Where are all the Eagles haters now???

When McNabb got injured, all I heard was how they weren't going to have any shot at having success in the playoffs and some even said they wouldn't make the playoffs. Well, we're 3-0 without Donovan with a blowout of San Francisco and a shut down of the Rams offense. As for us having a cupcake schedule, that's partially true but we beat your bucs joestalin. That game wasn't even close, we all saw who had the better defense that day. You better hope you don't have to play us in the first round again, because we'd show you who the real class of the NFC is.
Alan Bierlein
Refs: epag64, ahares, beave, airjordan22, skivermont3, bigshane, KLS23, Chillinbij, dewey, yanksfan, woodson24kg, danmarinocollector, NBAsteve, ejones06, clearandvalid, JRCCRUM, rooks, koolman2005, Lway7Fan, Bobstar, vittleboy, beasport, burress80, johnsauc, danotoriuos, goyanks01, whitetornado, richpf32
Refs: epag64, ahares, beave, airjordan22, skivermont3, bigshane, KLS23, Chillinbij, dewey, yanksfan, woodson24kg, danmarinocollector, NBAsteve, ejones06, clearandvalid, JRCCRUM, rooks, koolman2005, Lway7Fan, Bobstar, vittleboy, beasport, burress80, johnsauc, danotoriuos, goyanks01, whitetornado, richpf32
You are right you played a bunch of cupcakes and there are no cupcakes in the playoffs!!
even if you guys manage to stumble into the playoffs you will choke like you did last year.
The Greatest Players in the History of Pro Football
Hhhmmm...who made it to the NFC finals last year...Could it be???????
The Eagles
While the Bucs were doing what?????????
Sitting on their a** watching
and what was the final score of the NFC wild card game PHILADELPHIA 31, Tampa Bay 9
nuff said
Taylor28jag,mikefromchester ,sjrpipm,Mars2001,naturlbrntrder,Hitechkoolaid
Dallas822 ,KFC,Bjork73,joestalin,dirtmonkey,Bobstar,Euphoria18,Injun01,Dewey
we still have played better teams than the bucs and pac so far this year
Wow, sure couldn't have found that out by watching the Bucs play in the 1st round the last two years.
Refs: epag64, ahares, beave, airjordan22, skivermont3, bigshane, KLS23, Chillinbij, dewey, yanksfan, woodson24kg, danmarinocollector, NBAsteve, ejones06, clearandvalid, JRCCRUM, rooks, koolman2005, Lway7Fan, Bobstar, vittleboy, beasport, burress80, johnsauc, danotoriuos, goyanks01, whitetornado, richpf32