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Why would the White Soxes Really Want Frank Thomas back

Seems that the fans hated him the last couple years in Chicago because of his poor play and being hurt all the time....

Just wondering what everone else thinks about them signing him again......
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  • He's healthy, screw the fans, they'll like him once again.
  • I like Frank Thomas...

    I think he has quit on the team a few time's in the past..

    But hell who wouldn't they have sucked and not given Frank alot of help over the years......
    Ref's many

    Looking for Marino, Ripken Auto's,Gu & Rc's

  • they got him at a price they can afford...his injury seems to have finally healed and he did seem like his old self the last 6 weeks of the season...and he's probably as good as anyone else available for the price and wants to play for the White Sox
    Taylor28jag,mikefromchester ,sjrpipm,Mars2001,naturlbrntrder,Hitechkoolaid
    Dallas822 ,KFC,Bjork73,joestalin,dirtmonkey,Bobstar,Euphoria18,Injun01,Dewey
  • It's not like they would have been able to lure anybody in with the extra cash, Ken Williams isn't the most popular GM in the world, and the White Sox aren't an attractive team to halfway decent FA.
  • Poor guy wanting to play for the White Soxes

    That's true he did end the season on a good note.I wish he gone to another team and maybe got a chance for a ring .Since that is what most players do today...
    Ref's many

    Looking for Marino, Ripken Auto's,Gu & Rc's

  • He would have been a perfect fit in Atlanta, I'm glad they didn't get him though, Expos in '03 image.
  • Expos in 03 !!!!!!!!!!!!! :0

    They better make sure their passports are valid the got hosed big time by MLB.......

    Ref's many

    Looking for Marino, Ripken Auto's,Gu & Rc's

  • LOL, tired? You're dropping words from sentences left and right image.
  • You noticed that too .............LOL

    Not tired one to many Crown n Cokes tonight image
    Ref's many

    Looking for Marino, Ripken Auto's,Gu & Rc's

  • They tried to deal him a couple of times but nobody wanted to take
    on that salary.He made a deal with the Sox for 1 year with special
    options for 2 or 3 more years after that.
    I think he would like to finish his career in Chicago.We hope he stays
    healthy this season; he is one of the last big hitters who is fun to watch when he's totally healthy.
    Bob & CJ
    Dad & Son

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    WANTS:Nicer Cal Ripken Inserts.
    Also want RCs of current Football-Hockey future stars.


    References:We have traded with many traders on this forum.We can provide list on request.
  • Ask my brother that happened to collect a LOT of Frank Thomas cards what he thinks about him image Everything was fine until Big Hurt began to pull a Dale Murphy and play himself out of Cooperstown image He COULD play himself back in but it'd take a McGwire-like career renaissance to really make the HOF a possibility.
    Kobe Who? image At least Dwyane pays proper respect to Da Big Aristotle image

    Yes, I collect shiny modern crap image

    All your Shaq are belong to me image
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