the drug dealers didnt have anyone to deal to anymore, theyd start crazy shooting sprees and everyones lives would be in danger. People would start leaving the country for canada or mexico, and the usa would fall apart...so really, in a sense...beckett makes the world go round...
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    References: Hakeemthedream, TRfirstpitch, Clearandvalid, Itsjustme, lilgotz, ejones06

  • << <i>What would you all do if there was no Beckett? >>

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  • lol
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  • If there wasn't a beckett, then the cards true value would finally come out.
  • AllenAllen Posts: 7,165 ✭✭✭
    I would just look on Ebay like I do now. A card is only worth what someone is willing to pay for it.
    I just use Beckett to resell the cards I buy on Ebay at shows to take buisness from the retard dealers who try to get 100% of Beckett for cards.
  • I would still trade, no matter if Beckett existed or not, we did that as kids and nobody got mad over the value of cards. We got who we liked and they got who they liked. I trade mostly for the enjoyment and get cards I want. This is one of the only hobbies you can actually trade something for something of equal value. I don't see any retail or wholesale stores take cards in trade for a tv set or playstaion 2.
    Russell Booth
  • As long as there is Ebay... wouldn't change a thing. What would happen is that people would check completed auctions and look at the highs and lows (cash value) and probably double it to get a trade value. Then again, you will have more true collectors than investors.
  • I'd sell YOU cards at a very inflated price. Because I want to sell you a card now!!!
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