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Recieved from Bradley today...

Got my stuff back, plus some extras, a little dissappointed I didn't get what we agreed on, but whatever.


  • glad you received, I wish the original package had gotten to you, but what can I do? Hope the extras made up for it.



  • << <i>I wish the original package had gotten to you, but what can I do? >>

    Put the package in the box at the end of your driveway and put the little red flag up maybe?
  • Actually, I went to the PO, you retard....and you wonder why no one likes your dumbass...

  • << <i>Actually, I went to the PO, you retard....and you wonder why no one likes your dumbass... >>

    Hmmm, I send people their cards, you don't. Now which one of us would they like?
  • LOL pacman, yeah we all know he never mailed anything the first time.

    Sweet Jesus that dude smells bad!
  • how about this, you both can blow me.


    Pacman, your the biggest liar and thief here, first Vittle, then Quik, you're an a$$h0le

    kingcobra, you're just an a$$h0le
  • I have not received cards from vittle or quik, yet they have. Usually the ripper ends up with the cards, not the other way around.
  • pacman, bradley comes from a virewpoint where it's ok to scam people, come back impersonating your wife to dodge them, and then act like everything's ok. He's a joke, don't even try to argue with him, it makes your brain hurt trust me image

    Sweet Jesus that dude smells bad!
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