NBAsteve And Pacman Please Read!!

I Was going to get your cards out but we had a really bad snow storm and its really bad here and i just didnt feel like killing myself to get them to the Post office. I Will Try tuesday. Ill Let you know if i get them out.
trade refs on CU: Udwashington,cardjunkie3, chipperedredwolf,rbarra, big shane,dmiles89
Lookin for garnett,tmac,and especially Olajuwon gu/auto or rcs. will trade up to 1.5 book for olajuwon SOMETIMES
Glenn Robinson Auto Collection 7/21
trade refs on CU: Udwashington,cardjunkie3, chipperedredwolf,rbarra, big shane,dmiles89
Lookin for garnett,tmac,and especially Olajuwon gu/auto or rcs. will trade up to 1.5 book for olajuwon SOMETIMES
Kingdom of Loathing Rocks!
trade refs on CU: Udwashington,cardjunkie3, chipperedredwolf,rbarra, big shane,dmiles89
Lookin for garnett,tmac,and especially Olajuwon gu/auto or rcs. will trade up to 1.5 book for olajuwon SOMETIMES