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Variety Question

tradedollarnuttradedollarnut Posts: 20,162 ✭✭✭✭✭
Hi David: I know Keoj is just dying to see this question, so I thought I'd post it for him:

In the Registry sets that have no variety set available, why cannot a variety count as an example of a regular coin? For example, it is not possible to list an 1876-CC Double Die Reverse as an 1876-CC in the trade dollar set, even tho to most collectors this would be a perfectly fine example of that date?


  • homerunhallhomerunhall Posts: 2,496 ✭✭✭
    Hi Bruce...

    This is actually a somewhat complex programming issue. The right way to do it would be for any coin of a particular date and mint to be acceptable in the basic set. We'll fix it sooner or later...David
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