What do you think about AU60 AU61 AU62 AU63 AU64 AU65 and AU66?
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Since both PCGS and NGC use market grading to assign a grade to a coin, I see more and more sliders are in MS holders, as high as MS66 with a rub
What do you think about AU-6x grades? I know these grades are not defined in ANA grading standards. Does PCGS/NGC use/care ANA grading standards?
I believe with AU-6x, a coin is not technical mint state could have a better representative (I mean its value and its state). A good example is that if the knee of the liberty of a standing liberty quarter is not round, it should not be called MS. What's your take? Definitely, there is no AU-70 coin
Maybe PCGS would like this idea since tons of nice AU-58 coins will be re-submitted for re-grading
an SLQ and Ike dollars lover
I thought that AU-58 was supposed to take care of this problem. Possibly I could see an AU-59 to denote the superlative AU coins but then again, AU-58 should have been reseerved for that as well.
The other possibility is the establishing of a PQ adjective to the AU grades to give it a Premium market analysis qualifier, whatever that means.
cumbersome and confusing.