kr580: hey
NBAexpectations: hey what
kr580: are you on CU?
NBAexpectations: YA
kr580: whats ur name?
NBAexpectations: UWashington
NBAexpectations: haha
kr580: hey... Trev-Amen
NBAexpectations: HEY-- if you got somethin to say say it
kr580: got that holster on ur hip?
kr580: fer yer water pistol
NBAexpectations: hey little kid shut your face
NBAexpectations: everyone hates your 8 year old ass
NBAexpectations: dumbass
kr580: lol
i beg to differ
then he warned me to 20% and iggy'd me
NBAexpectations: hey what
kr580: are you on CU?
NBAexpectations: YA
kr580: whats ur name?
NBAexpectations: UWashington
NBAexpectations: haha
kr580: hey... Trev-Amen
NBAexpectations: HEY-- if you got somethin to say say it
kr580: got that holster on ur hip?
kr580: fer yer water pistol
NBAexpectations: hey little kid shut your face
NBAexpectations: everyone hates your 8 year old ass
NBAexpectations: dumbass
kr580: lol
i beg to differ
then he warned me to 20% and iggy'd me

And Btw: dont im me cuz kevin barlow SUCKS
<< <i>laff laff.... just to show hes childish... i hate you too ETH
eth? no eth here....
<< <i>And Btw: dont im me cuz kevin barlow SUCKS >>
so does the university of washington
Kingdom of Loathing Rocks!
<< <i>
<< <i>And Btw: dont im me cuz kevin barlow SUCKS >>
so does the university of washington >>
So does.....Punk Rock Hard Core Heavy Metal Rock Music....
<< <i>
<< <i>
<< <i>And Btw: dont im me cuz kevin barlow SUCKS >>
so does the university of washington >>
So does.....Punk Rock Hard Core Heavy Metal Rock Music.... >>
So does.....RAP
Kingdom of Loathing Rocks!
Kingdom of Loathing Rocks!
Kingdom of Loathing Rocks!
And Slip, he is a friend. Thats what friends do. And hes an actual friend, instead of this internet crap where they "think" they are friends.
Kingdom of Loathing Rocks!
<< <i>So why did he ever enter this post lol >>
Same reason yourself, biggamegil, me, and everyone else entered, it's a message board that gives EVERYBODY the equal opportunity to post freely.
Sweet Jesus that dude smells bad!
<< <i>Slipknot and playr050 seem to be the only people who have posted here who are over 12 years old. EHTHOCKEY seems cool too. >>
i'm 13
Sweet Jesus that dude smells bad!
<< <i>Shocker! >>