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not bad mail today :0)

01-02 honor roll parker/kidd 1 on 1 jersey 0194/1000
01-02 e-x darius miles credentials future memoribilia 13/42
02-03 ultra darius miles "O" gu -warm up

not bad image



  • wow like we all really care.go take care of your child and leave this board to the folks with manners.
  • man chill out carddevil, other people post there mail days!! i mean there probably isnt a member on this board who hasnt posted a non-buy/sell/trade thread on this entire board!! If it doesn't involve you, you my as well stay out of other people's posts. It is one of 2 things, you are trying to be a jacka$$ or got kicked off and your coming back trying to screw with other people, I'm sure the 2nd one is it!! So just chill out man, and show some courtesy!! I know you'll try to come back at me with some vulgar things, but go right ahead, if that's the case you won't last long on here, as was the case with people many times before!!
    Looking for all Tracy McGrady Cards, even base.
    Looking for ALL Autos of Qyntel Woods, even multiples.
    Looking for ALL Autos of Lamar Odom

    image#1 Qyntel Woods Collectorimage
  • god bless you joe benson.may you find peace and happiness in every aspect of life.
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