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Help me understand some of these Ebay buyers on IHC's....

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How can some people bid on some of these coins? Some of the images are terrible.


  • Nice coins.image Rotts
    "Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a harder battle." Plato

    ....... bob**rgte**
  • This one is E.A.S.Y.....

    Let's start by deciding to sell a coin that is VF on ebay, let's call it a Peace dollar (My fav.). It's a 1928 and worth $100 or so. Let's play out the senerio......

    1) We take a really bad shot or just enough of the good parts of the coin to get the person to believe that the coin is in MS or better condition. They really can't see the entire coin but the flash we used accented the highlights of the coin. O, and it's just far enough away that they can't make out any detail. The picture of the reverse is horrible, you can't even see a feather, just a big white bird.
    2) In our description we call the coin a "friends" who has been collecting only the highest quality coins for 20 years and says that it's a gem, is clean and has a better than average strike. We of course indicate that we know nothing about coins and it's not ours..... o, one more thing, we happily type out the words "Sorry, no returns".. hehe.
    3) We get emails about the coin but unfortunately we can't seem to provide a better picture of the coin because we have it in our safe at the bank. Either way, our scanner was made in 1996.
    4) The coin sells for $ 250.

    Let's look at the other side now...... You are the bidder.... here's the assumptions you've made......

    1) Wow, this person's feedback is perfect and indicates that indeed they have not sold many coins.
    2) They obviously do not know that coin prices are based on mintage and condition because of the poor quality picture. Maybe I'll find that huge bargin I've always dreamed of.
    3) I think I'll ask a question...... survey says.... wow they are dummer than I thought.... this is going to be like taking candy from a baby....
    4) I KNOW this coin may be worth up to $300 - $ 400 by just looking at the photo and the assumptions I've made up to this point. So I'll bid $ 250.....
    5) Woo Hoo I won....!!!

    And then you get the package and are discusted........

    Qimage I want my money back, you sold me a $ 100 coin for $250.
    Aimage Um, there's a no retun policy, you should have read the auction.

    Qimage This coin is not even VF. You mis-represented the coin in your description.
    Aimage How? In the picture? (HEHE).

    And there you have it..... the reason people take far away, non-focused, blurred, dark, bright photos of coins in their auctions. I can say I have been on both sides. I've bought a $19 coin and sold it for $ 300 and I've bought a $30 coin for $185 (I got lucky and could return it)

  • Coppers are very hard to scan and get a decent pic. I have a ton of old indians I want to sell, but I can't get good enough images, so I will hold them.

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