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Born On Date

Has there been any thoughts of putting a Born On Date on slabs...or, more precisely, a Slabbed On Date. I can think of a few reasons why tis would be a benefit to the collector to know when the coin was slabbed and it certainly would not be difficult to do.
Time sure flies when you don't know what you are doing...

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  • homerunhallhomerunhall Posts: 2,496 ✭✭✭
    The no date of certification decision was a decision we made very early on. At the time (1985/86) ANACS was dating their certs and there were different prices for different dated certs. The idea of PCGS was to create a grade you could count on now and in the future, hence no certification date.

    Practically speaking, there have been a few major changes in our holder design, so you can kind of date the old holder coins. There is, however, no way to tell the date of grading for a fresh holder coin as it may have been an old holder that was recently sent in for reholdering.
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