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SkiVermont3/Quiksilver77 = ripoff

November 21 - Quiksilver77/SkiVermont3 makes this trade offer, I accept it, we agree to send same time, and I send:

marino jersey 80
gwynn auto 60
thomas jersey 40
schilling jersey 15
holt ball 25
shea rc/30 10


ahman green sp auth bv 150 mint

November 25 - Quiksilver77/SkiVermont3 has received his card and pms me this:

"Andrew, thought I should let you know, I havent been able to get your cards out yet, I was in a car accident friday, not sure if you saw on the board, and im a lil shaken up...im stuck home today, trying to get better. i got a bit of whiplash, my neck has been hurtin...as soon as im better, most definitly in the next day or two, i can get to the PO...sorry about the wait, nothin i can do about it though."

December 2 - Quiksilver77/SkiVermont3 still hasn't sent my cards and when I ask him to send them he pms me this:

"hey bud...umm....remember when you said you wouldnt mind if i just send the ahman back to you and we just cancelled the deal? do you still feel that would be ok? ill send the aaron shea /30 back with it to cover the hassle and the buck or two you spent on shipping...lmk if that would be ok with you, thanks...lmk asap"

December 3 - Quiksilver77/SkiVermont3 still hasn't sent my cards yet. I never said that he could send the Ahman back and I ask him to send the cards he traded me. I guess that he decided he wasn't getting the best end of the deal so he pms me this:

"no Andrew, it doesnt work like that, im sorry. i told you i made a mistake, and im willing to make it up to you. why wont you take your card back plus extras for free? if its so gem mint psa 10, why dont you want it back? stop being a jackass, and take my offer of your card back plus the shea or the schilling for your troubles. end of story, no bargaining. i said im sorry i made the deal, and it was a mistake. im only human, and i made a mistake, and you needa help me out here. what im saying to you isnt only not unreasonable, its extremely reasonable. if i wanted to be an normal person, not even an ass, id just send the card back and say forget the deal. but instead, im willing to send your card back plus more, for free, cause i feel bad. this is it, my last PM to you. if you dont accept my offer, im just sending your card back by itself, and youre just going to have to suck it up, ive been too nice, and youve been too harsh."

What does he mean, "stop being a jackass, and take my offer of your card back plus the shea or the schilling for your troubles. end of story, no bargaining."

We bargained before we agreed to the deal. He is the one who has both of our cards. He is the one bargaining. He says the deal is not complete because both of us have not received our cards yet. Kind of hard for me to receive when he refuses to send.

"what im saying to you isnt only not unreasonable, its extremely reasonable. if i wanted to be an normal person, not even an ass, id just send the card back and say forget the deal. but instead, im willing to send your card back plus more, for free, cause i feel bad. this is it, my last PM to you. if you dont accept my offer, im just sending your card back by itself, and youre just going to have to suck it up, ive been too nice, and youve been too harsh."

lol What planet is he from? He's being "extremely reasonable"? He's willing to send my card back because he "feels bad"? Guilty might have been a better word there. lol "if you dont accept my offer..." I accepted his trade offer but he never sent my cards. "youre just going to have to suck it up, ive been too nice, and youve been too harsh." I'm going to have to "suck it up"? I've already sucked a lot up. After all, I am the one with no cards. He's been "too nice" for not sending me my cards and I've been "too harsh" for sending him his? I don't get it.

December 7 - Quiksilver77/SkiVermont3 still hasn't sent my cards.

December 11 - Still no cards, I'm going to stop updating this because it doesn't look like he is going to send me anything. *Rip-off Alert!*

December 19 - Well, he did finally send me back my cards. But no extra cards and/or money to pay for my shipping cost and time wasted like he promised. Oh well.

wtf is going on? What do you people think? He made the trade, he promised to send multiple times, he recived his end and kept it for weeks, and now wants to trade back after I have been without cards for weeks. I want the cards that I traded for.


  • i agree with both of you. kind of funny how he rips on ppl when they have situation like this, but yet he's not sending. ski/quick is a great guy, no doubts and i can see where both of you are coming from. hopefully this works out
  • I think Ski is a good guy also but I'd have to side with pac on this one...if he was willing to accept it back then everything is cool. Both sides agreed to the trade and the trade should be made...Think of it as a breach of contract type of thing

    I wouldn't call it a rip-off. He is offering to send the card back plus for the time and trouble, which is pretty reasonable.There would be no issue if pac was willing to take the card back he traded to ski in the first place.

    to be honest, if it were me, I would take the card back plus the throw-in and call it cool...I hope cooler heads prevail here and you guys can reach some sort of compromise
    Taylor28jag,mikefromchester ,sjrpipm,Mars2001,naturlbrntrder,Hitechkoolaid
    Dallas822 ,KFC,Bjork73,joestalin,dirtmonkey,Bobstar,Euphoria18,Injun01,Dewey
  • I Was going over weather or not to reply to this but i thought what the heck why not. Look Pac Its not cool that SKi never sent but its not like hes keeping your stuff. Sure hes an ass for not sending but he had a change of heart and when this happends he has the right to keep his cards. This is almost the samething that happened between me and you. If a Trader isnt happy with the deal he has the right for a trade back and you have to deal with it. People who dont do the trade back are just A-Holes.
    My E-Bay Auctions

    Glenn Robinson Auto Collection 7/21
  • Its funny how pacman only puts selective things on this post...I told him several days before the trade that i was unhappy with the deal, because i was trading way in his favor, but he said the card was GEM MINT, so i agreed to the deal. he said he had already sent, but to "just send it back if you dont want it" ...to which i said, ok, ill think about it. when i got it, the card was not as nice as he described, condition-wise, but i figured id go on with the trade anyways. thinking about it, i realized that i was getting screwed on this, and since the card condition wasnt as described, i asked andrew for a trade back. i said i was sorry for the hassle, and i would send him either the shea rc /30 or the schilling jersey back with his ahman, as a freebie, for the postage, and to say im sorry. he wouldnt accept this, and came up with all this crazy bs, and i told him i wouldnt do his ridiculous requests, or do the trade as first agreed upon in light of this new info. i said hey man, the deal cant go on as-is, the card was not as described. weve been going back and forth for 2 days now, and now he posts this ridiculous junk. whatever, the most he is getting is his card back now, which he wont even accept back from me!

    << <i>I wouldn't call it a rip-off. He is offering to send the card back plus for the time and trouble, which is pretty reasonable.There would be no issue if pac was willing to take the card back he traded to ski in the first place.
    To be honest, if it were me, I would take the card back plus the throw-in and call it cool...I hope cooler heads prevail here and you guys can reach some sort of compromise >>

    Thank you, that was my thought too...i thought that by offering an extra freebie to send back with his card, it would make everything cool, but obviously thats not good enough.

  • << <i>but he had a change of heart and when this happends he has the right to keep his cards. This is almost the samething that happened between me and you. If a Trader isnt happy with the deal he has the right for a trade back and you have to deal with it. People who dont do the trade back are just A-Holes. >>

    thanks mike
  • You never told me you weren't happy with the card or it's condition.
  • image no thx for me ski?

  • << <i>ski/quick is a great guy >>

    oooopsies, didnt see that lil part there image

    thanks jbugs!
  • I bet ski has the PM/e-mails saved...can you throw those out bud? It'd be good to see and maybe it could all get settled
    Taylor28jag,mikefromchester ,sjrpipm,Mars2001,naturlbrntrder,Hitechkoolaid
    Dallas822 ,KFC,Bjork73,joestalin,dirtmonkey,Bobstar,Euphoria18,Injun01,Dewey
  • Those Pms should stay with ski and Pac they should would this out there it only hurts both of them dealing with it in the open. Sont you people learn anything.
    My E-Bay Auctions

    Glenn Robinson Auto Collection 7/21
  • most of this was said on AIM, with no proof....only selected things were PMed, after hours and stuff...ummm, heres what we got, not sure if it will be any help, and it prolly wont make sense, its not consecutive, there were MANY aim convos in between...here are all the PMs pertaining to this(bottom to top):

    Date Posted: Dec/03/2002 9:53 PM

    Reply Delete Top Bottom

    Date Posted: Dec/03/2002 9:49 PM
    im busy dude, read my away message

    Reply Delete Top Bottom

    Date Posted: Dec/03/2002 9:45 PM
    get on AIM

    Reply Delete Top Bottom

    Date Posted: Dec/03/2002 9:42 PM
    no Andrew, it doesnt work like that, im sorry. i told you i made a mistake, and im willing to make it up to you. why wont you take your card back plus extras for free? if its so gem mint psa 10, why dont you want it back? stop being a jackass, and take my offer of your card back plus the shea or the schilling for your troubles. end of story, no bargaining. i said im sorry i made the deal, and it was a mistake. im only human, and i made a mistake, and you needa help me out here. what im saying to you isnt only not unreasonable, its extremely reasonable. if i wanted to be an normal person, not even an ass, id just send the card back and say forget the deal. but instead, im willing to send your card back plus more, for free, cause i feel bad. this is it, my last PM to you. if you dont accept my offer, im just sending your card back by itself, and youre just going to have to suck it up, ive been too nice, and youve been too harsh.

    Reply Delete Top Bottom

    Date Posted: Dec/03/2002 9:30 PM
    You traded them so you can send them:

    marino jersey 80
    gwynn auto 60
    thomas jersey 40
    schilling jersey 15+++
    holt ball 25
    shea rc/30 10

    Or you can send me the ARod auto, Ripken auto, or a Jeter auto. Or you can take out the atrain jersey and schill jersey and put in the JRich rc. Plenty of options there. PLMK


    Reply Delete Top Bottom

    Date Posted: Dec/03/2002 6:54 PM
    dude, lets figure out what were going to do here...i made a mistake, im admitting to it. im willing to send your card back, plus a free card or two, lmk what we can do, id greatly appreciate your cooperation on this, dont take it out on me so hard, i made a mistake, im human, it could happen to anyone. ttyl

    Reply Delete Top Bottom

    Date Posted: Dec/02/2002 6:42 PM
    hey bud...umm....remember when you said you wouldnt mind if i just send the ahman back to you and we just cancelled the deal? do you still feel that would be ok? ill send the aaron shea /30 back with it to cover the hassle and the buck or two you spent on shipping...lmk if that would be ok with you, thanks...lmk asap

    Reply Delete Top Bottom

    Date Posted: Nov/25/2002 6:05 PM
    haha....first, i wasnt driving, and second, we were on our way to dinner, it was 6, no drinking...yet ill be alright soon, just a bit of whiplash and some bruises...ttyl

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    Date Posted: Nov/25/2002 5:29 PM
    No problemo man. I understand completely. Sorry to hear that, hope you get better soon. Next time don't drink and drive. lol

    Reply Delete Top Bottom

    Date Posted: Nov/25/2002 2:30 PM
    Andrew, thought I should let you know, I havent been able to get your cards out yet, I was in a car accident friday, not sure if you saw on the board, and im a lil shaken up...im stuck home today, trying to get better. i got a bit of whiplash, my neck has been hurtin...as soon as im better, most definitly in the next day or two, i can get to the PO...sorry about the wait, nothin i can do about it though.

    Reply Delete Top Bottom

    Date Posted: Nov/22/2002 5:13 PM
    Hey! I thought that scan was pretty good. "I have a system so they look good......"

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    Date Posted: Nov/22/2002 5:02 PM
    thanks bud, but i make my own scans thats why they all look so good...i have a system, and a setting on my scanner that i use for all of em so they all look the same...appreciate the gesture though

    Reply Delete Top Bottom

    Date Posted: Nov/22/2002 4:03 PM
    If you want to go ahead and add the Green to your tradepage here's a scan:

    1998 Upper Deck SP Authentic Future Watch Ahman Green RC #27 Serial #'d 1095/2000

    Reply Delete Top Bottom

    Date Posted: Nov/21/2002 5:13 PM
    lol thanks

    Brett S**

    thx again.

    Reply Delete Top Bottom

    Date Posted: Nov/21/2002 5:11 PM
    marino jersey 80
    gwynn auto 60
    thomas jersey 40
    schilling jersey 25++
    holt ball 30++
    shea rc/30 10


    ahman green sp auth bv 150
    and some worthless Jets cards

    Andrew C**


  • kr580kr580 Posts: 4,420 ✭✭

    << <i>pacmanssportscards
    Date Posted: Nov/25/2002 6:38 PM
    Something really is wrong with vittleboy. I offered to send him some free gu and autos to make up for me "ripping him off" on our last deal, like a Iverson floor bv $30, Marion/Mason dual jersey bv $30, and a couple $10-$15 autos and he said, "Cards don't mean anything to me now so why don't you just make the Carter auto deal good and that will restore my faith in you." Wow, is that the same vittleboy?

    image whats this?
  • Vittle...can you read?

    The first post by pacman had quotes from PM's between them...If a trader asks for the boards opinion them both sides of the story should be heard
    Taylor28jag,mikefromchester ,sjrpipm,Mars2001,naturlbrntrder,Hitechkoolaid
    Dallas822 ,KFC,Bjork73,joestalin,dirtmonkey,Bobstar,Euphoria18,Injun01,Dewey

  • << <i>Vittle...can you read?

    The first post by pacman had quotes from PM's between them...If a trader asks for the boards opinion them both sides of the story should be heard >>

    Look Why Do you care what people who you dont really know do. You Feel by saying stuff you can help sorry bud but you cant.
    My E-Bay Auctions

    Glenn Robinson Auto Collection 7/21
  • This sounds too much like what happened between pac & vittle. There is nothing wrong in my opinion with ski sending back the green and even a card as a sorry for the inconvenience. Do i think ski should have sent right away, yeah, but with the accident... it is understandable to me why he hasnt.
    btw pac... you werent ripped off. If ski send the green back... then you arent ripped off...lol. Anyways... thats just my thoughts.
  • Ok, not ripped-off. I'll change the title to "screwed over."
  • vittleboy says "If a Trader isnt happy with the deal he has the right for a trade back and you have to deal with it. People who dont do the trade back are just A-Holes"

    That is a bunch of BS. If you agree to a deal, be a frikin man and follow through with it. Don't waste peoples time trying to come up with a trade and going to the PO if you are going to be a retard and say "i changed my mind i wanna trade back". That is BS. It's not as bad as ripping someone, but it is bad etiquette. If you aren't sure of a deal then don't agree to it.

    I'd challenge you to a battle of wits...... but you appear unarmed

    "Stop talking, negotiating,
    Your feeble attempts at world peace
    Give me a %#@*ing break
    Need worldwide genocide, planetary suicide
    And when the whole damn world is dead
    there's your %#@*ing peace"
  • Erik, I agree with you that trade-backs are BS, and 9 times out of ten, if someone asked me for one I'd tell them where to stick it.

    However, this is a case where pacman misrepresented what ski was getting. There is a big difference between any old Green SPA rookie and one that should grade very highly, and if he promises one and sends another, ski has every right to call off the deal. It's just as if someone promised you a 3 color patch and sent a regular jersey; they have violated the terms of the deal by not sending what was promised.


    Sweet Jesus that dude smells bad!
  • Well I know one thing, if I ever make a trade with Quiksilver77/SkiVermont3 they are sending first!

    That is totally wrong to change you mind after you have had the card that long. It is only human to make mistakes but you have to suck it up and deal with those mistakes.
  • pacman did not send was what agreed upon, Ski has every right to send the Green back and nothing else. He tries to be nice about it and send extras for his trouble, and this is the treatment he gets. F'ing BS

    Sweet Jesus that dude smells bad!
  • thanks King Cobra, your thoughts mirror mine on this...
  • Bah, I really don't wanna get involved, cause I like both of ya's, but while I do think Ski is somewhat at fault for backing out, sending back the card w/extra(s), makes up for it. Sucks for Andrew that he's not getting what he wanted, but have you guys tried working something out with the cards involved so that you're both happy?

    Vittle, go home.
  • LMAO Playr...I thought Vittle was done with cards
    Taylor28jag,mikefromchester ,sjrpipm,Mars2001,naturlbrntrder,Hitechkoolaid
    Dallas822 ,KFC,Bjork73,joestalin,dirtmonkey,Bobstar,Euphoria18,Injun01,Dewey
  • LOL, as did I, but it was just another excuse to back out of deals.
  • It's looking that way...hope he didn't make up that story about his Dad...man,that would be a s**t thing to do
    Taylor28jag,mikefromchester ,sjrpipm,Mars2001,naturlbrntrder,Hitechkoolaid
    Dallas822 ,KFC,Bjork73,joestalin,dirtmonkey,Bobstar,Euphoria18,Injun01,Dewey

  • << <i>It's looking that way...hope he didn't make up that story about his Dad...man,that would be a s**t thing to do >>

    Agreed, but I wouldn't put it past him.
  • well I think what Ski did was wrong..unless you said before the deal, if i don't like it can we send each others cards back? then it would be fine. But if not, a confirmed deal is final.


    Lets Go Buffalo!


    Seth's Cards

    Trading/Buying all high end BILLS GU/Autos! ! !
  • its not that i dont like it dude, it was promised in gem mint condition, and its not, whats the big deal here? this shouldnt even be up for grabs, i should have just said Andrew, the card isnt gem mint, and im sending it back, and he should have said ok, but no, and were in a huge mess, hes messing up my rep by posting bs about me, and this is total crap!
  • You guys seem to keep pushing one misconception: that Ski backed out of the deal. He didn't - he agreed to one deal, and pacman sent him something different. If someone promised you a 4 color patch, and sent you a 2 color patch, you wouldn't be wrong or "backing out of the deal" if you sent it back - you'd be rightly pissed off.

    Sweet Jesus that dude smells bad!
  • Ok, I think we have it worked out. It's not as good as if he hadn't backed out of the original deal and caused me all this grief but it's better than him ripping me off.
  • at least your getting your cards back...thats all i have to say
    i am collecting 8x10 autos, auto replica jerseys and other auot memrobilia, i have a few cards left im trying to sell cheap please email me for the list theres only about 8 to 10 left. thanks
    kenny21 sporto bballrob88 lilsun1 vincesanity lee gaines sporto1688 gabe3249 (biechner) plante23 vittleboy bargasv msb416 dksportz8

  • << <i>at least your getting your cards back...thats all i have to say >>

    I'm glad you said something, because we were all waiting in anticipation.
  • lol Now, now boys......image
  • kr580kr580 Posts: 4,420 ✭✭

    << <i>...I think I got screwed over by a CU member... >>

  • Ski's a freind and pacman seems like a cool guy, so I'm glad you fellas worked it out.

    Sweet Jesus that dude smells bad!
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