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Paul Pierce Finest refractor rc for trade

card is mint, but has no peel. bv $40. looking for a decent football card in return... prefer auto.

Let me know if interested.



  • 01
    Donruss Classics Eddie George STADIUM STARS SS-5
    UD Top Tier Torrance Marshall #265 (hand numbered RC w/letter of Authenticity from UD) 0218/1500
    UD Top Tier Sage Rosenfels #239 (hand numbered RC w/letter of Authenticity from UD) 1997/2500

    UD Rookie F/X Legends in the Making Junior Seau (white swatch) #LM-JrS
    Fleer Hot Prospects CLASS of 98 Griese/P Manning # 9 of 20 CO 707/750
    Fleer Hot Prospects Future Swatch Mike Williams (blue swatch) #88 0005/1000
    Fleer Hot Prospects Future Swatch Antonio Bryant (white swatch) #89 0280/1000
    Fleer Hot Prospects Hot Materials Ashley Lelie (blue swatch) #HM-AL
    Fleer Hot Prospects Hot Materials Jabar Gaffney (black swatch) #HM-JG

  • haliguyhaliguy Posts: 587 ✭✭
    Hi Ted,

    I think I might hang on and try to snag a decent auto with the Pierce... sorry.

    thanks for responding.
  • AllenAllen Posts: 7,165 ✭✭✭
    Interested in an Orlandis Gary Contenders Ticket RC auto?
  • I have this: I would add something else also!!!
    1997 Pinnacle Inscriptions autographs Kerry Collins #6 489/1300 $30

    Clearandvalid Tradelist

    Wantlist: V. Carter, Pierce, good basketball rookies and game used.

    Vince Carter RCs: 52.6% Done
    GU: 11 and counting

    Paul Pierce RCs: 63.2% Done
    GU: 6 and counting

    Refs: JRCCRUM, Kenny21, Tvoter, JSA, woodson24kg, mpsteelerfan and others
  • haliguyhaliguy Posts: 587 ✭✭
    clearandvalid - not big on Collins, sorry.

    Allen - sent pm.

    anyone else have football autos for trade??
  • Who would pull a peel of such a good card ... man
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