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I've said for awhile now that Tracy McGrady is the better player between him and Kobe Bryant. Unfortunately Kobe seems to get more credit because of having Shaq and winning 3 titles. T-Mac was just the better player tonight and Orlando lead the entire game to end up winning 112 - 102

Pat Garrity also hit 2 three-pointers -- hmm.. I wonder where he learned that from

GO MAGIC! image
"There is a reason hidden behind everything we do in life" - Me
"We always strive toward perfection, even though we can never achieve it"
"Joy wouldn't feel so good if it weren't for Pain."


  • Stick a fork in the Lakers cause' they're done.image
    Culpepper to ?, only God knows at this point!
  • GO MAGIC!!!......I watched that whole game.....it was great!!!!!
  • for the love of god, shut up.
  • I think this TGray has been hanging around T1Mac too much. All T1Mac could talk about were wristbands and all TGray can talk about is how "HE" taught Pat Garrity to shoot 3's. What a joke. BTW, the Magic are really smoking this year aren't they? What are they now like 1 game over .500?
  • man i think yall need to stop hating on Tgray, i know your jealous you dont have shot like Tgray but hey you got Game used cards image
    and yes the magic are better than the lakers, oh yeah what are the lakers 5-11? yeah thats what i thought.
    cause they suck, and the magic only have a bad record cause look at there schedule.
    Just shows that the magic would give the lakers a run for there money, but thats not happening they wont get past the kings... image

    BTW having wristbands are cooler than little gu cards so thats a good reason to brag, and he didnt bust them out of 25 dollar guaranteed gu packs image
  • lol quicksilver
  • Quiksilvers only comeback is aaaawwww........shutup...then that loser Washington laughs like it was hilurious
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