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Question about a Yao Ming card I pulled today

Out of a retail pack of stadium club, a Ming rookie numbered to 1,000, says Stadium Club 10th anniversary edition on the front. Any idea on value, and is this his true rookie or is it a parallel.

Also, it is up for trade.


Sweet Jesus that dude smells bad!


  • It's the "10th Anniversary Parallel".
  • 2002-03 Stadium Club 10th Anniversary Parallel 101 Yao Ming $8.00 $20.00
  • If your not a Ming fan I'd ebay it.His cards are selling very well most over book,Hell I sold his UD MVP RC BV $8 for $6? Crazyimage
  • What are you looking for in trade for it???

    I can use it I have a buddy that is collecting Ming cards...LMK
    Ref's many

    Looking for Marino, Ripken Auto's,Gu & Rc's

  • biggjc, do you have a site?

    Sweet Jesus that dude smells bad!
  • Yeah but it hasn't been updated in a while.......

    Ref's many

    Looking for Marino, Ripken Auto's,Gu & Rc's

  • 02' Fleer Showcase Air to the Throne Jerseys #AT1 Troy Aikman BV$25.00

    Do you still have that?

    Sweet Jesus that dude smells bad!
  • Sold it on Ebay last week in alot of gu.........
    Ref's many

    Looking for Marino, Ripken Auto's,Gu & Rc's

  • Make sure KingCobra sends first. Reading some of his posts, He sounds like a 12 year old.
  • Spreland, I'm happy to supply references, not that I have anything to prove to your sorry a--.

    Sweet Jesus that dude smells bad!
  • You can say ass, FYI. image
  • No thank you. I'd prefer not to be a cretin, like others.

    Sweet Jesus that dude smells bad!
  • kingcobra, I'm not interested in your lame references.
    Anyone reading your moronic B.S. will avoid you.
    Grow up and get a life. And quit posting that
    picture of your mommy.
  • SlipKnot515SlipKnot515 Posts: 1,354 ✭✭

    << <i>kingcobra, I'm not interested in your lame references.
    Anyone reading your moronic B.S. will avoid you.
    Grow up and get a life. And quit posting that
    picture of your mommy. >>

    and who are you spre? cobra has more references than you ever will have and he's a great trader...regardless of what he may post. if you stereotype people because of what they post, you are no better than kingcobra....
  • King you see anything else you could use off my site ????

    Since Slip know's that you have alot of ref's post some on CU.You have only been on here a short time and I haven't seen any good trade post about you yet ...
    Ref's many

    Looking for Marino, Ripken Auto's,Gu & Rc's

  • me neither....
  • hmm maybe its someone we have seen around before image
  • Skivermont, cardnyou, Playr050, uwftke26 - I mostly have just traded with my freinds, because I traded through IM for a while before coming here.

    biggjc, you obviously have a ton of references, so I am not averse to sending first, but I didn't see anything I needed beyond the Aikman image

    Sweet Jesus that dude smells bad!
  • Thats cool, I sold the Aikman and few other low end gu last week..
    Ref's many

    Looking for Marino, Ripken Auto's,Gu & Rc's

  • Are you by chance interested in buying?

    Sweet Jesus that dude smells bad!
  • How much ????
    Ref's many

    Looking for Marino, Ripken Auto's,Gu & Rc's

  • $12 shipped, only because his stuff is selling for pretty high.

    Sweet Jesus that dude smells bad!
  • Make sure kingcobra sends card before you mail payment.
    I've been buying and selling online before ebay
    existed and this guy has all the characteristics
    that bring out the WARNING FLAG.

    Its not that subtle when you know what to look for.

    1)Consistently states his opinion as if it is fact.

    2)Offers his advice about fair value or price when its
    obvious he doesn't have a clue about the current market.

    3)Makes exaggerated claims and then offers lame excuses
    when he can't back it up.

    4)Typically states the facts as he would like to believe
    instead of what they are.

    KingCobra is the "Classic Example".
  • Ah spre, I see you've spent several years doing personality profiles and such. Luckily, I also have, and you show all the classic signs of being an a--hole.

    Sweet Jesus that dude smells bad!
  • Well where are shipping the card from ??
    Ref's many

    Looking for Marino, Ripken Auto's,Gu & Rc's

  • I'm in VA for the month, at my bro's house for the Holidays, so I'd be shipping from there. I always ship insured using a bubble mailer.

    Sweet Jesus that dude smells bad!

  • << <i>Ah spre, I see you've spent several years doing personality profiles and such. Luckily, I also have, and you show all the classic signs of being an a--hole. >>

    F'n straight pal. I've been dealin with wankers
    like you for years. Sounds like you're overdue
    for a diaper change.
  • Couldn't agree with ya more, spreland...couldn't agree with ya more...
  • Well, when you sign back on as bradley, let me know so we can talk.

    Sweet Jesus that dude smells bad!
  • lmao @ wanker lmao
  • Ah, there you are bradley!

    By the way sprebrad:

    Care to back up items 3 and 4 on your little list with a single example? We all know you can't, but it'll be fun to watch you try.

    Sweet Jesus that dude smells bad!
  • sure not a problem.

    Item # 3


    Item #4


    Well, dude, uh, there you have it.
  • Sounds like King-Know-It-All is confused. Common problem
    with wankers who believe they are always right and everyone
    else is always wrong. Hey, what happened to all those
  • Sounds like King-Know-It-All is confused. Common problem

    Hmmm...I am a bit confused. You make claims against me, yet have nothing to back them up? Now, why in the world would a "BRAND NEW MEMEBER" like yourself do that?

    By the way:


    And the list goes on...

    Sweet Jesus that dude smells bad!
  • thats odd, ski doesn't know you.....
  • of that "click" i see a member missing......D
  • If you got something to say, say it. And I'm talking to Ski right this second, so I suspect he knows me.

    Sweet Jesus that dude smells bad!
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