My Opinion On bradley25

For people like KingCobra, well... you can rot in hell.
I remember quite a bit ago I was winning this eNay auction ofr a Steven Hunter card I wanted then when I came back to see if I won it jacked up to my Max Bid. turns out that he was that person that bid on it, he was very nice about it and accepted my apologizes. Very good guy as far as that situation goes...
I remember quite a bit ago I was winning this eNay auction ofr a Steven Hunter card I wanted then when I came back to see if I won it jacked up to my Max Bid. turns out that he was that person that bid on it, he was very nice about it and accepted my apologizes. Very good guy as far as that situation goes...
I don't give a flip what Brad has done good he is a rip off !!!!!!!!!!!!
Looking for Marino, Ripken Auto's,Gu & Rc's
So sorry that I cannot defend scammers.
Sweet Jesus that dude smells bad!