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74 '92 Bow. & Dome CLIFF FLOYD RCs CHEAP

Hi. I'm looking to sell my Cliff Floyd RCs. List/Prices are below. Please e-mail me directly at CRK5432@aol.com if you are interested or if you have any questions.

Take all 74 Floyd RCs for $38

1992 Bowman #678 Cliff Floyd RC (x6).......... $14 for all 6
or............ $3 ea.
1992 Stadium Club Dome #51 Cliff Floyd RC (x68)....... $29 for all 68
or....... $.50 ea. for lots of 10 or more
Buy all 74 Floyd RCs for $38.

All of the cards are NmMt or better, almost all are mint. There are several possible BGS Gem Mints (I believe that 2 of the Bowman's will grade GM) . Prices do NOT include shipping fees.
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