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Favorite Pitchers

I collect cards of these players: Mike Hampton , Ripken , Chipper Jones, A-Rod, Ivan Rodreguez, Derek Jeter, Game-Used & Auto of any Sport. [IMG]C:My Documentsjerome.jpg[IMG]


  • No Rocket? Tsk Tsk, this should be a write-in vote. But off that list, I'll go with Pedro, he's more of an Expo than the Big Lurch was. image
  • No Nolan Ryan shame shame on you !!!!!!!!!!!!

    No right in vote needed Ryan !!!!!!!!
    Ref's many

    Looking for Marino, Ripken Auto's,Gu & Rc's

  • only current players on the list
    I collect cards of these players: Mike Hampton , Ripken , Chipper Jones, A-Rod, Ivan Rodreguez, Derek Jeter, Game-Used & Auto of any Sport. [IMG]C:My Documentsjerome.jpg[IMG]
  • Even though he's had some injures lately I've always loved watching Andy Pettite pitch. Anyone got GU/autos of him FT?
    I'm looking for anything Yanks, any baseball autos, and much much more on my site. Thanks.


    AIM- westlandcougars1

    My Site
  • i'd be a little upset if i was an A's fan and saw this poll lol

    no Zito, no Hudson

    Nomo ?????????????
  • I would vote for Maddux but since his name wasn't spelled right I guess I can't vote.
  • What about CC Sabathia?
    Looking for 87 Fleer Glossy Bonds and 86 Topps Traded Tiffany Bonds
    Ref's available
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