I am going to a card show on saturday, anything i can pick up for you?

Let me know of specific cards you want in the basketball department. I dont want any answers of tmac or jrich or anything like that because i just want a specific list.
Rest in peace Josh, we'll all miss you
thats baseball, and have everything buy bkb for trade...lmk thanks
Only Looking for Caron Butler right now or stuff to improve my tradelist
Please visit my page at http://groups.msn.com/JonsCardCollection or e-mail me at ss_jon@hotmail.com
heres the list of what i have:
Brand and Year Number
2001 Bowman 194
2001 Crown Royale 21st Century Rookies 1
2001 Crown Royale Rookie Signatures 3
2001 Fleer Authority Prominence 75 132
2001 Fleer Focus 194
2001 Fleer Glossy Rookie Minis 423
2001 Fleer Legacy 108
2001 Fleer Legacy Triple Threads BBJ
2001 Fleer Legacy Triple Threads TBH
2001 Fleer Rookie Retro Threads 1
2001 Fleer Rookie Retro Threads 2
2001 Fleer showcase 147
2001 Pacific Dynagon Retail 112
2001 Pacific Impressions 204
2001 Pacific Impressions Hobby Red Backs 204
2001 Pacific Impressions Premiere Date 204
2001 Pacific Prism Atomic Red 190
2001 Pacific Titanium Players Fantasy 23
2001 Pacific Titanium Post Season 79
2001 Playoff Absolute Memorabilia 163
2001 Press Pass 18
2001 Press Pass Breakout B15
2001 Press Pass Gold Zone 18
2001 Press Pass SE 18
2001 Press Pass Torquers 18
2001 Quantum Leaf 217
2001 Score 290
2001 SPx Winning Materials /500 WMKB
2001 Topps 375
2001 Topps Chrome Combos TC4
2001 Topps Combos TC4
2001 Topps Debut 122
2001 Topps Heritage 117
2001 Topps Reserve Mini Helmet Autographs 2
2001 UD Game Gear 100
2001 Upper Deck MVP 296
2001 Upper Deck Ovation Rookie Gear RKB
2001 Upper Deck Top Tier /2000 229
2001 Upper Deck Victory 418
2001 Upper Deck Vintage 255
2001 Upper Deck Vintage Threads KBVT
2001-02 Topps Finest Pro Bowl 2002 16
2002 Donruss 167
2002 Fleer Authentix 99
2002 Fleer Authentix Second Row 99
2002 Fleer Focus JE 36
2002 Fleer Focus JE Jersey Numbers /32 36
2002 Fleer Focus JE Jersey Numbers Century /132 36
2002 Fleer Maximum 69
2002 Fleer Tiffany 200
2002 Pacific 378
2002 Playoff Prestige 123
2002 Playoff Prestige Sophomore Signatures SS23
2002 Score 198
2002 Topps Debut 74
2002 Upper Deck MVP 209
you don't have to, but would appreaciate it if you would
"he is the best wide reciever in the game"- TERREL OWENS