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How did I do on this tmac auto?

"You tell me; I hear , you teach me; I listen, you show me; I learn" -- ???

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  • UndertakerUndertaker Posts: 5,200 ✭✭
    LOL image

    it's pretty funny when you check the bidding history image

    Bidding History (Highest bids first)
    User ID Bid Amount Date of Bid
    lec9920012000(3) $89.00 Nov-29-02 19:42:56 PST
    lec9920012000(3) $88.00 Nov-29-02 19:42:13 PST
    sanmtw(34) $88.00 Nov-29-02 19:43:36 PST
    sanmtw(34) $86.00 Nov-29-02 19:43:27 PST
    sanmtw(34) $83.00 Nov-29-02 19:35:41 PST
    v_carter15(54) $82.50 Nov-29-02 18:27:17 PST
    shchlin621016(117) $80.00 Nov-29-02 18:22:31 PST
    v_carter15(54) $79.00 Nov-29-02 18:25:37 PST
    mj23.kb8(68) $75.99 Nov-29-02 10:37:59 PST
    kbloverboy(1) $65.00 Nov-26-02 07:28:49 PST
    km6kevin(108) $65.00 Nov-29-02 02:35:02 PST
    km6kevin(108) $60.00 Nov-29-02 02:34:52 PST
    km6kevin(108) $58.00 Nov-29-02 02:34:42 PST
    gordonsun1@yahoo.com(168) $56.00 Nov-27-02 21:44:05 PST
    lec9920012000(3) $54.00 Nov-27-02 06:26:39 PST
    lec9920012000(3) $52.00 Nov-27-02 06:26:08 PST
    sanmtw(34) $50.00 Nov-26-02 01:01:29 PST
    jer0325(167) $50.00 Nov-26-02 04:00:24 PST
    raygz0930(34) $48.00 Nov-26-02 03:17:55 PST
    sportspage11(300) $45.51 Nov-25-02 23:40:38 PST
    washihuang(309) $44.00 Nov-26-02 00:22:27 PST
    washihuang(309) $41.00 Nov-25-02 11:08:34 PST
    sanmtw(34) $40.00 Nov-24-02 05:58:03 PST
    s-aoao(101) $33.58 Nov-23-02 01:27:56 PST
    keviniverson(65) $32.00 Nov-23-02 04:17:44 PST
    lec9920012000(3) $30.00 Nov-23-02 03:29:29 PST
    lec9920012000(3) $28.00 Nov-23-02 03:29:06 PST
    jiarong(21) $26.00 Nov-22-02 22:53:21 PST

    Remember that earlier bids of the same amount take precedence.
  • I think I did pretty good considering I didn't even bid and the real one went for $90.. lol
    "You tell me; I hear , you teach me; I listen, you show me; I learn" -- ???

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  • whats going on
  • UndertakerUndertaker Posts: 5,200 ✭✭
    hehehe this is funny stuff
  • image
    Austin Waltz - ACK ACK ©
    I'm back - you better believe it
  • I just won a tmac auto for $6!!!
    "You tell me; I hear , you teach me; I listen, you show me; I learn" -- ???

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  • why does it say $89, and then $6.35?? I don't get it, also I bidded on a 4 color Gary Payton last night, you outbidded me thoughimage
    Looking for all Tracy McGrady Cards, even base.
    Looking for ALL Autos of Qyntel Woods, even multiples.
    Looking for ALL Autos of Lamar Odom

    image#1 Qyntel Woods Collectorimage
  • Most likely shill bidding. The bogus bids are to up the price and they do not want to win their own card! Watch these eBay usernames for future "involvement"...image
    http://sportscardsheriff.com has over 8900 members and over 35,000 documented trades. Check it out if you have not already.
  • THIS IS NOT A REAL EBAY PAGE -- Look closely at the URL.. its this guy's own site and he just left a few holes in his plan to make us think he won that for 6 bucks

    geez... it's really easy to spot

    "There is a reason hidden behind everything we do in life" - Me
    "We always strive toward perfection, even though we can never achieve it"
    "Joy wouldn't feel so good if it weren't for Pain."
  • Tgray is correct, and let me add that this was a sorry attempt, and he has entirely too much free time.
  • lol... it was a joke, all I did was copy the HTML source, modify it in dreamweaver, and upload it to my ftp server. Takes like 2 minutes.
    "You tell me; I hear , you teach me; I listen, you show me; I learn" -- ???

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  • LOL the jokes on me...image
    http://sportscardsheriff.com has over 8900 members and over 35,000 documented trades. Check it out if you have not already.
  • Pretty nice work, if you actually changed the bidding history page to go to a fake bidder page you could have pulled it off for sure. Or got ebay.htm up in the title somehow.
  • bkbexchange(73) is the winner.

    lec9920012000, please pay online through PayPal or see item description for payment methods accepted.
  • Yeah, I think I could have pulled it off, but I didn't want to take a while to do it. Only took like 2 minutes.
    "You tell me; I hear , you teach me; I listen, you show me; I learn" -- ???

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