quick list of cards for trade.

02-03 ud ovation chris wilcox rc
98-99 ud ovation vince carter rc
01-02 topps pristine shane battier rc
01-02 topps chrome pau gasol rc/refractor
01-02 fleer exclusive zach randolph rc/patch 2 color
01-02 fleer exclusive A. Kirilenko rc/patch 2 color
01-02 ud sweet shot rookie memoribilia A. Kirilenko rc
98-99 skybox molten metal vince carter rc psa 9
looking for 01-02 fleer exclusive rc's, 02-03 hhp rc's, graded carter rookies... and most decent offers.. also looking for some 01-02 spx jsy/auto rc's...
98-99 ud ovation vince carter rc
01-02 topps pristine shane battier rc
01-02 topps chrome pau gasol rc/refractor
01-02 fleer exclusive zach randolph rc/patch 2 color
01-02 fleer exclusive A. Kirilenko rc/patch 2 color
01-02 ud sweet shot rookie memoribilia A. Kirilenko rc
98-99 skybox molten metal vince carter rc psa 9
looking for 01-02 fleer exclusive rc's, 02-03 hhp rc's, graded carter rookies... and most decent offers.. also looking for some 01-02 spx jsy/auto rc's...
"Stop talking, negotiating,
Your feeble attempts at world peace
Give me a %#@*ing break
Need worldwide genocide, planetary suicide
And when the whole damn world is dead
there's your %#@*ing peace"