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suggestions on real meaning of SEGS slab

The slab has a grade of XF-40 scratched. I have never seen the term "scratched" before on a slab. Are they attempting to break out different levels of cleaning?

Any circ coin would be "scratched" so I can't see their point. Any suggestions?

[/L]auction pic


  • That's one of SEGS' flawed label slabs. SEGS and ANACS will slab flawed coins - it appears that SEGS keeps the original grade of the coin and puts a different label on the coin, while ANACS, more correctly I think, will give the original grade, then net grade the coin based on the damage.

  • ANACS and PCI regularly place adjectives such as 'scratched' or 'cleaned' or 'rim ding' for a net graded or red label coin. The scratch much be deep enough to warrant comment.


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