e-VICK-ted Part II

Did someone say the Bucs had a paper thin defense??? Are you ready to
eat those words?? We are the best team in football and just ate the best
QB in football for lunch!! I hope you all sold your Vick cards before the
game because now they are worth less!!
BUCS RULE!!!!!!!!
eat those words?? We are the best team in football and just ate the best
QB in football for lunch!! I hope you all sold your Vick cards before the
game because now they are worth less!!
BUCS RULE!!!!!!!!
seen that run against the phantom Defense of Mini-sota on every sports show! BUCS
*Even in Canada LOL
S. Rice = Defensive Player of the Year!!
rule them all. I want to know where are all the doubters now? Where
are the Steeler fans?? Where are the Niner fan?? Where is that pathetic
Bills fan??
OK we all know that men play in the NFC and women in the AFC, but where
is Fish fan??? Are they getting ready for a huge monday night game??
Come on, where is the smack?? Isn't anyone excited about their team and the
playoff run or are you all just ready to lay down and give the rings to the Bucs??
Philly....Your soft schedule will bite you in the a** when you lose your last
game of the season to the Giants and then make an early exit in the
Puckers....Yeah you still own the Bears, but guess what they aint in it and
Favre is too old and he can't win on the road!
Raiders.....NO D NO D. Someone is going to pop Gannon and then what?? Can
Rice QB??
AFC East.....9-7 will win the division...how sad...Indy and Dungy...you are
Steelers....Maddux is the man, no Kordell is the man, no Maddux is the man, no.....
I got news for you all...THEY BOTH SUCK!
Niners.....will you even make the playoffs?? You only had to look at Pittsburgh
to see that fruity QB's can't win rings!!
Bring it on!
Lets see here, 11 AFC teams above .500, 7 NFC teams above .500.
Playoffs are basically rapped up in the NFC, Giants need a prayer to get in while in the AFC all 11 teams above .500 are in the hunt.
Oh, and lets look at Tampa's schedule.
Saints 9-4
@Ravens 6-7
Rams 5-8
@Bunguls 1-12
@Falcons 8-4-1
Browns 7-6
@Eagles 10-3
@Panthers 5-8
Vikings 3-10
Panthers 5-8
Packers 10-3
@Saints 9-4
Falcons 8-4-1
@Lions 3-10
Steelers 7-5-1
@Bears 3-9
Total record at this moment of opposing teams: 99-105-1, .485%
Now, the Broncos:
Rams 5-8
@49ers 9-4
Bills 6-7
@Ravens 6-7
Chargers 8-5
Dolphins 7-5
@Chiefs 7-6
@Patriots 8-5
Raiders 9-4
@Seahawks 4-9
Colts 8-5
@Chargers 8-5
@Jets 7-6
Chiefs 7-6
@Raiders 9-4
Cardinals 5-8
Combined record: 113-94, .545%
Don't start talking until you face a real schedule for cryin out loud.
AFC is the real deal conference thats the most competitive, but I bet the Super Bowl winner will be either the Raiders, Packers, Eagles or Bucs.
Whats funny is how Broncos go 8-8 last year, yet they get stuck with this schedule while the Bucs made the playoffs and get a fairly weak schedule, and the Eagles schedule is even weaker. Every year this happens with the Broncos, which is totally bs. All I gotta say is have fun next year when the Bucs play the AFC East, West, or South, and all you Bucs fans will realize how tough the AFC really is.
AFC is filled with a bunch of .500 teams! They are all mediocre including Denver
and your drunk QB. What do you think TD is going to come back from the
grave and win it again?? LOL You are done and your confrence is weak! The
last time I checked I didn't see any 10-3 teams in the AFC! Man Ive never
seen so many chokers in one division as the AFC West! They are all pretenders!
The NFC is where the real men are. GO BUCS
PS Was that smack??
except for maybe 2
and as for the bills fan thing, im a bills fan, but i believe u mean rooks, i know pats have buff's number this year
Looking for ALL Autos of Qyntel Woods, even multiples.
Looking for ALL Autos of Lamar Odom
hey stalin we didnt hear you last week ranting on and posting like this after the Bucs got beat by the saints
its not bad that they couldnt contain the run last week was it???
only like to preach to us all when your team wins???
Well 1 loss is all it takes to be gone from the playoffs..........but you already know that being a bucs fan
and all, when have they made it past the first round??
Can we say CHOKE
refs:jeffo81,baird,Romeo,co1lector,Euphoria18,Cardnyou and many more just ask
Oh, and here are some real stats:
AFC vs. NFC record this year:
AFC leads with a 26-21 record.
A lot of good teams in the AFC that hamper each others records, while the NFC is just a joke with the weak teams. 6 of the Bucs wins have come against teams with losing records, and it could've been 7 if the Browns lost today.
I'm a Bronco fan, and I'm admitting that the Broncos playoff chances are very, very slim right now. And also, in 4 of the 6 losses, the Broncos lost by a combined score of 14, their record can easily be 11-2. Next year, with a line that can actually block and a pass rush that is actually effective, Broncos might be able to be very good. The Raiders had a similar year and then next year they hit it off. You see, I'm not too worried about winning now, because the Broncos have a good core of young players. They will be in the hunt for years to come, unlike the Raiders and the Bucs may be hindered soon. It really depends on what team stays the healthiest all year, which the Broncos have yet to do.
AT the saints when it was a close game. That game is a Bucs victory in Tampa. We
will have home feild in the playoffs or at least a better record than the Aints and
you can bet that Tupa won't be our QB either!
You can guarentee it that if we meet the Saints in the playoffs Duece will go down!
Heck Brooks is out right now, what are you going to do??? Your back up is so
pitiful he doesn't even have a football card!
Dominating teams have dominating records no matter who they play. 10-3 through
14 weeks is dominating. 3 teams have those records and they are all in the NFC
The AFC is weak and eveyone knows it!
I guess no one is commenting on how we handled Vick anymore..huh?? Sooner
or later we will have dominated everything and you all will have nothing to talk
happen now that we have an offense?? Cold or not, we are a different team than
last year with a coach that has a pair. If I was Philly fan, I would be very very
wanna talk like you know what you are talking about??
aren't even in a BCS game! the Bucs have played the Rams now 4 straight years AND have
played in the black and blue divison. It isn't their fault that some teams that were supposed to
be good arn't! Heck we play in the hardest divison in football and we still had to play (2) 10
win teams on top of that!!! Denver is playing a bunch of average teams. How many 10-3
teams have you played??? NONE
Im not sure why you think beating a bunch of 5-5 teams is any better than beating 3-7 teams,
you have to win the ones you are supposed to, and your drunk QB and the the rest of the
clowns haven't!
Come playoff time, beating the losing teams means nothing! You gotta beat the best
to win it all!
The NFC is where it is at! You know it and I know it!