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Is a Card That Important to Keep ????????

I keep seeing the same name's listed on Cu as Scammers and Bad Traders..

Even after that people keep trading with them over and over again.Is a card worth taking the chance of you never receiving anything back from them ..

HeavyD,Bradley25/Jamaya28 and a few more have been listed as bad traders and people keep sending them cards.This is funny to me why people keep taking that chance....

I made the mistake by not having Brad send first but how would I have known it was him he used a different name ..My bad anyway I should have had him/her at the time send first...

Can anyone answer the question for me I would like to know WHY IT KEEPS HAPPENING
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Looking for Marino, Ripken Auto's,Gu & Rc's


  • kr580kr580 Posts: 4,420 ✭✭
    when called a rip off they reply with:

    I'm sorry, won't happen again.

    and people trust them all the sudden image
  • i don't know about anyone else but even if it was a card i've been looking for since i was 6 i would not trade with a known scammer to get it, regardless if he sends first..it's just a principle thing for me..that card i recieve might be a card that was scammed from someone else.. and when i say known scammer i don't mean a person that had 1 bad trade for whatever reason i mean the trader that over and over has bad trades

    just my personal thoughts
  • LOL So true and what happens ?????????????????

    Oooppsss I'm sorry I did it again . But it would happen again until the next time I trade with someone that doesn't know me
    Ref's many

    Looking for Marino, Ripken Auto's,Gu & Rc's

  • << <i>when called a rip off they reply with:

    I'm sorry, won't happen again.

    and people trust them all the sudden image >>

    I guess people like touching their toes.
  • lol
  • People like Bradley, cpandeaz, rip people off, come back without completing the deals, apologize and immediately begin trading again, and a few weeks later the cycle begins again.

    Sweet Jesus that dude smells bad!

  • << <i>People like Bradley, cpandeaz, rip people off, come back without completing the deals, apologize and immediately begin trading again, and a few weeks later the cycle begins again. >>

    Don't forget about Yanksfan.
  • ya know what!

    I am not a scammer or a thief. I have made good on all of my trades. I made the mistake of not following through on a few trades while I was getting married and moving residences, and I regret that. I have since corrected my errors, and sent everyone what I owe them. I am not a bad person, or a thief, or a scammer. If anything, call me irresponsible. I would like to say that I care less what anyone thinks, but that wouldnt be true. I truly value what everyone thinks here. But I will not just sit here and have my named tossed around like that and do nothing about it. If you would like to trade with me, great. If not, mind your own god damn business and leave me alone.

  • Leave you alone now that's funny !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Making good on trade's weeks ,months after they are agreed on still makes you nothing but a bad trader....

    But I do give you credit you have more excuses then my 7 year old and 4 year old ...........

    If this is a lie then why would you use another SN to make trades then ??????????

    And anyone that trades with you is just rolling the dice until you do it again !!!!!!!

    Ref's many

    Looking for Marino, Ripken Auto's,Gu & Rc's

  • go fuc yourself jc
  • LOL !!!!!!!!!!!!! What the matter Brad the Truth Hurt...

    Man I hope you don't have kids with a mouth like that on line I would hate to hear how you talk in public !!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL image

    Ref's many

    Looking for Marino, Ripken Auto's,Gu & Rc's

  • You better hope you NEVER see me in public.
  • LOL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I guess the Truth Really does Hurt !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Like I told you before I will be in Texas in January ...........

    Ref's many

    Looking for Marino, Ripken Auto's,Gu & Rc's

  • Man this is funny lmao!! I am not taking sides here.. I have traded with brad and everything went smoothly and I have no problems on here with anyone, but why not just post ONCE if you got ripped by anyone and let it go. Take everything else up privately. It does kind of suck reading 10 posts down about the same sh!t. It really gets old. And brad even made all the trades he agreed to it seems. If you dont like it just dont trade with him but please FOR THE LOVE OF GOD DROP THIS NONSENSEimage

    I mean no offense to anyone




    REF: DPSPORTS, SPEEDMASTER, nascar20, McDee(x2), Epag, Bradley25, Duncangal, Representcards, Drew(x2), Ahares(x2), Kenny(x2), 8kobe, jrrcrum, vittleboy, Remster, swides, robdemkis, LJMAYA, IversonMiles, BlackbirdXXX,RichyPF32
  • hey JC buddie now your up their with me with having some trash said about you in someones sig line......... congrats image
  • thanks josh...I appreciate it.

    now how bout you trade me that Ruth??? image j/k
  • lol @ quasar
  • bradley25 is a good trader and a good friend in my book.
  • lolimage send me a list of Higher end rcs. I have looked at your tradelist and it appears that you have downsized since about a year or so ago..lol


    REF: DPSPORTS, SPEEDMASTER, nascar20, McDee(x2), Epag, Bradley25, Duncangal, Representcards, Drew(x2), Ahares(x2), Kenny(x2), 8kobe, jrrcrum, vittleboy, Remster, swides, robdemkis, LJMAYA, IversonMiles, BlackbirdXXX,RichyPF32
  • glad you guys are on...means a lot to me.

    I apologized to this a-hole for sending late, (5 days) he got his cards, and I have to put up with this sh1t.....
  • I sent out almost $350 in trade 2 days ago for a vick playoff contenders auto rc...talk about a real thin tradelist...I was kidding about the ruth, I really cant afford it...lol Nice card though!!!!!!!!!
  • Josh,

    There's a real simple answer to that one....if you think about it....the ability to expose someone and disrupt their ability to trade is really the only immediate power that you have to get someone to come clean on their deals. You can send PMs until your blue, but that doesn't stop the person from continuing to trade with other people and possibly rip others off. You can file mail fraud charges or pursue the matter with local police.....but that takes a while to see results.

    It seems that many of the scammers on this board decide to fulfill their deals when they are called out...so I say go ahead and post up when you know that you have been ripped. Maybe you will get lucky and the person will decide to send the cards just to get you off their back.

    Personally, I appreciate the warning....

  • I do have to say this...I feel like it is the obligation of the board to warn potential traders of past issues some board members. maybe there are those that will come clean and stay clean...but I think those of us who have been here for awhile have seen the history of bad traders who come clean then revert back to their old ways

    It may not be necessary to have continuous postings on a bad trader but if you see someone who is new then they should be given a heads up on someones history...thats how scammers feed on new prey.

    some past offenders like Colton,cpan and heavyd have done this time and again...bradley may not do this again but only time will tell

    If someone is offended by this...then they probably have had past issues and all I can say is tough s**t, the truth sucks
    Taylor28jag,mikefromchester ,sjrpipm,Mars2001,naturlbrntrder,Hitechkoolaid
    Dallas822 ,KFC,Bjork73,joestalin,dirtmonkey,Bobstar,Euphoria18,Injun01,Dewey
  • Last reply on this matter I have had alot of fun with this.....

    Brad let me correct your math ..

    Trade agreed to be sent Monday a week ago Correct ????

    So lets see 5 days would have been Saturday ???Correct me if I'm wrong on that ...

    Let's see you sent on Monday a week after you agreed to send ..

    LOL this has been so much fun !!!!!!!!!!!
    Ref's many

    Looking for Marino, Ripken Auto's,Gu & Rc's

  • I get your point remster...but I made 30 trades here before I had problems..then i cleared them up. I certainly don't think I fit in the scammer or thief category...
  • Isnt there a BAD traders Site people can look at. I say give them the link and let them look. If they are to lazy then thats their fault.



    REF: DPSPORTS, SPEEDMASTER, nascar20, McDee(x2), Epag, Bradley25, Duncangal, Representcards, Drew(x2), Ahares(x2), Kenny(x2), 8kobe, jrrcrum, vittleboy, Remster, swides, robdemkis, LJMAYA, IversonMiles, BlackbirdXXX,RichyPF32
  • brad has always been a great trader, and an awesome friend in my book...everything that was previously a problem has been taken care of, or is being taken care of right now, so give the guy a break, if you losers would get some fresh air to your small brains every once in a while, youd see that brad a person, who made a mistake, and now fixed it. you guys need to lay off, and give him the chance he deserves.
  • couldn't send turkey day or Sunday moron...

  • << <i> I am not a scammer or a thief. I have made good on all of my trades >>

    I never reply to these posts, but I thought his was amusing. Not to say you are a bad trader Bradly, but we made to trades, and i never received from you. I never sent out anything either, so i guess its ok, but we made arangments to trade twice, and i guess you forgot. Not saying you are a bad trader, b/c you have bought from me before with no problems. I just thought i would throw that in there

  • Think of it this way...If your wife cheated on you...how long would it take for you to rebuild your trust??? Some can forgive more easily than others and some never forgive

    I know this is only cards but a trust has been broken and it takes time to rebuild...and some will never trust...that's something you will have to accept as fact
    Taylor28jag,mikefromchester ,sjrpipm,Mars2001,naturlbrntrder,Hitechkoolaid
    Dallas822 ,KFC,Bjork73,joestalin,dirtmonkey,Bobstar,Euphoria18,Injun01,Dewey
  • Thanks Mike it took me a little longerthen you but I finally made Woooooo Hoooooooo !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! image

    Oh I can't pass on this one .......

    Brad under which sn did you make 30 trades before you started back scamming ????????????

    Ref's many

    Looking for Marino, Ripken Auto's,Gu & Rc's

  • LOL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Ref's many

    Looking for Marino, Ripken Auto's,Gu & Rc's

  • bradley has repeatedly welched on trades, and the ONLY thing that made him fix the situationw as being publicly exposed by good traders like biggjc. Anyone who doesn't send promptly, and has to be constantly berated and hassled just to send the cards he agreed on will always be a bad trader in my book. And then to ahve the nerve to call someone a crybaby just because they want you to send the cards you promised and not rip them off...what a piece of crap.

    Sweet Jesus that dude smells bad!
  • I never started scamming dik, and my 30 trades were under this sn


    hows that you punkass?
  • Really you didn't have problem's for months before you came back under a new sn ??????

    I even remember people posting IM that had with your wife/you .

    Stating you have been you started anew job and have been working alot of hours and haven't had time to send out ....

    Hhhmm sounds like the same old story to me .......

    But then again I could be wrong about that But I'm not

    Truth Hurt when you get called out and Busted on doesn't it !!!!!!!!

    LOL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! image
    Ref's many

    Looking for Marino, Ripken Auto's,Gu & Rc's

  • um..no..not really...joto
  • Ya know...You did a good thing by admitting you screwed up and are willing to make all your trades right...and I'm sure you want to rebuild your trust so you can continue to trade...but don't you think a little humility is called for here...you did f**k up and from what I can see you didn't start to make things right until Biggjc called you out for trading as jamaya

    i personally find it very hard to believe someone is repentant who is being so self-righteous
    Taylor28jag,mikefromchester ,sjrpipm,Mars2001,naturlbrntrder,Hitechkoolaid
    Dallas822 ,KFC,Bjork73,joestalin,dirtmonkey,Bobstar,Euphoria18,Injun01,Dewey
  • His wife is a little b!t(h too, remember when she was on here for a little while? image

    Sweet Jesus that dude smells bad!
  • c'mon man, thats just plain ignorant, and disrepectful. You need to grow up, and let this go. I never made this personal....I think this truly demonstrates what kind of person you are...on that note, I am going to sleep, right beside my wife...
  • I'd have to agree with you if he was referring to your wife...but knowing King he was referring to your time on the board as Jamaya
    Taylor28jag,mikefromchester ,sjrpipm,Mars2001,naturlbrntrder,Hitechkoolaid
    Dallas822 ,KFC,Bjork73,joestalin,dirtmonkey,Bobstar,Euphoria18,Injun01,Dewey
  • a few people have a beef with brads trading style thats fine.... no need to bring his wife into this mess and start calling her names. she had nothing to do with him sending late. why do some have to bring others into it just to get to the person they are getting into it with?
  • Well I will have to draw the line that one ..

    Attacks against a wife is uncalled for since I have been having a ton of fun busting on Brad that's onething ....

    I'm sure that I never talked to his wife at all during this messed up trade.It was Brad all the time ........

    The funny thing is someone else that was a memeber of this board just a very short time ago Used to attack girl friends and wives ........
    Ref's many

    Looking for Marino, Ripken Auto's,Gu & Rc's

  • << <i>a few people have a beef with brads trading style thats fine.... no need to bring his wife into this mess and start calling her names. she had nothing to do with him sending late. why do some have to bring others into it just to get to the person they are getting into it with? >>

    Boo Hoo.

    Now, on to Brad, "I'm not a scammer, I'm not a thief", **Yawn**, **Golf Clap**(Thank ya Ski image), it took you damn near three weeks to send my stuff, and I'm still waiting. I've been told a few times that it was sent, "I was on vacation, everything went out today", "Sorry, I forgot", "Sorry, got a shampoo bottle stuck up my ass, was in surgery all night", the excuses are getting old. IF you sent Monday, that doesn't make you a scammer or a thief in my book, but still makes you a liar. Which is just as bad. The fact that you had to hide behind your wife's name is a joke, if I for one would have known it was you, I wouldn't have even bothered. Sure, you had 30 refs before you botched 5 trades, which means trading with you gives people a 1/7 chance of getting ripped, or waiting a month to get their stuff.

    And Ski, friends or not, he's a proven joke, sure, some/all of us have sent a few days late at some point, but for him to do it 5 times, then come back and do it again, makes you look like a fool for defending him.
  • Ryan has no class...
  • Thank you Remster for being the only one one hear with a sense of humor...I was of course referring to when bradley25 was hear as his "wife" Jamaya28, not his actual, real-life wife. It would indeed be a low blow to slam his woman like that, and hypocritical since I took bradley to task recently for calling women whores and sluts.

    Sweet Jesus that dude smells bad!
  • Nice try Ryan, way to save your ass....but I think most people remember when my wife really was a member of this board, and did make some trades, and did make some posts....That is what you were referring to , not me. At least be honest with yourself....
  • First of all, I'm not Ryan, but I'll link him to this, he'll get a kick out of that.

    Second, I don't care if you believe me, because you're a sack of crap, but I do NOT bring wives, girlfreinds, moms, etc. into the argument...that's dirty pool, and cowardly to boot. I never met or spoke with your wife, I was referring to when you were hear under her name pretending to be her, which, by the way, was pretty cowardly too.

    Sweet Jesus that dude smells bad!
  • but you did bring her into it, you said she was a bich...I don't know why you would do that? That is dirty pool, and cowardly to boot, as you like to say. You ARE a hypocrite....
  • Look you brainless lump, I was calling YOU that, when you were using her screen name. I no longer even believe you're married, since you have the brain power of a ten year old.

    Sweet Jesus that dude smells bad!
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