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Selig discusses reinstating Rose..opinions?

Seling meets with Pete Rose. Is this a good idea? Should Rose be reinstated? And is this just one last attempt by Selig to save a floundering game?

Sweet Jesus that dude smells bad!


  • More like Selig trying to save face

    Rose is a criminal...admittedly bet on baseball (and his own team by some accounts) in direct violation of league rules...even a green rookie knows better

    Before they even consider reinstating Rose the selaed files should be released for public knowledge
    Taylor28jag,mikefromchester ,sjrpipm,Mars2001,naturlbrntrder,Hitechkoolaid
    Dallas822 ,KFC,Bjork73,joestalin,dirtmonkey,Bobstar,Euphoria18,Injun01,Dewey
  • This is real simple.You don't keep one of the games best players ever out of its HOF! There are people in the HOF that have done alot worse than gamble.He has been punished long enough.Just do the right thing & let him in there ASAP! This move will brighten the HOF!
    Forget about making any records public.It's all been hashed & rehashed.The facts just don't matter anymore.Just put him in!
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  • Pete should be reinstated and on the first ballet to the HOF. Just my opinion. BUD, "make it happen"
    referances on my web site - Thanks


  • I say put Pete in. He deserves to be there. And while they're at it put Shoeless Joe Jackson in to.
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  • Now if I am not mistaken, he bet on baseball when he was a manager correct, not when he was a player? I think that could be the whole issue here. If he bet while he was a manager then you dont put him in as a manager, you put him in as a player. Personally, I say you put him in the HOF because of his accomplishments but still ban him from the game for betting. His accomplishments should be in the HOF, but until he admits he bet on baseball I dont think you actually reinstate him.
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  • Selig's trying to save his own ass.
  • Beyond putting him in the hall, what would reinstating him mean? Is his all time hit record not recognized by MLB right now?

    Sweet Jesus that dude smells bad!
  • joestalinjoestalin Posts: 12,473 ✭✭
    Rose not only fouled the game of baseball, but he was a grade A jerk for the many
    years he was out of baseball. If Rose goes in, we are teaching our kids that
    lying, cheating, and stealing are ok. It wasn't right back in the early 90's what
    makes it ok now?? He crapped on his team and the fans and now he is going
    to get his way! I can't believe there are people here that want to defend this guy.
    Its too bad that Rose is now playing to the people who were too young to remember
    what he did. If you are innoncent, then you come out and say that, if you don't then
    you are guilty!

  • Stick to football hitler....
  • They are plenty of jerks that are in the hall of fame. It's whether or not you can hit the ball, not whether or not you can be a spokeperson for charities and kiss people's babies, etc. BTW Bux sux.
  • I don't quite understand why bradley called joestalin Hitler. I'm seriously not making fun of you or anything, I just didn't get it.

    Sweet Jesus that dude smells bad!
  • Pete was yes one of the greatest players to paly the game, he should be in the HOF...Not only that, he gave 100% effort all the time.....Example: Plowing over catcher in all-star game because of his desire to win!! The guy should have been in much sooner...He not only bet baseball but bet horse racing too....Michael Jordan gambled on everything you can think of, lets keep him out of the Basketball HOF, sound good? Not really, but there doing the exact same thing to Pete!! Just my 2 cents...
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  • joestalinjoestalin Posts: 12,473 ✭✭
    You all are blind to this.


    That has nothing to do with someone else betting on a game they wer playing or MJ
    betting on the ponies. The guy bet against his own team while he was making the
    decisions for that team! If that isn't treating baseball like your own manipulative
    tool I don't know what it.

    Pacman/Bradley...why don't you stay away from discussions you are WAY to young to understand,
    you will only make yourself look like more of a moron than you already are! Thanks

    I don't mind people defending Rose, but when you say something stupid like
    "it is just about the numbers" than you make yourself look stupid! This isn't about
    just anyone betting or gambling, this is about Rose, thinking that he was so
    big, that he could use the game of baseball to make himself some money. He was
    lucky he didn't go the real big house for what he did! Lifetime ban is too good
    for what he did!

  • I'm 26 and I think I have heard his name once or twice...
  • well...let me ask you this...basketball players who shave points are never given the opportunity to play in the NBA...should that be changed as well???

    If Pete bet on baseball ( and it has been reported that he bet on his own team) while he was managing...then wouldn't that equate to the same thing...and don't be so lame as to say he wouldn't change the outcome of the game...by his own admission he was a gambling addict.

    Pete agreed to the ban if his files were sealed by MLB...There must be some very serious findings in that report for him to agree to such a deal.

    My opinion will never change...he is a criminal and should be treated as such
    Taylor28jag,mikefromchester ,sjrpipm,Mars2001,naturlbrntrder,Hitechkoolaid
    Dallas822 ,KFC,Bjork73,joestalin,dirtmonkey,Bobstar,Euphoria18,Injun01,Dewey
  • Bobstar said it best!!!

    If you exclude Rose from the HOF, you have to exclude players like Mantle and Ruth for being DRUNKS and Ty Cobb for playing dirty and trying to hurt other players!!

    You can't ban one guy for something he did wrong and let others in that have done wrong too. It's that simple. He bet on his sport and own team, SO WHAT!!
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  • Yes, he's a criminal, but one of the best players of his game!

    If Michael Jordan went and killed his wife, would it be fair if he never made it to the HOF? NO!!!
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  • spacktrackspacktrack Posts: 1,084 ✭✭

    << <i>Pete should be reinstated and on the first ballet to the HOF. Just my opinion. BUD, "make it happen" >>

    I hope they don't make Rose do ballet. Maybe he should be on the first ballot, but he definitely should not do ballet.

    As for the issue of reinstatement, I believe this would allow Rose to join a Major League team or work in baseball again. As part of his ban, all future positions were barred. For the All Century Team, a special exception was made for him to attend. I don't think Selig allowed Rose to Cincinnati to commemorate the Reds WS Championship anniversary. I believe these were the occassions, but I may have switched them. Actually, now that I think of it, I believe he was prohibited from attending the Reds event and a picture was taken of a player placing a red rose on one of the bases in his honor.

  • See, this is what I mean. Can't you put him in the HOF but not reinstate him? Putting his face on a plaque with his career accomplishments does not mean you have to allow him to be a manager or whatever. I say still ban him from the game, but still give him his plaque in the HOF like he deserves.
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  • Ban my man Ted Williams for spitting on fans. Nowadays that's assault and battery with a lethal weapon.
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