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Huge Week for My Zereoue Collection! Take a Look...

1999 Collector's Edge Advantage Gold Ingot #188 Amos Zereoue
1999 Collector's Edge Advantage Rookie Autographs #188 Amos Zereoue
1999 Metal Universe Precious Metal Gems #244 Amos Zereoue #ed/50
1999 Playoff Momentum SSD #183 Amos Zereoue (x2)
1999 Stadium Club Chrome First Day #120 Amos Zereoue #ed/100
1999 Topps Gold Label Class 3 #97 Amos Zereoue
2002 Pacific Extreme LTD #351 Amos Zereoue #ed/24
Plus 16 I had...

Brings me to a little over 37% of ALL Amos's.


  • cool . congrats on your 37 %

    im personally only on 20 % there on my kobe collection and a little over 4 G's worth
  • Oh yea 4G's that's nothing image I think my Z's are worth like...$300? Not sure, I have them on my Beckett Collections but am too lazy to go look. Lifting for football today was he||.
  • Hey shane howd you get your site to tell how many % you have? LMK thanks...
  • Congrats man. Look at it this way...when he overtakes Bettis and starts putting up a few big weeks, his stuff will be red hot as people scramble to find his hard to find cards, and then your collection value will go up big time.

    Sweet Jesus that dude smells bad!
  • IT doesn't you have to figure it out yourself...

    Amount you have / Total = A Decimal

    Move . 2 spots to the right...
  • kr580kr580 Posts: 4,420 ✭✭
    the number you have divided by the total....

  • joestalinjoestalin Posts: 12,473 ✭✭
    I have 2 u might need, the first is a 99 Edge auto #ed to 1450 on the back. the other
    is his 99 Spx rookie. Do you have a current list of cards you are looking for him?

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