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any one know where i can find a................

psa 9 98-99 sp authentic mike bibby, al harrrington, larry hueghs, ricky davis, or michael olowkandi for trade??? lmk because im missing those from my set.
My New Site
Only Looking for Caron Butler right now or stuff to improve my tradelist


  • what about bgs 8 bibby?

    trade refs on CU: Udwashington,cardjunkie3, chipperedredwolf,rbarra, big shane,dmiles89

    Lookin for garnett,tmac,and especially Olajuwon gu/auto or rcs. will trade up to 1.5 book for olajuwon SOMETIMES
  • im tring to get the whole set with psa 9 rcs only cuz i had the set then i got it graded and the bibby, hueghs, and davis got an 8, and the harrington and olowkandi got a psa 10 so i need them 2 be psa 9
    My New Site
    Only Looking for Caron Butler right now or stuff to improve my tradelist
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