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Kobe Bryant is on his way to his 4th Triple Double of season!

It's at the half, he has 8 points, 8 rebounds, and 6 assits. He is one of my favorite players, but i think he's going for stats and NOT the win. image


  • im watching the game and i don't understand what your basing your point on. he's scoring and he's doing everything he can to get his teamates involved, including Shaq. Please tell me how he is not trying for a W. Any true Laker fan will tell you that nobody tries harder and never gives up more than KB.
  • I think in the first half he was playing for stats, but so far in the third he is playing great....And definately just playing team ball....But I would give the game ball not to Kobe, not to Shaq, but to Derek Fisher: He has 7 points, 6 rebounds, and 3 assists, and holding Jason Williams to 0 points, 2 rebounds, and 3 assists!!! With 3 minutes to go in the 3rd!!!
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