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Shiz...what a night...I was in a car accident...ugh, not so cool

...i was going out to dinner with a friend at about 6, and on the way, this car cut off the car in front of us, and that car stopped short, and we rear-ended him...we prolly hit the dude at about 30 mph, the guy was almost still...it was some old couple, and the lady said her neck hurt...me and my friend werent hurt, except for a few minor bruises. the front of our car was totalled, including a flat tire...the guy we hit had a dent in his back bumper... i wasnt driving, my friend was, and man did his dad come down on him...big tough ass guy, crying his eyes out...his dad took away his license, and his insurance will prolly double, if not more...i feel like crap, and i feel even worse for him...night peeps, im tired and dont feel so well...


  • << <i>...i was going out to dinner with a friend at about 6, and on the way, this car cut off the car in front of us, and that car stopped short, and we rear-ended him...we prolly hit the dude at about 30 mph, the guy was almost still...it was some old couple, and the lady said her neck hurt...me and my friend werent hurt, except for a few minor bruises. the front of our car was totalled, including a flat tire...the guy we hit had a dent in his back bumper... i wasnt driving, my friend was, and man did his dad come down on him...big tough ass guy, crying his eyes out...his dad took away his license, and his insurance will prolly double, if not more...i feel like crap, and i feel even worse for him...night peeps, im tired and dont feel so well... >>

    and since he rear ended a car, they will most likely place the blame on him.
  • Glad to hear you weren't seriously hurt.the State might pull his license depending on how long he's had it
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  • Yea, it really sucks. Last year as we were pulling to a stop at a stoplight some moron cut me off so I had to slam on me breaks, causing my wheels to lock, which made my car just glide. Had no traction at all (wet out). And what sucks is I didnt hit the guy, he pulled out of there just in time for me to hit the guy I was following. Of course who gets the blame? Me. At least I am in Wisconsin, where they are allowed to pslit up the fault. Its not like 100% or 0% at fault like some other states. My insurance definately went up, but I wonder what it would have been if I was charged as being 100% at fault. And the police believed I wasnt at fault at all cause they never issued me a citation. Really sucks when others cause accidents and other drivers have to take the rap
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  • They are not going to pull his license for getting in an accident going 30 mph, unless he has had speeding tickets or other moving violations before
    Always looking to trade for: Good Rookies, Bonds, Boxes, Good GU, Good Autos. E-mail czimme7777@aol.com

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  • Some dummy in rush hour traffic decided to stop short at bumper to bumper almost, they had about 20-25 feet in front of them to go and BAM, just stopped causing me to hit them at about 5 mph.. No injuries, no damage at all to my car, and a small nick on their bumper -- but still that's my fault, sheesh! Ever since then I always felt like stopping short like that moron just so someone else can get the blame, kinda balance things out image -- only kidding, of course I'd never do that.
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  • That sucks, but the rule usually is the person who rear-ends someone is at fault-glad you both are ok.
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  • thanks guys...feeling a lil better this morning, still a lil shaken and banged up...my friend is so screwed, if the state doesnt take his license, im sure his parents will. by law, since he rear-ended someone, it is his fault...but he definitly couldnt have forseen that a-hole cutting the car in front of off....again, thanks for the good words guys, appreciate it.
  • hey wouldnt get the blame. the car that cut off the other car will get most of it.
  • sorry to hear about your accident Brett but im glad your o.k image

  • << <i>hey wouldnt get the blame. the car that cut off the other car will get most of it. >>

    that car sped off and we have no clue who the guy is or what the car looked like other than that it was white...

    thanks dave image
  • Dang, maybe that same driver that cut me off moved to where you live. My accident was also caused by some white car that cut me off and then sped away before we could get a license #. And your friend will only be totally at fault if your state has a 100% at fault rule. Since the other car was cut off im sure they told the police that. However, the problem is if he hit the other car that meant he was following too close (mine I wasnt too close cause I was slowing down and was not gonna be even close to hitting him, then the guy cut me off and i slammed and locked the brakes, causing me to glide, thats why I wasnt issued a citation for following too close or driving unsafe for conditions or whatever)
    Always looking to trade for: Good Rookies, Bonds, Boxes, Good GU, Good Autos. E-mail czimme7777@aol.com

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