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Basketball tradelist


I trade this card for Darrell Armstrong, tony Parker, Tariq Abdul Wahad, Jerome Moiso or Autograph.


Battier Shane TCC 2001-02 Red
Bryant Kobe UD MVP 2002-03 Air Apparent
Bryant Kobe Hoops decade 1999-00 Draft Day Dominance
Bryant Kobe Flair showcase 1999-00 Elevators
Bryant Kobe UD MVP 2002-03 Rising to the occasion
Butler Caron UD MVP 2002-03 RC
Carter Vince UD MVP 2002-03 Air Apparent
Carter Vince UD MVP 2002-03 Basketball Diary
Carter Vince Topps 1998-99 Kick Start
Carter Vince UD MVP 2000-01 MVP Theatre
Carter Vince Triple Crown 2000-01 Triple threats
Carter Vince Hoops decade 1999-00 Up Tempo
Carter Vince UD MVP 2000-01 World Jam
Carter Vince Hoops 1999-00 Y2K
Garnett Kevin Ultra 2000-01 Air club for men
Garnett Kevin UD MVP 2002-03 Basketball Diary
Iverson Allen SP 1996-97 RC
Iverson Allen Ultra 1996-97 RC
Iverson Allen Hoops decade 1999-00 Up Tempo
Jordan Michael UD MVP 2002-03 Basketball Diary
Marbury Stephon UD MVP 2002-03 Basketball Diary
Marion Shawn UD MVP 2002-03 Rising to the occasion
McGrady Tracy Metal universe 1997-98 RC
McGrady Tracy Skybox 1997-98 RC
Miles Darius UD MVP 2002-03 Rising to the occasion
Miles Darius Upperdeck 2001-02 Sky High
Parker Tony Topps Chrome 2001-02 RC
O'Neal Shaquille Flair 2002-03 Court King
O'Neal Shaq Topps 1997-98 Inside stuff
O'Neal Shaq Topps 1997-98 Topps 40
Stackhouse Jerry Premium 2001-02 Commanding Respect
Stackhouse Jerry Topps Chrome 1997-98 Refractor
Wagner Dajuan UD MVP 2002-03 Classic
Woods Loren TSC 2001-02 Parrallele

Barkey Eric Ultimate victory 2000-01 RC 1106/1500 115
Bateer Mengke UD Flight team 2001-02 RC Cooper 107/125 98C
Borchardt Curtis Flair 2002-03 RC Class of 02 0361/1750 102
Brandon Terrell Authentix 2001-02 Second Row 138/200 2
Bryant Kobe SPx Finite 1998-99 Bronze 183/10000 50
Butler Caron Flair 2002-03 RC Class of 02 1742/1750 96
Carter Vince UD Hardcourt 1999-00 Baseline Grooves silver 313/500 53
Cook Omar Premium 2001-02 RC 1256/1500 174
Francis Steve Hoops Decade 1999-00 New Style paralele 0090/1989 1
Francis Steve Premium 2002-03 Skyiles 1928/2500 10
Garnett Kevin Hoops Decade 1999-00 Up tempo parallele 0235/1989 2
Hamilton Richard Premium 2002-03 Emeralds 157/300 EM40
Jackson Marc UD MVP 2002-03 Gold 051/100 109
Jamison Antawn Premium 2002-03 Emeralds 144/300 EM85
Johnson Joe UD Playmakers 2001-02 RC 787/999 140
Love Justin UD Slam 2000-01 Streight silver 436/500 90
Maggette Corey Hoops Decade 1999-00 New Style paralele 1514/1989 6
Mcilvaine Jim UD MVP 2000-01 Super script 7/25 108
Mihm Chris Game Time 2000-01 RC 0450/1500 96
Miller Mike UD Slam 2000-01 Streight silver 148/500 95
Miller Andre Hoops Decade 1999-00 New Style paralele 1791/1989 13
Olajuwon Hakeem Premium 2002-03 Emeralds 001/300 EM33
Payton Gary Upperdeck 2000-01 Gold 006/100 156
Ratliff Theo Premium 2001-02 Ruby 031/100 39
Redd Michael UD Slam 2000-01 Streight silver 217/500 85
Szczerbiak Wally EX 1999-00 RC 0920/3499 70
Szczerbiak Wally Hoops Decade 1999-00 New Style paralele 1366/1989 3
Trepagnier Jeff Premium 2001-02 RC 1266/1500 170
Watson Earl UD Playmakers 2001-02 RC 0492/1500 116
White Rodney Premium 2001-02 RC 1351/1500 181
Williams Franck Flair 2002-03 RC Class of 02 1249/1750 109

Game Used:
Billups Chauncey SP Game Used 2002-03 Jersey 59
Brand Elton Flair 2002-03 Court King Ball jersey 082/100ex MNO
Curry Eddie SP Game Used 2002-03 Jersey 12
Finley Michael Upperdeck 1999-00 Game jersey GJ58
Garnett Kevin UD MVP 2000-01 Game Used souvenirs KG
Haywood Brandan SP Game Used 2002-03 All Star apparel KA-AS
Hunter Steven Sweet Shot 2001-02 Signature Shot HU-S
Jones Eddie SP Game Floor 2000-01 Authentic Floor JE
Mashburn Jamal UD Sweet shot 2001-02 Sweat shot jersey 5 colors JM
Mihm Chris SP Game Used 2002-03 Jersey 17
Miles Darius SP Game Used 2002-03 Jersey 39
Miller Mike Showcase 2001-02 Beasts of the East MNO
Miller Mike Sweet Shot 2001-02 Sweat shot jersey MM
Miller Andre SP Game Used 2002-03 Jersey 16
Mutombo Dikembe SP Game Floor 2000-01 Authentic Floor all star MT
Stackhouse Jerry Flair 2002-03 Court King Jersey MNO
Stackhouse Jerry Ultra 2002-03 Back 2 Back Jersey 108/500 MNO
Walker Antoine SP Game Used 2002-03 Jersey 4

Darrell Armstrong Ultimate collector

See my great collection on my website http://www.darrell10.com
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