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LMAO now bradley thinks I'm uwftke26

Let's see....first you thought I was Sodomojo....then cpandeaz...now uwftke26?

Bradley, I realise you're just one step above primate, but get it through your thick skull: I'm a new member. I know it's hard to believe in your little world that new people do come here, but we do. And (apparently) just like the old members, we don't like you.

Sweet Jesus that dude smells bad!


  • But you are Ryan...just admit it. I already know this is fact.
  • you have two choices....you can either

    1.) Admit you're Ryan, and lose a little face

    2.) Keep lying to everyone and continue to make an enormous ass of yourself...

    choice is yours...
  • LMAO, it is funny, seeing I'm Ryan. I thought you would have figured that out by now Bradley. Didn't you notice when I took this name over?
  • not going to work Ryan.. . Real hard to open up a second IE explorer and be logged in twice at the same time
  • 8kobe8kobe Posts: 1,159
    bradley did you buy that card yet? lmk when you send thanks
    Interested in Kobe Bryant, Game Used, Rare Inserts, Rookies, and Autos.
    References: Derrick(3),Teletubbie, MT Grinch, Kenny21, Awaltz, 2323, sypako, hondo, CoryZbinden(2)biggjc, boopopo2, Cardnyou, nismo68, Speedmaster, Baljit and more

    Owner of the longest actual word in the "One word Post"
  • Although i hate him, I dont think its him cuz he doesnt say ignorent in every damn sentence.
  • it's him...trust me.
  • aight, they both try to insult me but horribly fail so i guess they probably are.
  • "Trust me"

    Judging from his trading record, now that is a scary thing to hear from bradley. By the way moron, care to enlughten us what "facts" have made you feel so sure? I'm happy to call you out on this because a? you're wrong and b) you're just the kind of idiot that would keep throwing guesses out there, not caring how ignorant it makes you look.

    I'm not going to dignify this with anymore responses. I think my buddy Superstar5 made it pretty clear

    By the way: welcome back image

    Sweet Jesus that dude smells bad!
  • We already know you're Ryan.

    1.) Yes, you have excellent spelling, punctuation, grammar skills like most of the kids here do not.
    2.) You like to post things that have a high probability of stirring something up.
    3.) You like to talk about little known punk bands.
    4.) You like to post espn.com articles that bash players.
    5.) You are friends with the same group of people.
    6.) You like the Spurs, Duncan, Parker, Ginniobilly and all those other globetrotters.
    7.) There are too many similarities for me to even remember.
  • SoDoMoJoSoDoMoJo Posts: 1,558 ✭✭
    Ok so Brad you finally got it outta yer head that I'm Ryan?????????????????????

    My Refs.

    41 positives, 0 negitives
  • screw it, everyone is ryan....or Ryan is everyone...guy has more screen names than hours in a day....
  • SoDoMoJoSoDoMoJo Posts: 1,558 ✭✭
    Brad i'm NOT RYAN!!!!!!!! lol
    My Refs.

    41 positives, 0 negitives
  • I hope not image
  • SoDoMoJoSoDoMoJo Posts: 1,558 ✭✭
    hahahahahahaha Don't worry i can assure you i am not!! i'm from the land of Beaver and Molson Canadian!!!!!!! lol
    My Refs.

    41 positives, 0 negitives
  • You like the Spurs, Duncan, Parker, Ginniobilly and all those other globetrotters.

    Pacman, the props to my punctuation and grammar are certainly appreciated, but I am not a Spurs or Duncan fan, just to clear that up.

    LOL bradley, yep I'm Ryan, and I'm also Sodomojo, Superstar5, Uwashington, autobilia, playr050, biggjc, and cpandeaz.

    LOL you idiots with your conspiracy theories....too busy trying to outsmart each other to realize you all look like idiots.

    Sweet Jesus that dude smells bad!
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