Beta on Free Coin software to end soon!
Our "beta test" quota is getting close to being filled. If you are interested in helping us create the very best coin collecting program, please hurry and either download the software from our server at install it and register on-line, or if your download is too slow, please advise your mailing address and we will send you a cd-rom with the software and a preliminary manual at no cost. The software will cost $79.95 after Jan 31, 2003. If you test the software and register, and let us have your comments and ideas on how to improve it, what is wrong with it, what you would like to have in features, etc., after the beta period, your software will converted a full license and you will be able to continue to use and receive updates free permanently. You can run the program without registering it, but if you want the updates you must register.
U.S. coin collector since 1943. Have tried desperatly to keep every coin that has come to hand, but unfortunately, some got away.