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This is hilarious stuff

The Sports Guy's latest column on ESPN.com, if you don't read it you're really missing out. Among the gems from this weeks:

"Hey, can Corey Dillon just defect from Cincinnati, like a Cuban baseball player or something? What if they were playing in Houston one weekend and Corey refused to leave the visiting locker room? Would that work? What if he refused to get on the team plane? Or he drove to Cleveland, made a makeshift raft and had one of those terrifying water journeys across Lake Erie to Buffalo? Something clearly needs to happen here."

And this Ruben Patterson quote: "I'm not no bad guy. I'm not no rapist. I'm a great guy.''

Here's the link to the full article, read it once and you'll be a regular:

Funny stuff

Sweet Jesus that dude smells bad!


  • am i wrong or did Dillon just resign with Cincinnati before the year ? if so you really can't feel sorry for the guy, he chose to stay
  • This is a Buy, Sell, & Trade Board. FYI.
  • Sure thing! All you have to do is send me a scanner... damnit I hate when people ask stupid questions. Hence you SlipKnot.
  • u have funny comebaqs. lol,not that im directing them towards you bigshane but just the comebaq in general.lol

    trade refs on CU: Udwashington,cardjunkie3, chipperedredwolf,rbarra, big shane,dmiles89

    Lookin for garnett,tmac,and especially Olajuwon gu/auto or rcs. will trade up to 1.5 book for olajuwon SOMETIMES
  • SlipKnot515SlipKnot515 Posts: 1,354 ✭✭
    hey shane, how was my post a stupid question, huh? Is it supposed to be widely known that you don't have a scanner? Gee, if it is, I'm sorry I don't keep up on you and your life....
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