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FS Jefferson Nickel Collection

leothelyonleothelyon Posts: 8,473 ✭✭✭✭✭
edited January 1, 2025 3:40PM in U.S. Coin Forum
OLD THREAD ALERT!! First posted 20 years ago.
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Hi everyone
I thought I share my FS Jefferson collection.

1938 Anacs 65 5.00 Steps Br6 Light gold toning. MS65 5 steps.
1938-D Anacs 67 f8 5.00 Steps Br6 EDS. MS64 5 steps.
1938-S Anacs 65 5.50* Steps Br6 This coin is deeply struck and is toned in an array of
colors, EDS. Anacs 66 and 65 5.00 Steps.
1939 Anacs 66 f8 5.25 Br8 Type 1 Rev. of 38 [wavy steps] EDS
1939-D MS 65 5.25 Steps PAK count. Type 1. Pcgs MS66 4.75 steps T1, Beautifully toned.
1939-S Anacs 65 5.75 steps Br8 Type 1 Stunning luster and strike.
Anacs 65 5.50* Steps Br6 Type 1, Gold & rainbow peripheral T, Minor carbon spotting.
1939 Anacs 67 5.00 Steps Br8 Stunning luster, T2, POP 2/0. 4 MS64 to 66 FS.
1939-D Anacs 66 5.50 Steps Br6 Type 2.
1939-S Anacs 66 5.9 Steps Br7 Type 2. Just misses 6 steps
1940 Anacs 66 5.00 Steps Beautifully toned. MS65 6.00 Br6
1940-D Anacs 67 f8 6.00 Steps Br7. Anacs 67 5.75 Steps Br7. Anacs 66 6.00. MS 65 5.75.
1940-D Anacs 65 6 Steps Awesome toning.
1940-S Anacs 65 6.00 Steps Br5 Light gold. 2-Anacs 65 5.00 and 5.5 steps.
1941 Anacs 66 f8 6.00 Steps Br6 EDS. 2- MS 65 5.00
1941-D Anacs 67 6.00 Steps Br7 Deep red russet tone. 3 MS66-67 5-6 steppers.
1941-S Pcgs 65 5.00 Steps Br7 PL*. MS 65+ 5.75 Steps Br6, Just misses 6 steps.
1942 MS65 f7 5.25 Steps.
1942-D Anacs 67 f8/str 6.00 Steps Br5, Deep russet tone, EDS POP. 3/0.
Anacs 65 5.9 steps. MS 67 5.50 steps. MS 65+ 6.00.
1942-P Anacs 66 f8/str 5.25 Br8. Anacs 66 f7/str 5.00 Br7.
1942-S Anacs 66 f8 6.00 Steps Br7, Touch of blue toning, EDS, POP. 3/0.
1943-P Anacs 67 5.75 Steps Br8.
1943-P Anacs 67 5.50 DDO FS-029 Die 6 DOUBLE EYE variety.
1943/2-P PCGS 66 f8/str 5.75* Br7 EDS rev. old green slab.
1943-D Anacs 67 5.25 Steps Br7. 2- MS 65 5.75. MS 65 6.00.
1943-S Anacs 66 5.5 Steps Br7. Anacs 67 f8 5.25 EDS Br8 Stunning luster and strike.
Anacs 67 5.25 Steps Br7. 2-MS 65 5.00.
1944-P Anacs 67 f7 5.5 Steps Touch of yellow gold toning. Anacs 65 5.25 Steps Br7.
1944-D PCGS 67 f8 6.00* Steps Br7 Yellow Gold toning. Anacs 67 5.5 Steps D/D* Br6.
Anacs 66 5.5 Steps D/D Br7 Lt Gold. Anacs 65 5 Steps D/D RPM-6. Anacs 64 6 steps
1944-S Anacs 66 5.50 Steps Br7, Anacs 65 5.50 Lam.
1945-P Anacs 66 5.25 Steps Br7. 2- MS 65 5.25 One is P/P.
1945-D Anacs 67 5.75 Steps Br7. Anacs 66 5.50 Steps.
Anacs 66 5.00. Anacs 65 5 Steps Br6 D/D RPM-32.
1945-S Anacs 67 5.25 Steps Br7, MS 4/5 5.75 Steps Br7 Close to 6 steps.
1946 Anacs 65 6.00* Steps Br7 Obv. PL, Gold rev. toning.
1946-D Anacs 65 6.00 Steps Br6 Gold toning. Anacs 67 f6 5.5.
1946-S Anacs 66 5.25 Steps Br6 Silver toning.
1947 Anacs 66 5.00 Br6 Rainbow toning. Anacs 65 5.00.
1947-D Anacs 65 6.00 Br6 Rainbow toning, 1/0. Anacs 66 5.9 Br6 Rainbow toning.
Anacs 66 5.00 Br6 Neon red, blue, green, orange, pink.
1947-S Anacs 66 6.00 Br6 Rainbow toning 2/0 EDS. Anacs 66 5.5 EDS.
1948 MS 65 f7 5.25 Br6 Light gold toning.
1948-D Anacs 66 5.75 Br6 Bull’s eye toning.
1948-S Anacs 66 f7 5.00 Steps Fully strucked, lt gold Toning. MS66...Lustrous.
1949 MS65 5.00b, MS64 f6 5.00b Br5 Gold toning. MS64 6.00 steps Off-centered 25%.
1949-D Anacs 67 f6/m5 5.25 Br6 Gold toning. Anacs 66 5.00*.
1949-S Anacs 65 f7 5.50 Br7.
1950 Anacs 66 5.25* Br6 Lt. gold tone, Prooflike.
1950-D Anacs 66 6.00 2/0, Anacs 67 5.25 3/0, Anacs 66, 2- A65 5. 3 MS65 5.00.
1951 Anacs 65 5.00 Br5 Deep gold toning, Strong strike. Lot of 6th step.
MS 4/5 5.00 Br7 EDS.
1951-D Anacs 66 f7/6 5.50 Br6 Light gold.
1951-S Anacs 65 PL f8 5.00 Br8 EDS POP. 1/1
1952 MS64 m5 5.25 Br6 Light gold toning.
1952-D Anacs 66 f8 5.00 Br6 Gold toning EDS.
1952-S Anacs 66 5.00, Anacs 65 5.00 Br6 Light silver toning.
1953 Anacs 65 5.00 Br5 Blue to gold centers.
1953-D PCGS 65 5.00 steps.
1953-S Anacs 65 5.00 Br7 Fully strucked, EDS.
1954 MS 4/5 f7 5.00 Br7 Light silver tone.
1954-D Another tough date to find in gem condition.
1954-S Anacs 64 m5/f7 5.00 Br6 Gold toning.
1954-S Anacs 64 m5/f7 5.00 Br7 Light gold toning.
1954-S/D Anacs 65 FS-033 OMM-1 Br6 Lt Gold.
1955 Anacs 65 5.00.
1955-D MS65 Brilliant, strong strike, near 5 steps 4 c.s. Best 55-D I’ve seen.
1955-D/S Anacs 66, Anacs 65.
1956 MS 64 5.50 Br5 Blue and green toning.
1956-D Anacs 64 f7 5.00 Steps. M65 5 steps.
1957 Anacs 66 PL 5.25 Br9 Light gold toning.
1957-D Anacs 65 5.5 Steps Close to 6 steps. Pcgs 65 5.00. MS64 5.00 Br6 Light gold toning.
1958 Anacs 64 f6 5.00 Gold toning.
1958-D Anacs 65 6.00 steps. MS 65 5.75 Br6 Light blue/green toning.
Anacs 65 5.5 Steps DBL Die Rev.
1959 Anacs 66 5.25 Br7 PL*. Anacs 65 5.00 PL. PCGS 65 6.00*. MS65 5.00 Bulls-eye toning.
1959-D Anacs 65 5.00 Br7.
1960 Anacs 65 5.00 Br6 Light blue and green toning, EDS.
1960-D Anacs 64 w1/m5 4.75 Br6 Slightly flat ck.
1961 MS 4/5 5.00 Br6 Light gold toning.
1961-D MS 65 4.75 Br6 Pheripheral toning, EDS.
1962 Anacs 65 5.00 Br7.
1962-D MS64 5.00n Br6 gold toning.
1963 Anacs 65 f7/6 5.00 Br6 Light tone. *Anacs 65 5.00.
1963-D PCGS 65 5.00* steps. Hit on ck, grades MS64.
1964 MS65 5.00. Sold.
1964-D Anacs 64 5.00 Br7. Anacs 64 PL 4.50 Br9 Frosted.
1965 Anacs 66 m5 Box 5.00 Br5 Rainbow toning. MS 65 m6 Box 5.00 Br6. PCGS 65 5.00*.
1966 Anacs 64 f6/m5 Box 5.00 Br7 Light gold toning.
1968-D Anacs 64 5.00 Br7 Very light gold toning.
1968-S PCGS 65 5.25 steps*
1969-D MS66 4.50 st 3 cs. PL Extra thick planchet, Sold $56. Wish I hadn't!
1969-S MS66 f7 3+ steps Br7 Very nice.
1970-D MS65 5.00 Br7.
1970-S PCGS 65 5.00* Br7.
1971 MS65+ 6.00
1971-D MS65 5.75*
1972 MS65 5.25*
1972-D MS64 5.25*
1973 MS65 6.00*
1973-D Anacs 66 5.25
1973-D MS65+ 5.25**
1974 MS65 5.00
1974-D MS67 5.25
1975 MS66 5.00
1975-D MS64 5.75
1976 Anacs 65 5.00
1976-D Anacs 65 5.50
1977 Anacs 65 5.25
1977-D MS 3/5 5.75
1978 MS 4/5 5.00
1978-D MS 65 5.50**
1979 MS 65 5.00
1979-D MS65 5.25
1980-P Anacs 65 5.00
1980-D MS 65 5.25
1981-P Anacs 66 5.00
1981-D MS 65 5.00**
1982-P A65 Bm 2811
1982-D A65 Bm 2814
1982-D A65 Bm 2816
1982-D A65 Bm 2817
1983-P A65 5.50*
1983-D A66 5.25
1984-P A66 6.00
A65 6.00
1984-D MS65 5.25**
1985-P MS65 5.00**
1985-D MS 65 5.25
1986-P Anacs 65 5.00
1986-D MS 65 5.25**
1987-P MS 65 6.00**
SEGS66 6.00 PL*
1987-D MS65 6.00**
1988-P MS65 6.00**
1988-D MS65 6.00**
1989-P A65 PL 6.00
1989-D MS 65 6.00
1990-P MS 65 6.00**
1990-D MS 65 6.00
1991-P A65 6.00**
1992-P MS65 6.00
1992-D Anacs 66 6.00
1993-P MS65 6.00
1993-D Anacs 65 6.00**
1994-P MS4/5 6.00
1994-P A63 Broadstruck
1994-D MS 65 6.00**
1995-P A65 Broadstruck
1995-D MS65 6.00
1996-P MS 65 6.00
1996-D A67 6.00. MS 67 6.00 PL
1997-P MS65 6.00**
1997-D MS66 6.00**
1998-P A65 6.00
1998-D MS65 6.00
1999-P A64 Broadstruck. A66 Partial Collar
2000-D Anacs 65 6.00
2002-P 65, 66 6s PL

1938 MS66 5.50 Light frost.
1938 MS66 6.00 Lt. frost Extra thick planchet.
1939 T1 P66 Frosted Obv.
1939 Type 2
1940 Type 1
1940 PCGS 65 Lt Frost Type 2
1941 PCGS 67 Lt Frost
1942 P66 Mod. Frost. P66 Lt Frost, P67 Light.
1942-P MS66 Frosted.
1942-P Anacs65 Frosted
1950 Anacs 66 Cameo
1950 N67 Cameo*
1952 P66 Cameo
1953 A66 Cameo
1954 P67 Cameo
1956 P67 Cameo
1957 P67 Cameo
1958 N67 Cameo
1959 A67 Cam Rainbow toning.
1960 MS65 Cameo
1962 N68 Ultra Cameo
1963 N68 Cameo
1964 P68 Cameo. P67DC
1966 A67 Cameo 5 steps
1967 A65 Heavy Cam 5 steps*
1968 S P68 Deep Cameo
1969 S MS67 Deep Cameo
1970 S MS65 Blue Cameo
1971 S A65 Heavy Cameo
1972 S P68 Deep Cameo
1973 S MS67 Deep Cameo
1974 S MS65 Blue Cameo
1975 S on up 2001-S are Pf67
or higher in Deep cameo. A few
have rainbow to gold toning.
1994-P Specimen Anacs69
1997-P Specimen MS69**

End of collection.
(*) not on holder. 1971 to date stands for multiples of that date.
(Br) followed by number measures Brilliant and luster in 1 to10 range. Where omitted, it's a f/7.
(f/7) Strike range 1 to 10
(n) nick (b) bridge in steps.

Thanks for looking.


IBelow is the updated list.
The asterisk " * " following the steps notations is in my opinion. That the ANACS, NGC nor PCGS full steps designations do not appear on their holders. The lower case n = nick or nicks indicates they appear on the steps but are minor in my opinion.
EDS (early die state)
(Br) followed by a number measures the Brilliance and luster in 1 to10 range.
(f/7str) Strike range 7 to 9
(m/5str) Strike range 4 to 6
(w/2str) Strike range 1 to 3
(f/w str) obv. is full, rev. is weak
obv. obverse, rev. reverse
str strike
) parenthesis lol
(n) nick (b) bridge in steps.
These notations remind me where the coin is located.
a1 Big album
a2 album
b box
3r or 3rb is a 3 row box for 1 1/2 X 1 1/2 cardboard holder....all soon to be moved into Mylar Saflips.
Gh green holder
Thanks for looking.

1938 PCGS MS66 5 steps* Anacs 65 5 Br6 Lt gold t. R65 5 steps 3r.
1938-D Anacs 67 f8 5 Br6 EDS Colorful t. R66 EDS 5.25 subtle L, colorful 3r.
1938-S PCGS MS66 5.25* Br6 t, EDS b. Anacs 66, 65 5. PCGS MS66 5445 qsc a1. R64/65 5545 qsc a1,
R65 EDS Colorful
1939 T1 R38 Anacs 66 f8 5.25 Br8 Rev. of 38 [wavy steps] EDS
1939-D T1 R38 R66 EDS 5.25 steps subtle L 3r. Pcgs MS66 4.75 T1, Beautifully t. b
1939-S T1 R38 Anacs 65 5.25, Hvy gold t.
Anacs 65 5.50* Br6 Type 1, Gold & rainbow peripheral T, Minor c spotting.
1939 T2 R40 Anacs 67 5 Br8 Stunning L, colorful. NGC MS66 5545 qsc.al R65 5.00 Br8 a2 4 MS64 to 66 FS. R66 EDS 5, subtle L, colorful, R65 EDS 5-, T 3r
1939 Dbl Mont. AU58
1939-D T2 R40 Anacs 66 5.50 Br6
1939-S T2 R40 PCGS 64 m/f/str 5.9 Steps Br7 Type 2. -6 steps a1, R65 5 Br7 3r.
1940 Anacs 66 5 Beautifully t. MS65 6 Br6, R66 EDS 5.75 subtle L, 3r
1940-D Anacs 67 m6/f8 6 Br7. Anacs 67 5.75 Br7. Anacs 66 6. R65 5.75 a1. Anacs 65 6, Awesome t. b, R66 EDS 5.50 subtle L, t 3r, Anacs MS65 6 PL, R65 6 Colorful 3r
1940-S Anacs 65 6 Br5 Lt gold. 2-Anacs 65 5 and 5.5.
1941 Anacs 66 f8 6 Br6 EDS. R65 5 a1
1941-D Anacs MS66 EDS/str 5.5 Multi color, Anacs 67 6 Br7 Deep red russet t. 3 MS66-67 5-6 steppers. Anacs 65 6 Br6 Deep red russet t. Anacs 67 W/str 6.00 S Br7 Deep colorful russet tone. R65 6 Br5 Toned lbl a2, R67 6 T. 3r
1941-S Pcgs MS65FS Br7 PL*. b MS 65+ 5.75 Br6, -6 steps. PCGS MS66 f/w str., oddity. R65/66 5.50 Br7 a2
1942 PCGS MS66 5* EDS b, MS65 f7 5.25.
1942-D Anacs 67 f8 6 Br5, Deep russet t, EDS POP. 3/0.
Anacs 65 5.9 multi rv. color t. MS67 5.50. R65 5.25 T. a1 R65 6 Br6 a2
1942-D/HorizD Anacs AU 58 T
1942-P PCGS MS66FS Br8 b, Anacs 66 f8/str 5.25 Br8. Anacs 66 f7/str 5 Br7. PCGS MS67 f/str 5.50* Br8, IMO MS66. a1 R66 5 Br7 toning spots a2
1942-S Anacs 66 f8 6 Br7, Touch of blue t, EDS, POP. 3/0. Anacs 67 5 Br8 S/S Lt. t. PCGS MS67 a1
1943-P Anacs 67 5.75 Br8.
1943-P Anacs 67 5.50 DDO FS-029 Die 6 DOUBLE EYE variety. R67 5525 qsc Br8 a2
1943-D PCGS MS67FS 6 EDS B, Anacs 67 5.25 Br7. PCGS MS67/66 6* hit on 1st step. a1, R65 5.75 a2. MS 65 6.00. ANACS MS66 EDS 5.25 n Colorful b, R66 5 Colorful 3r, R66 5.50 Colorful,rev. lam 3r
1943-S PCGS MS67 5.25* EDS Br8 b, Anacs 66 5.5 Br7. Anacs 67 f8 5.25 EDS Br8 Stunning luster and strike. R66 EDS 5.00- subtle L, colorful, lbl 3r
Anacs 67 5.25 Steps Br7. 2-MS 65 5.00.
1944-P PCGS MS66 Br7 Toned Anacs 67 f7 5.5 Steps Touch of yellow gold toning. Anacs 65 5.25 Steps Br7. a1, R65 5.00 steps Br8 a2
1944-D PCGS 67 f8 6.00* Steps Br7 Yellow Gold toning Sold. NGC MS66 5 Steps* EDS Br7 Colorful b. PCGS MS67 5556 qsc EDS Br8 pastel toning b. Anacs 67 5.5 Steps D/D* Br6. Anacs 67 5.00 Steps Br6 multi toning. Anacs 66 5.5 Steps D/D Br7 Lt Gold. Anacs 65 5 Steps D/D RPM-6. Anacs 64 6 steps. R65 5.50 steps Br8 a2,
R67 EDS 5.75 steps Br8 Toned, 3r
1944-S PCGS MS66FS EDS Br7 b, Anacs 66 5.50 Steps Br7, Anacs 65 5.50 Lam toned.
1945-P Anacs 66 5.25 Steps Br7. R65 5.25 P/P a1.
1945-D Anacs 67 5.75 Steps Br7. Anacs 66 5.50 Steps. Anacs 66 5.00 Steps Br8. Anacs 65 5.00 Steps D/D Rpm-32
Anacs 66 5.00. Anacs 65 5 Steps Br6 D/D RPM-32.
1945-S PCGS MS65FS 5.50 steps EDS Br8 b. Anacs 67 5.25 Steps Br7, MS 4/5 5.75 Steps Br7 Close to 6 steps. a2
1946 PCGS MS64FS EDS Colorful b. Anacs 65 6.00* Steps Br7 Obv. PL, Gold rev. toning.
1946-D PCGS MS65FS Toned b. Anacs 65 6.00 Steps Br6 Gold toning. Anacs 67 f6 5.5. R66 EDS 6.00- steps n subtle luster, colorful, obv. strikethru lbl 3r
1946-S Anacs 66 5.25 Steps Br6 Silver toning. Anacs 65 5.00 Steps PL
1947 Anacs 66 5.00 Br6 Gold toning. Anacs 65 5.00. R65 5.00 T a1
1947-D Anacs 65 6.00 Br6 Gold toning, 1/0. Anacs 66 5.9 Br6 Rainbow toning. R64 5.25 Steps Colorful 3r
Anacs 66 5.00 Br6 Neon red, blue, green, orange, pink. Anacs 65 6.00- Br6 Gold toning. PCGS MS66 5.00 Steps* a1
1947-S Anacs 66 6.00 Br5 Heavy toning 2/0 EDS. Anacs 66 5.5 EDS. PCGS MS65FS a1
1948 PCGS MS66 5 steps* b. MS 65 f7 5.25 Br6 Light gold toning. PCGS MS65 5 steps lt.nicks, a1, R64 5.25 Steps Toned 3r, R64 5 Steps Toned 3r
1948-D PCGS MS66FS Toned b. Anacs 66 5.75 Br6 Bull’s eye toning. PCGS MS66 5 steps* a1.
1948-S Anacs 66 f7 5.00 Steps Fully struck, lt gold Toning. MS66...Lustrous. R65 5.00 T a1, R64 5 Steps Toned 3r,
R66 EDS 5.25 steps colorful 3r.
1949 MS65 5.00b, MS64 f6 5.00b Br5 Gold toning. MS64 6.00 steps Off-centered 25%, R64 5525 qsc Toned 3r.
1949-D PCGS MS66 5 steps*n EDS b. PCGS MS66 5 steps* b. Anacs 67 f6/m5 5.25 Br6 Gold toning. Anacs 66 M/str r5.00*. Anacs MS65 5 Steps a1
1949-S PCGS MS65FS toned b. Anacs 65 f7 5.50 Br7.
1950 Anacs 66 5.25* Br6 Lt. gold tone, Prooflike.
1950-D Anacs 66 6.00 2/0, PCGS MS65 5 steps*n colorful b, Anacs 67 5.25 3/0, Anacs 66, Anacs 65 5.00 Toned a1, Anacs 65 5 Toned. 3 MS65 5.00. MS64 6 Steps Toned recent find 01/2020
1951 Anacs 65 5.00 Br5 Deep gold toning, Strong strike. Lot of 6th step. PCGS MS65 5 steps* b PCGS MS64 5 Steps* a1. PCGS MS65 EDS 5535 qsc Br7 b.
MS 4/5 5.00 Br7 EDS.
1951-D Anacs 66 f7/6 5.50 Br6 Light gold. Anacs 64 f7/6 5.00 Toned, NGC MS6765* 5 Steps*n Toned b
1951-S Anacs 65 PL f8 5.00 Br8 EDS POP. 1/1 now PCGS MS64FS Lightly frosted b. PCGS MS64 w/str 5 steps* Colorful and PL a1. PCGS MS66 b.
1952 MS64 m5 5.25 Br6 Light gold toning. PCGS MS65 EDS 4335 qsc Br7 Toned b, R65 5335 qsc Toned 3r.
1952-D Anacs 66 f8 5.00 Br6 Gold toning EDS. Anacs MS65 B8 5.00 Steps* Pastel Toning D/D IMO MS67+, PCGS MS65 5 steps* Colorfully toned a1.
1952-S Anacs 66 5.00, Anacs 65 5.00 Br6 Light silver toning. NGC MS65 5 Steps* Toned a1, PCGS MS65 EDS 5335 qsc Br7 Toned b. R65 f/wstr Steps n Toned 3r
1953 PCGS MS65 EDS b. Anacs 65 5.00 Br5 Blue to gold centers. PCGS MS64 w/str dark toned oddity b, R65 Toned 3r, R64 5 Steps n Toned 3r,
1953-D PCGS 65 5.00 steps PCGS MS66 EDS 5.00 n Br7 Toned b. PCGS MS66 a1, PCGS MS65 EDS 5.00 Steps* Colorful b. PCGS MS64 D/UpsidedownD Toned b.
1953-S NGC MS66 f/str 5335n qsc, b Anacs 65 5.00 Br7 Fully struck, EDS crossed intp PCGS MS65FS Sold. R64 f/wstr Steps 3r
1954 PCGS MS65 EDS Colorful b. MS4/5 f7 5.00 Br7 Light silver tone. PCGS MS64 5 Heavy toned b. PCGS MS65 toned b.
1954-D PCGS MS64FS Br6 b. 108, NGC & PCGS both MS65.
1954-S Anacs 64 m5/f7 5.00 Br6 Gold toning. PCGS MS65 PL Colorful b. PCGS MS66 Steps Br7 b. PCGS MS66 EDS 5545n Br7 Toned b.
1954-S Anacs 64 m5/f7 5.00 Br7 Light gold toning. PCGS MS65 w/fstr 5 steps* b, R65 5545 qsc Br7 toned a2
1954-S/D Anacs 65 FS-033 OMM-1 Br6 Lt Gold.
1955 PCGS MS65 EDS 5.00 Steps* Br7 Toned b. Anacs 65 5.00. Anacs 66 Toned. Anacs MS 65 a1.
1955-D PCGS MS65 5.00 Steps* Colorful b.MS65 Brilliant, strong strike, near 5 steps 4 c.s. Anacs MS64 W/str Toned, NGC MS64 5 Steps* a1
1955-D/S Anacs 66, Anacs 65.
1956 PCGS MS65FS EDS Br8 MS64 5.50 Br5 Blue and green toning. R65 5.00 T a1
1956-D PCGS MS66 5545 qsc EDS Br6 b. Anacs 64 f7 5.00 Steps. M65 5 steps. NGC MS65 a1. R64 f/str 5.00 steps Br6 a2
1957 PCGS MS66 Rough 5 Steps EDS Br7 Toned b. Anacs 66 5.25 Br9 PL Light gold toning.
1957-D PCGS MS65 5 Steps* EDS Toned b. Anacs 65 5.5 Steps Close to 6 steps. PCGS MS65FS a1. Pcgs 65 5.00. MS64 5.00 Br6 Light gold toning. PCGS MS66 Toned b.
1958 PCGS MS64FS EDS Br6 Toned b.Anacs 64 f6 5.00 Gold cameo toning. a1. PCGS MS65 5 steps* n Br6 b. NGC MS 5 Steps*n Black Beauty b.
1958-D Anacs 65 6.00 steps. MS 65 5.75 Br6 Light blue/green toning.
Anacs 65 5.5 Steps DBL Die Rev.
1959 Anacs 66 5.25 Br7 PL*. Anacs 65 5.00 PL. PCGS 65FS 6.00* Br7 b. MS65 5.00 Bulls-eye toning. PCGS MS65 5 steps*n b. R64 5 Steps sinister planchet 3r, R65 5 Steps sinister planchet 3r
1959-D PCGS MS66 EDS 5.00 Steps* Br7 Toned b Anacs 65 5.00 Br7 Colorful toning. PCGS MS65 5 Steps nick, a1, 144
1960 Anacs 65 5.00 Br6 Light blue and green toning, EDS.
1960-D SEGS MS65 5 steps* b, R64 w/fstr 4+steps Br6 flat cheek/ear 3r. PCGS MS65 a1
1961 PCGS MS65 5 steps* Br7 b, R4/5 4455 qsc Br6 Toned 3r. PCGS MS64 a1, PCGS MS63 4.75 steps PL Black Beauty b. PCGS MS65 b.
1961-D R64 5524 EDS colorful 3r.
1962 PCGS MS66 EDS b, PCGS MS64 EDS Colorful b, Anacs 65 5.00 Br7. Anacs 65 5.00 Br7 EDS. PCGS MS65 5 Steps* a1
1962-D MS64 5.00n Br6 gold toning. PCGS MS64 m/fstr 5 steps* Br6, SEGS MS63 PL 5 Steps b, R64 5 Steps Hvy colorful toning 3r
1963 PCGS MS65 5545 qsc EDS PL Colorful b, Anacs 65 f7/6 5.00 Br6 Light tone a1. Anacs 65 5.00. PCGS MS65 5 steps* b.
1963-D PCGS 65 5.00* steps now PCGS MS64 5 steps* Br7 b. R64 5.00- a2.
1964 R4/5 f/str 5.00 Steps Br6 3r. R64 m/fstr 5 Steps Hvy toned 3r
1964-D Anacs 64 5.00 Br7. ^Anacs 64 PL 4.50 Br9 Frosted scratched b. NGC MS65star PL b
1965 PCGS MS65 5 steps*EDS B, Anacs 66 m5 Box 5.00 Br5 Rainbow toning. MS 65 m6 Box 5.00 Br6. PCGS 65 5.00*. PCGS MS65 a1
1966 Anacs 64 f6/m5 Box 5.00 Br7 Light gold toning. a1
1967 (1 3r)
1968-D (1 3r) Anacs 64 5.00 Br7 Very light gold toning.
1968-S PCGS 65 5.25 steps* strikethrough on steps Br7 b, PCGS MS66 a1
1969-D (5 3r) R64 nicely toned. a1
1969-S (3 3r) R66 nicely toned a1
1970-D (4 3r) R65/64 nicely toned a1
1970-S PCGS 65 5.00* Br7 near 6 steps b. PCGS MS65 5 steps* PL Colorful b, R66 nicely toned a1 177 plus 45 3rs
Jan. 30th 2021 Undated my personal views on the ANACS dates 1971 thru 1984, adding 1982 to 1984 most having greater eye appeal than the grades assigned to them.
1971 ^Anacs MS65 5.50 b, MS65+ 6.00, MS65 5.00 toned b
1971-D MS65 5.75?, MS65 5.25 H toned 3rb, MS65 5.00 toned 3rb
1972 MS65 5.25?, MS64 5.25 toned 3rb
1972-D MS64 5.25 3rb, MS65 5.25 3rb
1973 ^Anacs MS65 6.00 squeeker b, MS65 6.00?, MS65 5.50 3rb, MS65 5.75 3rb
1973-D Anacs 66 5.25, MS64 5.25 3rb
1973-D MS65+ 5.25**
1974 Anacs MS65 5.00 imo 66+ gold tone
1974-D MS67 5.25?, MS65 5.25 2-3rb
1975 ^Anacs MS65 5.00 b imo 64, MS66 5.00? MS64 5.50 3rb
1975-D MS64 5.75? MS65 5.50 toned spot 3rb, MS65 5.25 3rb
1976 ^Anacs MS65 5.00 Colorful b, imo 66+, MS66 5.25 n mset
1976-D ^Anacs 65 5.00 b, ^Anacs MS64 6.00 Nicely toned b strike-thru on forehead. 64+ imo, MS65 5.00 3rb
1977 ^Anacs MS65 5.25 b imo 66+ gold toned,
1977-D ^Anacs MS65 5.00 b imo 66 Nicely toned, MS 3/5 5.75?, MS65 5.25 2-3rb
1978 MS 4/5 5.00?, MS64 5.25 3rb
1978-D MS 65 5.50?, MS65 -5.25 nicks 3rb
1979 MS 65 5.00?, MS64 5.00 3rb
1979-D MS65 5.25?, MS65 5.00 3rb, MS64 5.00 3rb, MS65 5.00 3rb
1980-P ^Anacs 65 5.00 Colorful b imo 65+ lot of 6th step showing, PCGS MS65 5.00 Steps*n toned struck-thrus on face b,
1980-D MS 65 5.25?, MS64 5.00 3rb
1981-P ^Anacs MS66 5.00 b imo 67 exceptionally nice.
1981-D ^Anacs MS65 5.00 nick nd tick on bold steps. b imo 66, MS 65 5.00?, MS64 5.00 2-3rb
1982-P ^Anacs 65 Bm 2808 colorful, cracked holder b, ^Anacs MS64 5 Steps Bm 2809 Toned b, ^ANACS MS65 5.00 steps, toned M 1811. R65 6545 qsc b, R65 5534 qsc b, 4 coins R64-65 5 steps b,
1982-D Anacs MS65 5.00 Bm 2811 b, ^Anacs MS65 5.00 Bm 2814 b, ^Anacs MS65 5.00 Bm 2816 b, ^Anacs MS65 5.00 Bm 2817 b, PCGS MS64FS b, 202
1983-P ^Anacs MS65 5.50 b, MS64 5.25 3rb
1983-D ^Anacs MS66 5.25 b, PCGS MS65 5.25 Steps*n toned b, MS64 5.25 3rb
1984-P ^A66 6 partial collar b, ^Anacs MS65 6 b, ^Anacs MS65 5 b PCGS MS66 5.25 Steps* toned b, 181?
1984-D ^Anacs MS65 5 b, MS65 5.25?, MS66 5.25 3rb
1985-P MS65 5? MS65 5.25 3rb, MS64 5.25 toned 3rb,
1985-D ^Anacs 65 5 PL Toned, b, MS 65 5.25?, MS66 5 3rb
1986-P Anacs 65 5
1986-D ^Anacs 65 5.50 b, MS 65 5.25?, MS64 5.25 3rb
1987-P MS 65 6**, SEGS MS66 6 PL* b, MS65 6 3rb, MS65 5.50 3rb, MS66 6
1987-D MS65 6 3rb,
1988-P MS65 6?, MS65 5.75
1988-D ^Anacs MS65 5 Striation toning b, MS65 6?, MS65 5.75 3rb, MS64 6 3rb
1989-P ^Anacs MS65/67 PL 6 b, MS64 -6 3rb
1989-D MS 65 6?, MS64 5.50 3rb, Ms65/4 6 3rb
1990-P MS 65 5.50 PL 3rb
1990-D MS 64 5 3rb, MS65 5.75 PL,
1991-P ^Anacs MS65 6, MS65 6 PL 3rb
1992-P MS66 6 recent find, MS65 6
1992-D ^Anacs 66 6 b, MS64 6 toned 3rb
1993-P MS65 6 PL 3rb
1993-D Anacs 65 6 b, MS65 6 3rb, MS66 6 3rb
1994-P ^Anacs MS65/66 6 toned b, MS4/5 6
1994-D MS64 6 3rb
1995-D MS65 6? MS66 5.75 3rb
1996-P MS 65 6?
1996-D ^Anacs MS67 6 b. MS 67 6 PL, MS65 6 3rb
1997-P MS65 6? MS65 6 PL toned 3rb
1997-D MS65+ 6 3rb
1998-P ^Anacs MS65 6 b, MS64 6 3rb, MS65 6 sintered 3rb
1998-D MS65 6? MS64+ 6 PL 3rb
1999-P PCGS MS65FS, MS66 6 2-3rb, MS65 6.00 3rb
1999-D ^Anacs MS65 PL 6 Colorful, imo 66+. ^Anacs MS65 PL 6 Colorful, mottled toning, IMO MS64 6 b
2000-D ^Anacs MS65 6 PL* b 222, MS65 -6
2001-P MS65 6 3rb
2001-D MS66 6
2002-P MS65 6 PL 3rb, 66 6s PL?
2002-D MS66 6 2-3rb
2003-P MS64 6 toned 3rb, MS65 6 toned 3rb, MS65 6 3rb
2003-D 43 MS64 6 3rb, MS63 6 3rb

I have seen my share of early proofs 1938 to 1942-P and including 1950 that are not as frosty or deep mirrored as the later dates 1951 to 1959. Or perhaps the seldom opportunities they'd surface. Side by side comparisons were the only way to be assured of matching the quality between all the proofs.
There are 40+ raw proofs in 2x2s from 1960 to 1997, grade Pf67 or higher in Deep cameo. A few
are toned, rainbow to gold toning. A few have somehow over-toned and are ugly.

1938 PR66 5.50 Obv.Cameo. 2x2 3r
1938 PR66 6.00 Lt. frost Extra thick planchet. 2x2 3r
1939 Type 1 Rev.38 PCGS PR66 Frosted Obv. b
1939 Type 2 Rev.40 PCGS PR66 Cameo* b
1940 Type 1 Rev.38 PCGS PR64 Frosted Obv. b
1940 Type 2 Rev.40 PCGS PR65 Cameo* Gh b
1941 PCGS 67 Cameo* Gh b
1941 PCGS 67 Beautifully toned
1942 Type 1 P66 Moderate/Cameo* Frost. PCGS PR66 Cameo, P67 Light. ANACS PF67 Colorful b, ^Anacs PF66 Hvy toned b
1942-P PR65 Frosted. 2x2 3r
1942-P PCGS PR67 Dcam obv,, Cam rev.
1942-P ^Anacs PF65 Frosted, dirty b
1950 ^Anacs 66 Cameo Colorful
1950 NGC PR67 Cameo* b, Anacs PF66 Cameo b
1951 PR68 Cameo 2x2 3r
1952 PCGS PR66 Cameo Gh b
1953 ^Anacs PF66 Cameo b
1954 PCGS PR67 Cameo Gh b
1955 NGC PR68 b
1956 PCGS PR67 Cameo Gh b
1957 PCGS PR67 Cameo Gh b
1958 NGC PR67 Cameo b
1959 ^ANACS PF67 Cameo Colorful. b
1960 MS65 Cameo
1962 NGC PR68 Ultra Cameo
1963 NGC PR68 Cameo* b
1964 PCGS PR68Cam Lt tone, PCGS PR67 DCam b
1965 SEGS MS65 SMS 5 Steps b, ^ANACS MS66 Colorful b
1966 ^ANACS 67 SMS Cameo 5 steps b
1967 ^ANACS MS66 Cameo 5 steps, actually 6545 qsc b
1968 S P68 Deep Cameo PCGS PR67 DCam b
1969 S MS67 Deep Cameo
1970 S MS65 Blue Cameo, NGC PF67 UC b,
1971 S A65 Heavy Cameo, NGC PF69 UC b,
1972 S P68 Deep Cameo
1973 S MS67 Deep Cameo
1974 S MS65 Blue Cameo
1978 S ^PF68 Hvy Cameo b
1989 S PCGS PR69 DCam Colorful b
1991 S PCGS PR68 DCam Colorful b
1998 S PCGS PR68 DCam b
2000 S PCGS PR69 DCam b
2001 S PCGS PR69 DCam b 41 Total 84 proof and SMS coins

1994-P Specimen Anacs MS69 b
1997-P Specimen MS69** 3

1981-P ANACS MS64 Broadstruck b
1983-P ANACS MS64 Broadstruck b
1984-P ANACS MS65 Broadstruck b
1988-P ANACS MS63 Broadstruck b
1994-P ANACS MS63 Broadstruck b
1995-P ANACS MS65 Broadstruck b
1999-P ANACS MS64 Partial Collar, b ANACS MS66 Broadstruck b 31, 253

End of collection.

This collection ends in 2003 although I do have a few coins and rolls in the 2004 to present range; Recently added 12 mint set dates 4/2023.

Transactions from a 45+ year collector beginning in
Apr 2021;
So, let's start with the PL coins I have.
38, 38D, 38S, (2) 39, 40, (2) 40D, 40S, (4) 41, 41D, 41S, (2)42, 42D, 42P, 42S, 43P, (2) 43D, 43S, 44P, 44S, 45P, (2) 45D, 45S, 46, 46S, 47, 48S, 49, 50, 51, 51S, 52, 52D, 52S, (2) 53D, (2) 53S, (4) 54D, 55, (2) 55D, (2) 56, (2) 58, 58D, (3) 59, (4) 59D, 60, 60D, (2) 61, (2) 61D, (3) 62D, (2) 63, (3)64D, (3) 65SMS (81)

July 2021 Next, toned coins from a capital holder and a 2x2 box. 23 coins. 38, 38D, 39SR38, 42D, 43P and 38D, 39R38, 39SR38, 42P, 43P, 43S, 46D, 47P, 51P, 53P, 56P, 60P, 65, 68D, 69S, 77D, 79P, 91D. (104T)

Next; 22 PL coins. 43D, 43S, 44D, 46S, 48S, 2- 49S, 2- 52D, 52-S, 53D, 2- 54P, 55P, 56P. 2-57P, 57D, 62P (56 diff). 2- 80P and the 84P. (126T)

Some dates listed below are PL but left un-noted.

14 coins 38P, 38S, 39P, 39S, 43D, 44D, 46S, 48S, 49S, 50P, 52D, 53S, 56D, 57P. (140)

Oct. 2021
38D, 39S, 41P, 42S, 46P, 46D, 47P, 48D, 49P, 49S, 54P, 55P, 56P, 56D, 57P, 59P, 59D, 60P, 60D, 64P, 43P, 44D, 48, 52D, 53P, 53D, 54D. Nice grades w/steps. 27 (167)

Annotations; wk (weak), nk (nck)s, scrt(s) (scratch)s, mk (mark), ov. (obverse), rv. (reverse), DE (die erosion), lam (lamination), L (luster) PL (prooflike), n (nick), b (bridge), lt (lite), g (gold), t (toned), scp (scrapes), hvy (heavy), c/steps (compensated), abr (abrasion) S-T (strike thru), ck (cheek)

58 coins w/opinions Oct 2021;
65 BS MS65 f/str steps, dpl, PL
66 BS MS64 m 4.5 dpl, De in hair
67 BS MS65 m+ QSC 3345 1 sm. nk, center str-thru, b's, almost FS, c spotting rv.
68D MS64/5 m/f 6535 QSC lt nk, lt. scrt ov.
69S MS63 f 6335 QSC n and ticks, lg mk on high ck bone.
70D MS64+ f/str lg S-T left of steps, PL. lg mk ov. Chick scrts rv.
70S MS63+ about 5 nks, nks ov. rv
71 MS64/5 f 6 sm hit, nks ov
71D MS63/5 w/E 6, flaw in hair
72 MS64+ E 6 lt t
72D MS65/4 E 5,25 mky rv
73 MS65 E 5.25, minor spotting
74 MS63 f 5, scrts on obv. and rev., marky.
74D MS64/5 f 5, scrt on coat, hit on chin
75 MS63/4 f 5, scrps on forehead and brow, scrth rv.
75D MS65 E -5 nk, die crack rv.
76 MS64+ f -5 str-thru and wk qrtr step under 3rd pillar, colorful
76D MS65 E -5 tick, 3 minor scrps ov, lt scrt l-field ov.
77 MS64+ E -5 wk quarter on 5th, L+, scrpe forehead, few mks.
77D MS64+ E 5.25, scrt hair, nks forehead
78 MS63/5 f 5.25, six sm scrps, deep scrt in field ov.
78-D MS64/5 f 5.25 scrps on coat
79 MS63/5 f 5 scrps on coat
79D MS64 m/f 5, de hair, spotty, L-
80P MS63/5 4.75 2 nks, wk quarter, scrps nks on ck and forehead
80D MS64 f 5 mks on high ck & rv field, scrp in hair.
81P MS63 w/f -5 b left side, long scrt in hair, de.
81D MS65 f -5 b
82P MS64 E 5.25, cuts, scrts
83P MS64/5 E 5,25, minor scrp, hits hair, not L, lt t
83D MS64/5 f 5
84P MS65 f 5.25
84D MS65 f 5.25 tick
85P MS64+ f 5.50. Mks, spot rv.
87P MS66 E 6
88P MS65 E 6, minor lt scat'd mks ov., t rv.
89P MS65+ E/str 6 PL
89D MS64+ E 5.75
90P MS65 E 6, scrt coat
91-P MS64 E -6, scrts on ck
91D MS65 E -6
92P MS65 E 6, tiny spot on ck
92D MS66 E 6
93P MS64/5 E 6
93D MS65/6 E 6
94D MS64 E 6 rough rim
95P MS65 E 6
95D MS65 E 6
96P MS65 E 6
96P MS65 E 6 lt scrts, nks on ck
96D MS66 E -6n
97-P MS64 E 6
98-D MS64 E 6 PL
99-P MS64+ E 6 spotty ov.
00D MS64 E 6 mky ov.
01D MS66 E 6
02P MS66 E 6
02D MS66 E 6 (226)

Feb 2022 21 coins
38D MS64 E 6545 QSC, t, subtle L-, 4 ov. mks. spots
39 r38 MS65/4 f 5445 QSC, lt. scrth hair, L, nice str.
39D r38 MS64+ f/E 6544 QSC rough, nks. hvy t ov., colorful rv., L-, ov. lathe lines.
39D r40 MS64 f -5.00 wk, hvy t, L-, nicely aged.
39S r38 MS64+ f 5445 QSC, mks ov. L, gold t.
40D MS65 f-/f 6, L, spots
40S MS64 f/w strike oddity.
41D MS65 f 5.25 T, L+
41D MS65 f 6. L+, SPL, lt. scrts ov. and rv.
41D MS64 f 6 L. De, possible D/D
41D MS63+ w/str c/6, de, L+, t
41D MS65+ m+ -6 lt scrt ov, de, SPL
41D MS66 f- 6, sm. scrt ov. field, SPL
42D MS64/5 f 6, mky ck, fields. lt. scrt rv. De, SPL
42D MS65+ f 6 Colorful t, rough ck, nk, scrps, sevl scrts rv.
42P MS65 f -5.25 nk, L+. lam rv., sm rim clip
42S 66/5 E steps b, L+ ov., t rv. $ dc
43P MS65+ E 5.50 lt mks, g periphl t, L+.
43P 64/5 f -6 tick b, L, mks portrait, lt. scrt coat, P/P
43P 66/7 E/str 4.50 brs, L+. Minor mks ck.
43D 65+ E 6 L+, mks, scrts ov. rv., lt. spot chk (247)
Box continues to Oct 2021 list above;

April 2022 66 coins w/opinions
44P 63+ f -6 nks, L, scrts ov. and rv. lt. mottle t, mky
44D 66 E -5.25 2nks spot, L+, 3 nks rv.
44D 65+ E 5.25 L+, 4-5 mks in hair, lg spot on UNITED
44D 66/65+ E 5.25 L+, lg mk rv., lam. ov?
45P 64+ f -5 wk/3rdP, L, lt T, mky
45D 64+ f -6 6th wk, L, 2n 2 scrps ov. 3-4 n rv.
47P 64/5 w/str -5nk lot of 6th, L, T, lg mks in hair
47P 64+/65 f -5.00 n b, L, lt. t
47D 65 f 5 L, minor mks
47D 64 m+ -6nk, L- DE
48D 64 f/m 5 L, lg mk ov
48S 64 m+ -5nk b, L/L- RPM-006 S/S Knobtail
48S 64 f -5 b, L, scrps/rubs ov., minor mks DPL, SPL, RPM-007 S/S Knobtail
49P 64+ m+/f -5wk nk, L-, t
49D 65 f -5nks, L, nice t, spotty ov.
50P 64 f steps nk wk, L-, flashy, hvy t
51P 64+ m+/f steps rough, L+, very nice, lg cut on ck
52P 63+ w/str c/steps nks, L-, t, mky
52D 64+ f/m str -5nk b, L-,
52S 63 m+ -5nk, L, 9-10 hvy mks most on rv.
54P 64 f -5 S-Ts, L, mky, spotty
55P 64+ f -5n b, L-, mky
55D 64+ m/w str c5544 QSC nks, L+, nice, wk details
55D 64 w/f c5534 nks b's, flat ear
58P 63w -5, nk, black
58P 63+ m+/f str 5 minor nk, SPL, nice for the date, t
58D 64+ f 5.50 DDR, L, t, hvy rv. nk, on nose, scp ov.
59P 64+ f 5 PL, gt
59D 64 m+/f 5 L
62P 64+ f 5 S-T, L,nice
63 64+ f -5nk b, lt. t
70S 65 f 5.50 b, lot of 6th, abr, SPL S-T ck
73d 65 E 5.25 L+
75P 65 f 5 tick, L
78D 64 f 5.50 mky, scrt, Raised spiral markings on coat
85P 64+ f 5.25 Rv77, HVY die polish lines ov. rv.
85D 66 E 5 5th thin under 3rd & 4th pillar
86D 65 E -5 tick/bump, Lt scrt coat
87D 65 E 5.50
88P 64+ E 5, PL, mky
88P 64/5 m+/f w-6, t
88P very worn dies, only 6th step shows. ?
90D 64+ E -6 SPL, minor mks
92D 63 E 6 PL scrts, mky
93P 64+ E 6 mky minor
93P 65 E 6 PL mky minor
93D 66 E 6
94P 66 E 6
94P 65 E 6 spot on ck
94D 64 m/str 6 mky, less than full strike, planchet irregularities
95P 65 E 6 PL
95P 66+ E 6 satin, very nice
95D 65+ E 6 PL
96D 67 E 6 PL
97P 67 E/str 6 lt t
98P 64 E 6 PL, lt g t, chicken scrts
98D 65 E 6 PL, minor lt. scrts
99P 65 E 6 minor marks
99D 65+ E 6
00D 65 E 6 strike-thru rv.
03D 65 E 6
2-06P 65 planchet irregularities in field
06P 66
06D 65 unusual weak steps
2019D PF67? Explore & Disc.

These 313 new coins are slowly being implemented into the collection, May keep them separate in their original holders/boxes.

The more qualities observed in a coin, the more desirable that coin becomes!

My Jefferson Nickel Collection


  • Very impressive. I do not think alot of people realize just how tough a nice FS set can be to assemble. IMHO the Jefferson nickel is one of the more underappreciated series.
  • coppercoinscoppercoins Posts: 6,084 ✭✭✭
    Wait till they change the design and the current Jeffersons start leaving circulation....you're sitting on the gold mine of gold mines. It just looks like a pile of rocks now (perverbially speaking).
    C. D. Daughtrey, NLG
    The Lincoln cent store:

    My numismatic art work:
    USAF veteran, 1986-1996 :: support our troops - the American way.
  • Nice Leo, I love your 53-s. -mark-
  • Hello, Leo -- Great collection! Do you prefer ANACS because they indicate the number of steps (i.e., 5, 5.5, 6 steps) and the other services don't?

  • leothelyonleothelyon Posts: 8,473 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I thank everyone for the nice comments.

    Someday, I hope I'll have a gold mine here.

    At one time, Anacs was the only one grading full steps. Pcgs (preferably) is not too far across the street.
    Where there are multiples for some dates, the better coin was listed first. Note the 43-S.


    The more qualities observed in a coin, the more desirable that coin becomes!

    My Jefferson Nickel Collection

  • RGLRGL Posts: 3,784
    Beautiful sets, Leo. I appreciate a good Jeff man and you certainly appear to be one. Congrats! image
  • GeminiGemini Posts: 3,085
    Leo it looks like you are taking steps image in the right direction. A very impressive collection.
    A thing of beauty is a joy for ever
  • Awesome collection Leo...what's next?
    1. 7-17-81 Warrenton GC Driver 310 yards 7th Hole (Par 4)
    2. 5-22-99 Warrenton GC 6 iron 189 yards 10th Hole
    3. 7-23-99 Oak Meadow CC 5 iron 180 yards 17th Hole
    4. 9-19-99 Country Lake GC 6 iron 164 yards 15th Hole
    5. 8-30-09 Country Lake GC Driver 258 yards 17th Hole (Par 4)

    Collector of Barber Halves, Commems, MS64FBL Frankies, Full Step Jeffersons & Mint state Washington Quarters

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