Good Luck Man! I remember starting my first varsity game as a freshman. It was nerve racking..Good luck and if you are on the bench...sit next to the coach not in the middle, you'll get in faster if the coach looks at your face for every But Good Luck man!
congrats and good luck...played varsity soccer freshman year...would have started which scared the crap out of me...the back up dislocated his finger and the starter originally was going to play football...thank god he came back THE DAY the back up dislocated his finger or my team would have had a pleasant season with me in the goal...
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Good Luck Man! I remember starting my first varsity game as a freshman. It was nerve racking..Good luck and if you are on the bench...sit next to the coach not in the middle, you'll get in faster if the coach looks at your face for every But Good Luck man!
References: Hakeemthedream, TRfirstpitch, Clearandvalid, Itsjustme, lilgotz, ejones06
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Looking for ALL Autos of Qyntel Woods, even multiples.
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