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*** Live Hoops Hot Prospects Box Break NOW ***


  • pack 1: crap

    pack 2: crap

    pack 3: crap

    pack 4: Supreme Court Jay Williams

    pack 5: Supreme Court Mike Dunleavy

  • dibs on everything
  • patches image
  • pack 6: crap

    pack 7: Supreme Court Bostjan Nachbar

    pack 8: Crap

    pack 9: Crap

    Now onto the good stuff, image

  • I need alls rc patch.LMK who you got and what you need.thanks
    I am alway looking for:

    Fleer Exclusives rc,and Hoops hot Prospects rc 02-03 and Spx 02-03


  • Pack 10: Lamar Odom Hot Materials

    Pack 11: Alonzo Mourning Hot Materials

    Pack 12: Turkoglu/ Q. Rich Class of '00 dual jsy #/375 (Turk is 2 color)

    Pack 13: Miller/Martin Hot Tandems Dual jsy #/100

    Pack 14: Caron Butler Hot Materials

    Pack 15: Casey Jacobsen Patch RC #/500 (3 color , really nice)

  • What you want for your Jacobson
    I am alway looking for:

    Fleer Exclusives rc,and Hoops hot Prospects rc 02-03 and Spx 02-03



  • << <i>Pack 15: Casey Jacobsen Patch RC #/500 (3 color , really nice) >>

    i could use that ....are you on aim?

  • i cant even find the patches in the book, any idea what its worth? regular jsy is 20

  • Interested in the Class of QRich/Turk Jersey and Jacobsen RC #/500. PLMK.
    Looking for any cards of Dan Dickau. And I can use a lot of autos.
    Please visit my page at http://groups.msn.com/JonsCardCollection or e-mail me at ss_jon@hotmail.com
  • what you got for them jon?

  • Check my site and let me know who you collect.
    Looking for any cards of Dan Dickau. And I can use a lot of autos.
    Please visit my page at http://groups.msn.com/JonsCardCollection or e-mail me at ss_jon@hotmail.com
  • sorry jon, dont need anything on your list, you got any dvds? or cash?

  • No sorry no dvd's for trade and no cash at the moment.
    Looking for any cards of Dan Dickau. And I can use a lot of autos.
    Please visit my page at http://groups.msn.com/JonsCardCollection or e-mail me at ss_jon@hotmail.com
  • Hey Big E...

    I could use the Jacobsen...Check my page and let me know...


  • is that miller/martin...reggie?
    refs:Allenimage, knicks644, kls23, nismo68, kobecollector, truballer, nodoubt64, abandcards,ahares, jccrum, dmiles89, thematrix31, heelsfan1, joebenson, amfox1, metros69, tmac21, l3ulls4us, 90 more email refs on my site ..28 ebay refs

    bad traders:
    bradely25 aka JBSportscards

  • I could use the Turkoglu/QRich and the Miller/Martin IF the Miller happens to be Andre image Click the link in my sig for a tradelist, LMK if we can make something work image
    Kobe Who? image At least Dwyane pays proper respect to Da Big Aristotle image

    Yes, I collect shiny modern crap image

    All your Shaq are belong to me image
  • hey bige, some nice pulls there im interested in ne of ur jesreys u got, lmk who ya r looking for, thanx
    my site
    CU Refs- Fuzz86, Duncangalx2, lafrentz06, playr050, ahares, battier, PunKrocKtrojaN, SpeedMaster x2, Magic1fan, Beave2, Patman2011, pugsley, lilgotz1, netfan5, gmac, felix76, nismo68, xxchamp34xx, kbryant1, dmiles89, ladude465, zbarr23, PHil2347, judgement, panthersfan, tomkat, kobecollector, ljmaya, jimjoe
  • Is this Mike Miller....i REALLY could use this....plmk

    Miller/Martin Hot Tandems Dual jsy #/100

  • << <i>Is this Mike Miller....i REALLY could use this....plmk >>

    << <i>is that miller/martin...reggie? >>

    It is Mike Miller

    << <i>hey bige, some nice pulls there im interested in ne of ur jesreys u got, lmk who ya r looking for, thanx >>

    got a trade list? any dvds?

    << <i>I could use the Turkoglu/QRich and the Miller/Martin IF the Miller happens to be Andre Click the link in my sig for a tradelist, LMK if we can make something work >>

    Ill let you know in a min

    << <i>I could use the Jacobsen...Check my page and let me know... >>

    Ill let you know in a min

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