Mike Sherman and Tom Rossley should be fired right now, that playcalling was horrid

If anyone here watched the Tampa game you saw that, the play calling was absolutely TERRIBLE. Absolutely pathetic. I called it earlier in the year, there were instances where Sherman used this stupid "prevent" offense. You know what im talking about, concerned more about field position and just not turning it over than focused on actually trying to win the game. The first few drives the Pack looked very good, and yet Sherman and Rossley turned away from it and started to be more concerned about field position. The Packers are a team that makes plays, not that waits for plays to happen, like the Bucs. Instead of actually trying to win the game, Sherman decided to play the conservative field position game, which doesn't work. I mean favre is the best QB in the league with the 2 minute offense at the end of the first half. But what does he do? Run 3 straight running plays and eventually they punt, allow a big gain, and allow a score. When you go in and play the Bucs game, you are going to LOSE. If the Bucs had played the packers game, trying to make plays, they would have lost. Stick with what your team is good at Sherman, or you will soon be packing your bags. BTW: What was with Terry Glenn today? Lollygagging around, causing INTs, that was ridiculous. Embarassing, simply embarassing. But I called it, I said that this kind of playcalling would cost us the game and it did.
Always looking to trade for: Good Rookies, Bonds, Boxes, Good GU, Good Autos. E-mail czimme7777@aol.com
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Looking for Marino, Ripken Auto's,Gu & Rc's
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The Greatest Players in the History of Pro Football
The Greatest Players in the History of Pro Football
The Greatest Players in the History of Pro Football
that is going to make his march to the super bowl tough seeing that the road will go through
We saw that the Saints are a .500 team without Deuce and we will see that Philly is a joke
without McNabb. Are you going to bet that fruitty Garcia is going to get it done?? Amdit it, you all
underestimated the Bucs big time and are now trying to make yourselves look better.
I was the only one here who believed in the Bucs, you can check the past posts on that one, Now
they are proving it!
The Greatest Players in the History of Pro Football