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Autographed Memorabilia FS/FT...

This is a list of auto'd memorabilia out of both my collection and my local dealer... all the autos are gaurenteed authentic... if you need a picture... just let me know... I will probably be taking pictures of most of the stuff tommorrow anyway...

if interested in anything just let me know

Jerry Rice Auto'd 49ers Riddell Micro (about 4" tall) Helmet ... 37.00 shipped SOLD
Barry Zito Auto'd Official American League Baseball ... 18.00 shipped
Gilbert Arenas Auto'd Rawlings NCAA Final Four I/O Basketball... 30.00 shipped SOLD
Charlie Garner Auto'd Philadelphia Eagles Replica Jersey... 30.00 shipped SOLD
Bobby Estalella + other sigs Auto'd Reading Phillies Baseball Bat... 15.00 shipped SOLD
Barry Zito Auto'd Diamond Authentic Card #'d 466/2000... 6.00 shipped
Willis Reed Auto'd 8x10 Photo... 7.00 shipped
Rasheed Wallace Auto'd 8x10 Photo... 10.00 shipped
TonyDelk Auto'd 8x10 Photo... 7.00 shipped SOLD
Anfernee "Penny" Hardaway auto'd 93-94 UD Oversized Card... 7.00 shipped SOLD
Michael Finley Auto'd 8x10 Photo... 12.00 shipped SOLD
John Wooden Auto'd Business Card w/ Pyramid of Success... 6.00 shipped
01 Donruss Studio Cliff Floyd Signing Bonus 5x7 (?) Auto... 8.00 shipped SOLD
Joe Carter Auto'd Authentic Blue Jays Hat... 12.00 shipped
95 Sig Rookies SR Force Kevin Garnett Auto'd Card... 10.00 shipped SOLD

Below are all Auto'd Mini Pennants:
Mark Grace (Cubs)... 5.00 shipped SOLD
Peter Warrick (Bengals)... 4.00 shipped SOLD
Chris Chambers (Dolphins)... 5.00 shipped SOLD
Tom Glavin (Braves)... 10.00 shipped
Curt Schilling (D'Backs)... 10.00 shipped SOLD
Mark Mulder/Barry Zito (A's)... 15.00 shipped SOLD
Drew Henson (Yankees)... 6.00 shipped SOLD
Pat Burrell (Phillies)... 6.00 shipped
Cliff Floyd (Red Sox)... 6.00 shipped SOLD
Cal Ripken Jr. (Orioles)... 20.00 shipped
Earl Cambell (Oilers)... 10.00 shipped
Gene Upshaw (Raiders)... 7.00 shippped
Vitaley Potapenko (Cavs)... 3.00 shipped

more will be added within the next few days image

Check out my Ebay Auctions for more Auto's
Looking for Penn State autographs/memorabilia/cards/etc

WANTED: Yogi Berra Signed Ron Lewis '69 Mets Postcard


  • ps... I would much rather sell these items... but if I have to trade it is only for the things in my sig image
    Looking for Penn State autographs/memorabilia/cards/etc

    WANTED: Yogi Berra Signed Ron Lewis '69 Mets Postcard
  • kr580kr580 Posts: 4,420 ✭✭
    do you have a pic of the Jerry Rice?
  • yea i can get one... ill get it uploaded tommorrow afternoon probably
    Looking for Penn State autographs/memorabilia/cards/etc

    WANTED: Yogi Berra Signed Ron Lewis '69 Mets Postcard
  • how was the Ripken auto obtained?If you could scan and post it here or e-mail it to me that would be cool
    Taylor28jag,mikefromchester ,sjrpipm,Mars2001,naturlbrntrder,Hitechkoolaid
    Dallas822 ,KFC,Bjork73,joestalin,dirtmonkey,Bobstar,Euphoria18,Injun01,Dewey
  • yea i can get you a pic... i just gotta upload it to webshots... ill probably have pics of almost everything by tonight

    oh and it was obtained personally from Cal by my local dealer after a Baltimore Orioles game during that time when he would stay after every game and sign for anyone who stayed around... ill get that pic for you as soon as i can image
    Looking for Penn State autographs/memorabilia/cards/etc

    WANTED: Yogi Berra Signed Ron Lewis '69 Mets Postcard
  • Sounds cool...Do you deal with this card dealer often???

    LMK when you send the Mulder auto card
    Taylor28jag,mikefromchester ,sjrpipm,Mars2001,naturlbrntrder,Hitechkoolaid
    Dallas822 ,KFC,Bjork73,joestalin,dirtmonkey,Bobstar,Euphoria18,Injun01,Dewey
  • Pictures of some of the Autos

    there you go... I updated my webshots page with some of the pics...

    Rob: yea i deal with him all the time. we are very good friends and i just started working for him to help him try and clear out a lot of his inventory, since he just moved to a new shop up in State College. and your Mulder went out in todays mail image
    Looking for Penn State autographs/memorabilia/cards/etc

    WANTED: Yogi Berra Signed Ron Lewis '69 Mets Postcard
  • baird check your PM from me, get back to me ASAP, I won't be on in 10-20 min & all of tom.
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