I ripped 12 packs of Hoops Hot Prospects....

Too bad they were retail packs, would have got 4 game used if hobby. But anyway, I got the following rookies:
Dan Dickau RC 469/900
Rasual Butler RC **ERROR**(see below) 1103/1500
The Butler does not have the stamping on the front of it. The Dickau, like all other cards, has the silver name and team along with a silver hot prospects and the hot prospects stamp. The Butler does not have any of those things and the name and team are white.
I also got some nice base cards and a Supreme Court card of Qyntel Woods and two Class of...
LMK if you want any of this.
Dan Dickau RC 469/900
Rasual Butler RC **ERROR**(see below) 1103/1500
The Butler does not have the stamping on the front of it. The Dickau, like all other cards, has the silver name and team along with a silver hot prospects and the hot prospects stamp. The Butler does not have any of those things and the name and team are white.
I also got some nice base cards and a Supreme Court card of Qyntel Woods and two Class of...
LMK if you want any of this.
60+ sucessful trades on here.