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02 Leaf Certified Phil Simms Mirror Red Auto #05/50
02 Leaf Certified Tryone Wheatley Mirror Gold 2 Color Patch #14/25
02 Leaf Certified Deshaun Foster Freshman Fabric #300/800
02 Leaf Certified DeShaun Foster Mirror Red Freshman Fabric Ball #192/250
02 UD Authentics Reche Caldwell Gold RC #14/25
02 UD Authentics Glory Bound Joey Harrington Jersey RC

02-03 SP Game Used RC Yao Ming RC #/900
02-03 Sp Game Used Kedrick Brown Gold Auto #/50
02-03 SP Game Used Loren Woods Silver Auto #/100
02-03 Hoops Hot Prospects Marcus Haislip 3 color Patch RC #/500



  • How much you want in trade for the Ming Sp Game used.LMk thanks.And lmk what are you looking for.
    I am alway looking for:

    Fleer Exclusives rc,and Hoops hot Prospects rc 02-03 and Spx 02-03


  • You have got to be kidding me. Do I need to top all the posts about all the people you've scammed?

    Also, quit trying to make fun of me as spreland, your ruse is paper-thin.

    Sweet Jesus that dude smells bad!
  • um, dude, although I found it humorous, I am not that guy. Also, I have made over 50 good trades here, and 5 bad. Not great I know, but evryone now has their cards on the way. I told you I have nothing against you man.

    speedmaster, can I get a tradelist? Only looking for 1 maybe 2 good cards. I will send first also.
  • I will send you ,my tradelist in two mins.Thanks
    I am alway looking for:

    Fleer Exclusives rc,and Hoops hot Prospects rc 02-03 and Spx 02-03


  • 5 bad trades...5 too many. Speedmaster, do yourself a favor and do a search for bradley25, you'll find some fun reading about the many people he has ripped off.

    FIVE BAD TRADES....do you really want to become number 6?

    Sweet Jesus that dude smells bad!
  • I've already traded with him twice...

  • kr580kr580 Posts: 4,420 ✭✭
    i'm not taking sides but, DAM!!! KingCobra, you talk WAY too much... i bet half the stuff you say you make up.
  • No kr, unlike bradley/spreland, the claims I make are based in fact. bradley himself just admitted he has ripped 5 people, but I know you're far too ignorant to actually read the posts before shooting your 10 year old mouth off.

    Sweet Jesus that dude smells bad!
  • mcdee2mcdee2 Posts: 1,150

    I havent had a problem in our trades.. but to be safe I would ask you to send first.. with that said.. I am interested in the Ming.. and the HHP Haislip.. please check my site for anything you may need..

    I am glad to see you are making good on your mistakes... there are several others that could take a lesson from that...
  • Actually, since I have made amends with everyone, I have ripped noone, you, on the other hand, are not a very popular member here. It only took you a few days to accomplish that...congratulations ass....
  • kr580kr580 Posts: 4,420 ✭✭

    << <i>No kr, unlike bradley/spreland, the claims I make are based in fact. bradley himself just admitted he has ripped 5 people, but I know you're far too ignorant to actually read the posts before shooting your 10 year old mouth off. >>

    acutally i'm not ignorant.... i never said anything about Bradley... so where does he come in?..... i sense... ignorance
    i was talking about YOUR loud mouth....

    - Kevin

    I read every post image
  • you, on the other hand, are not a very popular member here.

    I could not care less that homos like you don't like me. Go impersonate a girl some more.

    Sweet Jesus that dude smells bad!
  • kr580kr580 Posts: 4,420 ✭✭
    no responce image
  • mcdee2mcdee2 Posts: 1,150
  • Frank, I will check my site, and I have no reserves about sending to you first..A+++
  • Frank, for some reason I can't seem to access your site from work....any way you could either shoot me a tradelist, or another way to get access to your list? thanks!
  • mcdee2mcdee2 Posts: 1,150
    can you use www.traderretreat.com and use the userpages link feature? use the drop down until you get to my name?
  • It still wont let me....I will check when I get home from work today...thanks!
  • pm sent
    looking for nice football gu/autos (warner,culpepper,manning,favre,ect..)
    -richie rich

  • hey brad what are you looking for at the moment ...you like michael vick?
  • Eh, Mainly FB, Vick, Tomlinson, Brees, Carr, and Rice
  • 2001 playoff contenders #157 michael vick
    i also have some commons of drew brees
    i am also buying a michael vick and drew brees dual jsy from quasar hope to get it tonight......please lmk i am really just getting into football
  • I have grown to like football with regards to collecting more than any sport now...

    Good Luck, I would be interested in the dual when you get it.
  • also what you need for the ming....i also ahve quiny carter and some jerry rice game used
  • You need to bring out the big dogs for the ming...I'm debating on whether to get it graded...very nice...only looking for one or two good cards..

  • Just a reminder to everyone that bradley25 still has 5 trades where he has not completed his end and has people watching him as a scammer. When biggjc posted to ask about where his card was, bradley25's posted response was simply "Yawn." He has already created 2 new screen names to avoid people trying to get him for mail fraud. Trader beware, make him send first.

    Sweet Jesus that dude smells bad!
  • Good Morning Wanker, Its funny how many pm's i have received in support of getting everything starightened out, as well as how big of a wanker you are....

    and for the record, I really don't mind sending out first...

    so keep posting, everyone already thinks very highly of you, have a nice day.
  • i could offer you the playoff vick if youd add something
  • Battier, do you have the auto? or the the ticket?

    the ticket is $120, the auto is $300, sample is $20, and the gold is $80

    lmk which one you have.
  • this is the on i have i wish i could scan it for you
    2001 play off contenders michael vick auto 117/327
    the card is mint all 4 corners are sharp i was gonna throw it on the bay but i like ming and i am just starting in football ....lmk
  • Hey guys, in 2 weeks when you still haven't gotten any cards from bradley, don't bother coming here to whine, because you were warned. It's just as bad as the people who keep trading with cpandeaz.

    Sweet Jesus that dude smells bad!
  • Welcome back, wanker...

    Mom finally get of the computer?
  • No, I finally got off your mom.

    Sweet Jesus that dude smells bad!
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