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A few nice 99/00 RC parallels for trade #/50 and 100

Have these available:

99/00 Ovation Standing Ovation James Posey #/50
99/00 Finest Gold Refractor Ron Artest (w/ coating) #/100
99/00 Fleer Force Forcefield Wally Szczerbiak #/100
99/00 Hardcourt Baseline Grooves Silver Vonteego Cummings #/50
99/00 Hardcourt Baseline Grooves Silver Cal Bowdler #/50

LMK if interested, i can get scans if requested

I'd challenge you to a battle of wits...... but you appear unarmed

"Stop talking, negotiating,
Your feeble attempts at world peace
Give me a %#@*ing break
Need worldwide genocide, planetary suicide
And when the whole damn world is dead
there's your %#@*ing peace"


  • ttt
    I'd challenge you to a battle of wits...... but you appear unarmed

    "Stop talking, negotiating,
    Your feeble attempts at world peace
    Give me a %#@*ing break
    Need worldwide genocide, planetary suicide
    And when the whole damn world is dead
    there's your %#@*ing peace"
  • I´m interested in the Artest Finest, the Wally and the Posey Ovation. I´d appreciate it if you could post scans of these.
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