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02/03 rookies FOR trade

Topps Coast to Coast T Mac #CC1
Topps VERTICALITY Vince Carter #V3
Topps Drew Godden #188
Topps Nikoloz Tskitishvili #189
Topps Chris Wilcox #192
UD MVP Antonio Davis GU W-U #AD-W
UD MVP GOLD Bonzi Wells #149(048/100)
UD MVP Bsk Diary Pau Gasol #B6
UD MVP Air Apparent Vince Carter #A4
UD MVP Air Apparent Jason Richardson #A7
Ultra Back 2 Back Elton Brand #8 of 18(0239/1000)
UD Hardcourt Jason Kidd Game Floor/Game Film #JK-FF
UD Hardcourt Rashard Lewis Game Floor #RL-F
Ovation John Stockton Shooting Shirt #JS-S $15.
Ovation Quintin Richardson warm-ups #QR-W $12.
Ovation Predrag Savovic LEVEL 2 #1005/2999
Hardcourt Fred Jones Hardcourt Futures #0429/1999
Hardcourt Jiri Welsch Hardcourt Futures #1731/1999
Hardcourt Frank Williams Hardcourt Futures #1006/1999
MVP Jason Kidd Rising to the Occasion #R6
MVP Allen Iverson MVP MOMENTS #M3
Ultra Hidayet Turkoglu GOLD MEDALLION #17
FLEER Redemption Card #137
MVP Amare Stoudemire #208
MVP Mike Dunleavy #214
Topps Darius Miles VERTICALITY #V2
Topps Vince Carter/Morris Peterson TOP TANDEMS #TT8
FLEER Dirk Nowitzki SKYLINES 6 of 19SL 0945/2500
Topps Ray Allen / Glen Robinson TOP TANDEMS #TT9
FLEER Premium COURT COLLECTION Abdur-Rahim(black swatch)
FLEER Genuine ON THE UP Marcus Fizer #12 of 15 (1:216 packs)
OVATION Dual Warm-up Jersey Pierce/Walker #PP/AW $50
Hoops Hot Prospects Hot Materials Jersey card of Kareem Rush #HM-KR(>1)
Topps Marcus Haislip #197
Topps Mike Dunleavy #187
MVP Mike Dunleavy #214
UD Hardcourt Futures Fred Jones #95 0429/1999
Topps Melvin Ely #196
MVP Melvin Ely #198
Topps Amare Stoudemire #193
MVP Amare Stoudemire #208
Topps Drew Gooden #188
MVP Drew Gooden #194
Topps Chris Wilcox #192
Topps Juan Dixon #201
MVP Juan Dixon #197
Topps Jared Jeffries #195
MVP Jared Jeffries #207
Ovation Level 1 Jared Jeffries #129 1520/1999
Topps Nikoloz Tskitisvili #189
MVP Nikoloz Tskitisvili #217
Topps Bostjan Nachbar #199
MVP Bostjan Nachbar #218
UD Hardcourt Futures Frank Williams #98 1006/1999
Topps Ryan Humphrey #203
MVP Ryan Humphrey #212
UD Hardcourt Futures Jiri Welch #93
MVP Jiri Welch #213
PressPass Big Numbers Steve Logan BN 16/27
PressPass Big Numbers Frank Williams BN 16/27
PressPass Big Numbers Vincent Yarbrough BN 16/27
PressPass Jiri Welch (RED)#T29

UD Black Diamond SHAQ A Piece of History GU Ball #SO $50.
Fleer Triple Crown SHAQ Scoring Kings GU Ball 092/100 $60.
Topps Chrome Allen Iverson #93 REFRACTOR $24.
Fleer Feel the Game Lamar Odom (white swatch) $15.
Fleer Feel the Game Lamar Odom (red swatch) $15
Fleer AUTOGRAPHICS Lamar Odom (blue ink) $15.
Fleer Rookie Reflections Lamar Odom (black swatch) 16 of 22 RR $15.
Press Pass Darius Miles #6
Press Pass SE Darius Miles #2
Press Pass Breaking Away Darius Miles #BA 6
Press Pass On Fire Darius Miles #OF 2
Topps Darius Miles #127
Topps Tip Off Darius Miles #127
Topps NO LIMITS Darius Miles #NL15
Topps Xpectation Lamar Odom Class Challenge (blue swatch) CC-LO $15.
Topps Xpectation Lamar Odom Class Challenge (red swatch) CC-LO $15.
Fleer Game Time Uniformity Lamar Odom (Red Swatch) $15.
UD Black Diamond GAME GEAR Terrell Brandon (silver swatch) $15.
Fleer Premium Premium Performers Jason Terry (red Swatch) $15.
Playmaker Eddie Griffin AU Bobble head
UD Ovation Superstar Warm Up Michael Finely (blue Swatch) # MF $15.
Fleer G of G Feel the Game Hardwood Classic Jalen Rose GU Court
Fleer Genuine UPSTART JRich #125 74/1000 $40.
TSC Maximus Rejectus Darius Miles #MR 5
UD Flight Team Rookie Air Primoz Brezec #95 150/500
UD Flight Team Rookie Air Jarron Collins #104 401/500
UD Flight Team Rookie Air HIGH CLASS Predrag Drobnjak #116 068/125
UD Flight Team Rookie Air Jason Collins #123 133/375
EX Behind The Numbers Jason Kidd (black swatch) $30.
UD Flight Patterns Andre Miller #AM (black swatch) $15.
Play Makers Player's Club Warm Up Joe Smith #JS-W 232/350
UD Flight Team 2 the Air Allen Iverson (white swatch & 76ers Floor) #2 AI 079/100 $80.
TCC Challenging the Champ Tim Duncan #CC-TD (Black swatch) $30.
02 Topps Chrome "Team Topps jersey edition" Shaq (black patch)#TT-SO(x2) $60.

TSC Stadium Club All Stars Mike Piazza (grey swatch) #SCAS-MP 1054/1200
Fleer Triple Crown Season Crowns Randy Johnson (grey w/ purple pinstripe)

Donruss Classics Eddie George STADIUM STARS SS-5
UD Top Tier Torrance Marshall #265 (hand numbered RC w/letter of Authenticity from UD) 0218/1500
UD Top Tier Sage Rosenfels #239 (hand numbered RC w/letter of Authenticity from UD) 1997/2500

UD Rookie F/X Legends in the Making Junior Seau (white swatch) #LM-JrS
Fleer Hot Prospects CLASS of 98 Griese/P Manning # 9 of 20 CO 707/750
Fleer Hot Prospects Future Swatch Mike Williams (blue swatch) #88 0005/1000
Fleer Hot Prospects Future Swatch Antonio Bryant (white swatch) #89 0280/1000
Fleer Hot Prospects Hot Materials Ashley Lelie (blue swatch) #HM-AL
Fleer Hot Prospects Hot Materials Jabar Gaffney (black swatch) #HM-JG

Yao Ming
Kareem Rush
Jay Williams
Caron Butler
Dajuan Wagner
Nene Hilario
Curtis Borchardt

Looking to trade similar value cards, not looking for 100 $1 cards for 1 $100 card......


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