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a contest :)

the winner will receive a tracy mcgrady film floor card and a darius miles ripped jersey. the rules are simple, post to this thread the kindest thing you have ever done. i will determine a winner sunday night at midnight. i am looking for some good natured responses, so have fun and enjoy the contest! i will be determining a winner based on sincerity and uniqueness. have a good weekend and if you around snow, drive carefully!



  • UndertakerUndertaker Posts: 5,200 ✭✭
    I usually don't tell this to anyone, but last year, I paid for the food of 10 homeless people on Christmasday.. cost me some money but the looks on those ppl's faces were worth a lot more than the money I gave..
  • I engineer glory holes..thanks.
  • 8kobe8kobe Posts: 1,159
    I just got done heading up toys for tots at our local school. Dont have tons of money but spent $50 on toys myself. this week we are doing a can food drive. I am heading that also because I am deca president. I dont have tons of money to something great but I do give where I can. I guess it is where the heart is not what how much you can do.
    Interested in Kobe Bryant, Game Used, Rare Inserts, Rookies, and Autos.
    References: Derrick(3),Teletubbie, MT Grinch, Kenny21, Awaltz, 2323, sypako, hondo, CoryZbinden(2)biggjc, boopopo2, Cardnyou, nismo68, Speedmaster, Baljit and more

    Owner of the longest actual word in the "One word Post"
  • A freind of mine, got a bunch of people to donate crayons, comic books, food, and A WHOLE BUNCH OF OTHER STUFF and donated everything to a homeless shelter, cost over $1000 for everything donated
  • The kindest thing i ever did started last year and continues this year. Every thursday night (snow, rain or any kind of weather) i go to a warehouse and prepare weekend food for hungry families where i live. Then after all the different orders are put into boxes (about 400 boxes, one per family) we deliver them to the people.
    Rest in peace Josh, we'll all miss you
  • I work with adults with disabilities everyday and once a year I take about 35 of them to Pizza Hut and they get whatever they want. I also choose one of the guys I supervise that doesnt go home for christmas and take them to my families christmasimage I am not looking for any reward because just being around these guys is a reward in itselfimage Good contest though Josh.




    REF: DPSPORTS, SPEEDMASTER, nascar20, McDee(x2), Epag, Bradley25, Duncangal, Representcards, Drew(x2), Ahares(x2), Kenny(x2), 8kobe, jrrcrum, vittleboy, Remster, swides, robdemkis, LJMAYA, IversonMiles, BlackbirdXXX,RichyPF32
  • I am 16 years old and I saved up close to 500 bux for a trip to Texas to visit my friend who moved there last year. I thought it woudl be nice ot see him around Christmas. I had the ticket and i was ready to go when i started talkin to his girlfriend whom he also left when he moved.Her families situaion didn't allow her to spend 500 on a plane ticket so I gave her mine and she is probably getting off the plane about now. I would much rather be in Texas for a weekend with my best friend but I know he woudl have a better time with her then with me. It's not as nice as buyign food for the poor but I feel that its more personal.
    Looking for 2002 Donruss classics football and 2002 fleer ultra football....trying to complete both sets.

    Refs: Bearsfan1 (On CE) Ahares, luckiscards,represent cards,JesusfreakJCL3 (On CE)
  • these are wonderful entries!
  • Last year both of my grandfather's kidneys failed. He had to be put on machines to be kept alive and could not live on the machines for very long. He needed a kidney transplant. I'm sure most of you know how hard it is to find a kidney that will match and will not be rejected by the body. People can spend years waiting for a match and can die before one is found. He was put on the waiting list and all of my family members were checked to see if their kidneys were a match. The results came back and I was the only match. My grandfather said that he did not care what decision I made as long as I felt that it was the right one. It was a hard decision to make especially after that doctors told me that it would be a painful recovery for me and that there would be a chance that something could happen to me during the surgery. It only took me about 10 minutes to make my decision, I had to do it. I have been extremely close to my grandfather my entire life. He has always been there for me so there was no way I could not be there for him. Yes, the recovery was painful, I could not leave the hospital for 3 days and could not leave my bed for almost 2 weeks. Not too mention I had to miss school for close to a month.image lol It's over a year later and I still have a scar on my stomach 8 inches long. But everytime I go over to my grandfather's house and he puts his arms around me it makes it all worth it.
  • contest ends tonight, get those entries in!
  • This is a cool idea for a contest, cranejoshua. I'm not even going to bother, because their are some amazing stories here, but I hope we've all done somethings in life like these that we're proud of.

    Sweet Jesus that dude smells bad!
  • deadline is midnight tonight est, so please get your entry in before then!
  • After some deliberation, I have chosen Pacmansports as the winner of my conest. Giving up a vital part of your body so that someone else can live is an amazing act. Hiddenball2 is a close second. Thank you all for submitting your entries. Pacman, please PM me your address so I can get your cards out to you.

  • Josh,

    Thanks for the great contest. It is nice to see a contest like this for a change where it was as much joy reading the entries as it was participating.
  • Thanks Josh. It wasn't about winning, it brings a great feeling to see all of those nice stories and god deeds.
    Looking for 2002 Donruss classics football and 2002 fleer ultra football....trying to complete both sets.

    Refs: Bearsfan1 (On CE) Ahares, luckiscards,represent cards,JesusfreakJCL3 (On CE)
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