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Anyone seen Heelsfan1 lately or have an e-mail address??


Sent my end of a trade before Thanksgiving and have not received his end yet....also he has not logged on since.....anybody heard from him? Thanks for the help.



  • I remember hearing his rep was shakey, but this was months ago.
  • He was on AIM 5 mins ago as Heelsfan1 and when I asked him if he wanted my football signing bonuses he said, "what are signing bonuses?"
  • Chad,

    Hmmm....I traded with him before with no problems. I am not saying he ripped me or anything yet....just have not heard from him and it's been 2 weeks. Anybody else owed or have any problems in the past?

  • Ken, No problem, he was asking about my Aaron bat card. Next thing I knew he was just gone. I put up two posts asking about him to.
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