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Now I know why CU is so dead

I tried to turn two friends on to CU. They both registered over a week ago, and neither has gotten their password yet. This is absolutely absurd; why in the world does it take this long? I understand the need to screen for troublemakers coming back, but my friends are to the point of saying the heck with it, and I can't argue with them. Wonder how many potential users do the same?


  • It will take another couple weeks they have been taking their time. I have a buddy waiting now it's been 3 weeks for him ..............
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  • When I first stumbled upon the site and joined it was a month and I had'nt heard anything.I was browsing the site one day and noticed that they had a profile up for me giving my name,email,aim info etc. Yet I still had'nt been given acces to the site.I wrote them a nasty email telling them that if it had been decided that I was'nt 'approved' for the site I saw no reason why they should publicly share my info on a site i can't access,1 hour later they emailed an apology and a password.You may tell your friends to check the sn they joined under and see if it's listed and sharing their info as well and have them contact CU accordingly.

    And the oddest thing of all is ,My first attempt at joining was with my isp registered paid email addy where it was easy to confirm i was whi i said I was.It never got accepted it was only when i tried joining with a generic yahoo address that i was allowed in,Very strange for a site that must 'approve' memberships.
  • I'm going to check it out, how can I see if they're screen names are on here?
  • I also cannot understand:

    1. What CU is checking (Ip address? that should take about 10 minutes)
    2. Why it takes so long.

    There are plenty of comparable trading sites out there, is it really smart to make new users wait several weeks? If that had been the case when I joined, I would have found another site and said the heck with it.
  • TOP...moderators, care to offer an explanation here?
  • kr580kr580 Posts: 4,420 ✭✭
    ask ur friends the names they signed up as & do a search here.... very bottom
  • Both of them showed up as users here (the names are Encapsulator and KingCobra). Neither ever got a password. Now what?
  • kr580kr580 Posts: 4,420 ✭✭
    email CU...
  • I had them send emails last night, they are both listed as members but still no passwords. I guess CU is more than happy to have the extra members to bulk up there numbers, but can't actually be bothered to send passwords out. I mean seriously, what do these mods do all day? Is 8 eight hours not enough during the workday to allow a few people in and delete a few posts?
  • Update, neither guy has recieved his password, which continues to raise the question: what in the heck do these moderators do all day?
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