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Looking to trade these GU for cards I need!

Will trade even up for GU/Autos/Premium RCs - trade at 5:3 ratio to all other cards I want (see want list contained on website below).

01-02 Flair NNO Abdur-Rahim - Flair Courting Greatness $15.00
01-02 Fleer Focus E.Jones - Trading Places Jersey $20.00
[01-02 Fleer Genuine NNO Maggette - Genuine Coverage Plus $10.00]
01-02 Fleer Maximum NNO G.Hill - Big Shots Jersey $20.00
01-02 Fleer Maximum NNO S.Francis - Maximum Power Jersey $30.00
01-02 Fleer Platinum NNO Abdur-Rahim - National Patch Time $15.00
[01-02 Fleer Shoebox NNO Odom - Flight School Cadet Warm Up $15.00]
01-02 Fleer Showcase NNO K.Martin - Beasts of the East Warm Up $20.00
01-02 Fleer Showcase NNO M.Miller - Beasts of the East Warm Up $20.00
[01-02 Fleer Showcase NNO E.Brand - Best of the West Warm Up $15.00]
01-02 Fleer Showcase NNO D.Miles - Best of the West Warm Up $20.00
[01-02 Fleer Showcase NNO L.Odom - Best of the West Warm Up $15.00]
01-02 Fleer Ultra NNO C.Mobley - League Leaders Game Worn #/450 $15.00
01-02 SP Authentic 127 Dalembert - Autographed Rookie #/1525 $15.00
01-02 SPx 92 Tinsley (RC) - Red Jersey/Autograph #/800 $100.00
01-02 SPx 96 J.Sasser (RC) - Red Jersey/Autograph #/800 $15.00
01-02 SPx KE K.Martin - Winning Materials Shooting Shirt/Shorts $25.00
01-02 SPx ST Stockton - Winning Materials Jersey/Practice Jersey $25.00
01-02 SPx WS Sczcerbiak - Winning Materials Jersey/Practice Jersey $20.00
01-02 Topps Pristine PP-MC M.Cleaves - Pristine Portions $10.00
01-02 Topps Pristine PP-JK J.Kidd - Pristine Portions $25.00
01-02 Topps Pristine S-TD Duncan - Slice of a Star $25.00
01-02 Tops Pristine S-MF M.Finley - Slice of a Star $15.00
01-02 Topps Pristine S-RM R.Miller - Slice of a Star $15.00
01-02 Topps TCC M.Finley - Challenging the Champ $15.00
[01-02 Topps Xpectations FF-EB Brand - Future Features Jersey $12.00]
01-02 Topps Xpectations FF-SM S.Marion - Future Features Jersey $12.00
01-02 TSC SG-DM D.Miles - Stroke of Genius Jersey $25.00
01-02 Upper Deck BR-C M.Bradley - Cool Cats Jersey $25.00
01-02 Upper Deck KM-C K.Martin - Cool Cats Jersey $25.00
01-02 Upper Deck CM C.Mobley - Game Jerseys $15.00
01-02 Upper Deck DM-CM D.Miles/Maggette - Game Jersey Combos $40.00
01-02 Upper Deck SS-AS S.Swift - NBA All-Star Authentics $15.00
(2) 01-02 Upper Deck DM-O D.Miles - UD Originals Jersey (Red/Blue) $25.00 ea.
(2) 01-02 UD Flight Team KB Kw.Brown - Flight Patterns $25.00 ea.
01-02 UD Flight Team BD B.Davis - Flight Patterns $15.00
01-02 UD Flight Team MF Fizer - Flight Patterns $12.00
01-02 UD Flight Team AL A.Harrington - Flight Patterns $12.00
01-02 UD Flight Team SH S.Marion - Flight Patterns $15.00
01-02 UD Flight Team JM J.Mashburn - Flight Patterns $15.00
01-02 UD Flight Team AJ A.Jamison - Flight Patterns Gold #/125 $45.00
01-02 UD Flight Team SA-J Abdur-Rahim - UD Jersey Jams $20.00
01-02 UD Flight Team EG-J E.Griffin - UD Jersey Jams $25.00
01-02 UD Flight Team RL-J R.Lewis - UD Jersey Jams $15.00
01-02 UD Flight Team SM-J Marbury - UD Jersey Jams $20.00
01-02 UD Hardcourt DA D.Miles - UD Game Floor $15.00
01-02 UD Hardcourt MM M.Miller - UD Game Floor $12.00
01-02 UD Hardcourt JM-F Mashburn - UD Game Floor/Film $15.00
01-02 UD MVP KBF4 Kobe - Authentic Kobe Game Floor $50.00
01-02 UD Ovation MJF4 Jordan - MJ UNC Floor $40.00 (2 creases, trade at $30.00)
[01-02 UD Ovation QR Q.Richardson - Superstar Warmups $12.00]
01-02 UD Playmakers DM-J Nowitzki - Player's Club Game Jerseys #/350 $25.00
01-02 UD Playmakers PP-J P.Pierce - Player's Club Game Jerseys #/350 $15.00
01-02 UD Playmakers AK-S Kirilenko - Shooting Shirt #/350 $25.00
01-02 UD Playmakers DM-S D.Mason - Shooting Shirt #/350 $12.00
01-02 UD Playmakers JT-S J.Tinsley - Shooting Shirt #/350 $20.00
01-02 UD Playmakers RY-W R.Allen - Warm Up #/350 $15.00
01-02 UD Playmakers AH-W A.Houston - Warm Up Gold #/250 $15.00
[01-02 UD Pros and Pros. CO Maggette – Game Jerseys $20.00 ]
01-02 UD Pros and Pros. SS S.Swift – Game Jerseys $10.00
01-02 UD Pros and Pros. SS-A S.Swift – Game Jerseys Autograph $50.00
01-02 UD Sweet Shot SF-F Francis - Hot Spot Floor $20.00
01-02 UD Sweet Shot JK-F J.Kidd - Hot Spot Floor $20.00
01-02 UD Sweet Shot JJ-S J.Johnson (RC) - Signature Shot $60.00


Basketball set collector first, then cards of Pierce, Ked.Brown, 98-99/99-00 RCs and Boston GU/autos.

Website: http://hometown.aol.com/amfox1/myhomepage/collection.html

Trades completed with 42+ CU/TR members (listed on website)


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