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How to get sticky label residue off of slabs

I've used this many, many times. You get a can of Brasso. (Most grocery stores carry it - it's used to polish silver.)

Dip a Q-tip into the Brasso. Take the Q-tip and rub it over the sticky stuff.

Keep rubbing until all the sicky stuff is completely loosened from the slab. You don't need to wait until it dries. Rub the liquid off,
preferably with a micro-fiber cloth. You can completely clean the worst slabs in about a minute and a half.

It won't affect any holograms on the holder especially if you don't shake the can of brasso before you dip the Q-tip into it. (The abrasives
lay on the bottom of the can of Brasso until you shake it up and suspend the abrasives.)

Micro-fiber clothes can be obtained from Home Depot (and many other places) for about $5. They also work great for cleaning
fingerprints and other stuff off of slabs withou any kind of cleaner.



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