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my weekly requests for fleer exclusive patch/rc

plmk who ya have and what ya need in return.. multicolor only pleez


  • joestalinjoestalin Posts: 12,473 ✭✭
    I think we have been through this before, but just in case we haven't, I have a Tony Parker
    3 color patch and zach randolph 3 color patch. I didn't see anything on your list, but
    perhaps you could find someone with a nice football graph that needs something
    off your list and we could do a three-way trade. LMK

  • AllenAllen Posts: 7,165 ✭✭✭
    I have:
    Kwame Brown 2 color
    Gerald Wallace 2 color with stitches

    I am always looking for nice rookies and autos. I may also be interested in good Iverson GU and rookies.

  • Kevin - interested in the Parker.

    Allen - interested in the Wallace.

    Please take a look at my site (see below) and let me know if there is anything you are interested in.


    Basketball set collector first, then cards of Pierce, Ked.Brown, 98-99/99-00 RCs and Boston GU/autos.

    Website: http://hometown.aol.com/amfox1/myhomepage/collection.html

    Trades completed with 42+ CU/TR members (listed on website)
  • mcdee2mcdee2 Posts: 1,150
    joe stalin: I have both of those already thank you..

    allen: i know i need them both... please check my page at trade site thanks and plmk if you need anything..I do have some new stuff I havent posted yet including a 02-03 hhp certified cuts shareef abdur rahim...
  • mcdee2! What's up with amfox1 vulturing your post?! You gonna take that? image

    Sweet Jesus that dude smells bad!
  • mcdee2mcdee2 Posts: 1,150
    it was kinda low... but this is the kinder gentler Mcdee lol.. I figure once I cashed in my 500th online trade.. I didnt need to fret much anymore lol
  • wish i could help ya but fresh out
    Back from the dead!! Looking for Brady, Joe Montana,Peyton Manning,Jim Brown auto's and rc's, Also Calvin Johnson and Adrian Peterson
  • Frank -

    Didn't mean to cause any problems - gotta take the opportunity to get these RCs since they are so tough to trade for. Trying to build the set - about halfway there.

    I am happy to defer to you on the Wallace, if you can make a deal for it. Life's too short.

    Basketball set collector first, then cards of Pierce, Ked.Brown, 98-99/99-00 RCs and Boston GU/autos.

    Website: http://hometown.aol.com/amfox1/myhomepage/collection.html

    Trades completed with 42+ CU/TR members (listed on website)
  • i have the steven hunter 2 color patch lmk
  • mcdee2mcdee2 Posts: 1,150
    hey battier.... please check my site for anything you would take for the Hunter
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