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We just added a third person to our bad trader list at SCS. He was banned the other day. His name is Justin/Jeff Austin and uses the usernames Ichiro51 and 51suzuki. Here is a link to our bad trader forum:

SCS Bad Trader Forum

You do not need to sign up at SCS to see the forum and the threads with the users' details, but in order to see the threads about them with all the extra information (what they did wrong) you need to sign up. In the near future you should be able to view those threads for the extra info without signing up too. Please check it out!
Kyle Cozzens


  • LMAO, and you guys denied that people had signed up with multiple usernames.
  • kr580kr580 Posts: 4,420 ✭✭

    << <i>Comments:
    This is the kind of trader we do not want here at SCS. He is a lier, cheater, and thief. >>

    liar* smart one
  • and how do you know he's a bad trader? Did you email him to get his side of the story. Maybe he has proof with tracking that he sent, you never know unless you ask his side. Anyways, I'm not defending this guy in particular. Same thing happened to me on the TR bad trader list, somehow I'm on there for a trade that happened a long time ago and I'm just now aware of this TR site. The whole point is they never asked me my side of the story, and on that deal I could've proved I did my part of the deal because I had tracking. In that case that guy ripped me off! Then he went around claiming I was a bad trader to make his name still look good so he could go around and do it again to someone else. Just plain sickening to me. And yes, I hope all you TR followers are reading this! I don't belong on that list. I've never scammed anyone in my life and never will.

    "There is a reason hidden behind everything we do in life" - Me
    "We always strive toward perfection, even though we can never achieve it"
    "Joy wouldn't feel so good if it weren't for Pain."

  • << <i>

    << <i>Comments:
    This is the kind of trader we do not want here at SCS. He is a lier, cheater, and thief. >>

    liar* smart one >>

    lol sorry...staying up late night after night is starting to get to me.

    << <i>and how do you know he's a bad trader? Did you email him to get his side of the story. Maybe he has proof with tracking that he sent, you never know unless you ask his side. Anyways, I'm not defending this guy in particular. Same thing happened to me on the TR bad trader list, somehow I'm on there for a trade that happened a long time ago and I'm just now aware of this TR site. The whole point is they never asked me my side of the story, and on that deal I could've proved I did my part of the deal because I had tracking. In that case that guy ripped me off! Then he went around claiming I was a bad trader to make his name still look good so he could go around and do it again to someone else. Just plain sickening to me. And yes, I hope all you TR followers are reading this! I don't belong on that list. I've never scammed anyone in my life and never will. >>

    That is what is in the link in his thread at the SCS Bad Trader Forum. You need to sign up to see it for now, but it won't be like that for long. I will tell you here though.

    We know b/c we did a deep investigation. We checked IP's (they were the same), noticed flaws in his posts (Ichiro51 answered for a question to 51suzuki) and he finally admitted to having two usernames on the Topps.com message board. This was after he said that 51suzuki was a kid that he only knew because they rode the same bus. That is just the multiple username part, which doesn't mean he is a bad trader, but is kind of suspicious. I will also point out here that he has several good feedbacks at SCS. Now here's where he is a bad trader. We first noticed him when 51suzuki started an auction. Some people bid, then Ichiro51, then some more people, then Ichiro51 and then another person. Then Ichiro51 retracted his bid saying he just traded for the card (even though that card had been on his tradelist). Then 51suzuki posted his address. Ichiro51 then posted saying that it was his address and that 51suzuki better give a good explanation b/c he is getting mad (this was probably to cover up the flaw in his post). Thats how he is a cheater. He shill bid on his auction. He is a liar and thief b/c he tried to get CBG that he didn't earn. For those of you who don't know what CBG is, it is CardBoardGold. They are reward points for doing various things. One of which was referring people. All you had to do was post in a thread who you referred and we gave 100CBG (we did away with this and are getting a new system because of this). He lied once a while back and we punished him by taking all his CBG away. Then when we started looking into this we found that he had lied about a few more people. Would you consider this a good trader? Someone who lies,steals, and cheats? Isn't a good trader supposed to be honest and not try to cheat others?
    Kyle Cozzens
  • If your plan is to discredit and ban everyone who has ever shill bid on one of their own auctions, your site and this one are going to have about 5 members total.

    Sweet Jesus that dude smells bad!
  • well that certainly seems like a good investigation. I only wish the people at TR did the same sort of thing. There are other sites I'm sure. It's only fair to look into it and let the other person give an explanation before posting their name as a bad trader.

    "There is a reason hidden behind everything we do in life" - Me
    "We always strive toward perfection, even though we can never achieve it"
    "Joy wouldn't feel so good if it weren't for Pain."
  • I don't know about you KingCobra, but I don't shill bid on my auctions. I see no need in doing that at all, besides the fact it's against the auction rules. Why not start the auction at the lowest acceptable price to you? Then you wouldn't be tempted to shill bid to get it up.

    "There is a reason hidden behind everything we do in life" - Me
    "We always strive toward perfection, even though we can never achieve it"
    "Joy wouldn't feel so good if it weren't for Pain."

  • << <i>well that certainly seems like a good investigation. I only wish the people at TR did the same sort of thing. There are other sites I'm sure. It's only fair to look into it and let the other person give an explanation before posting their name as a bad trader. >>

    Yes it was a very thorough investigation. We do not want to post someone as a bad trader unless we are abosolutely sure. And in this case it was very easy to prove.
    Kyle Cozzens
  • TGary, I wouldn't give anyone from TR that much credit of think they will do any investigating .They only listen to one side of the story then post people as Bad Traders........

    If they do tell you someone is taking care of it Hold Your Breath and see what happens first You passing out or you name being removed from the Bad Traders Page !!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL

    I had something like that happen to me and it was total BS!!!!!!!!

    So don't think Eric will ever email you and ask you what has happened he will just say Don't Shoot The Messenger and Take It Up With The Person That Made The Claim Against You.....And that's a Quote

    I still have it saved just because it pissed me off so bad !!!!!!!!!!
    Ref's many

    Looking for Marino, Ripken Auto's,Gu & Rc's

  • Thats why we do let people post their problems in a public forum. That way we can hear all sides of the story and any other bad experiences with the user. The overall decision on whether they are a bad trader is from me and and a few other guys, after we do an investigation, get as much info as possible, and have conversations with both sides.
    Kyle Cozzens
  • Sounds like TR has the same policy as ebay...no matter how unfair or absurd the claim against you is, just refuse to do anythign and keep telling people to work it out between themselves.

    Sweet Jesus that dude smells bad!
  • Hard to be called the best trade site on the net then isn't ???????????

    If it wasn't for someone that has anothing site I'm not sure it would have ever come to an end .............

    Ref's many

    Looking for Marino, Ripken Auto's,Gu & Rc's

  • I'm off to bed...keep this at the top for me. Thanks.
    Kyle Cozzens
  • ttt
    Kyle Cozzens
  • One last time...ttt
    Kyle Cozzens
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